
This website exists as

  • a chronological account of the 168 species required to achieve 7000 species on my PSL
  • a (hopefully) mildly interesting and occasionally entertaining nature blog 
  • a vehicle to enthuse others to enter the world of pan-species listing...
  • ...whilst keeping myself enthused to continue doing something that I love and enjoy

By way of an introduction, I am a lifelong naturalist, currently living on a large Scottish island, who tends to move around far too frequently to put down roots. Being a passionate pan-species lister, I am interested in all species living at large in Britain and its coastal waters, whether they be natives, recently arrived colonists, lost vagrants, hot-house denizens, naturalised garden escapes or invasive aliens. My main interest currently lies in all things botanical and I thoroughly enjoy square-bashing and plant-twitching, whether alone or in company, as well finding plenty of my own stuff of course. I have found a very small fistful of species new to Britain, two of them from here on Skye.

At the time of writing (mid-October 2023) I am at 6832 species and I anticipate reaching a PSL of 7000 sometime around the middle of next year.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Seth, Mike Wall (mike@hantsmoths.org.uk), county moth recorder for Hampshire here. I was idly browsing your list on BUBO to see what the no.1 in the PSL world had in the way of moths, and in particular, found in Hampshire. I see you have 21 species in the county, but I don't have records for any of them. I would appreciate having any details you can supply of your records in the county. Mike


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