Lifers 2017

 Breakdown of the 355 species added to my PSL in 2017 

Algae 35, Slime Moulds 1, Lichens 23, Fungi 49, Bryophytes 32, Plants 72, Molluscs 12, Bryozoans 2, Annelids 4, Platyhelminths 2, Nemerteans 1, Arachnids 10, Myriapods 3, Crustaceans 3, Springtails 1, Hymenoptera 13, Hemiptera 12, Coleoptera 21, Diptera 35, Moths 19, Stoneflies 3, Caddisflies 1, Stick Insects 1 and Fish 2. 

243 of these lifers came from my home monad NG3963. 

JANUARY 2017 -  (32 additions)

4500 - Annelid - Estuary Ragworm Hediste diversicolor - under a rock - Uig Beach - 1.1.17.
4501 - Coleoptera - Aepus marinus - many under rocks on uppershore - Uig Beach - 1.1.17.
4502 - Liverwort - Frullania teneriffae - on tree trunk - Uig Hillside under cemetery - 2.1.17.
4503 - Lichen - Rhizocarpon petraeum - growing on the drystone wall - Uig Cemetery - 2.1.17.
4504 - Liverwort - Calypogeia arguta - on earthen bank - Fairy Glen Rd opp the hotel - 2.1.17.
4505 - Fungus - Botrylis cinerea - growing over Raspberries in a punnet - Uig Hotel 2.1.17.
4506 - Lichen - Sticta limbata - growing on mossy tree trunk - Uig Woods - 4.1.17.
4507 - Mollusc - Copse Snail Arianta arbustorum - under a fallen log - Uig Woods- 4.1.17.
4508 - Lichen - Caloplaca thallincola - growing on a boulder - Uig Beach - 6.1.17.
4509 - Platyhelminth - Crenobia alpina - underside of stone - River Conon - 8.1.17. 
4510 - Mollusc - Wandering Snail Radix peregra - underside of stones - River Conon - 8.1.17. 
4511 - Lichen - Physconia distorta - growing on tree limb - Uig Woods - 8.1.17.
4512 - Centipede - Lithobius melanops - in rotten log on woodland floor - Uig Woods - 9.1.17.
4513 - Liverwort - Saccogyna viticulosa - growing on rockface - Uig Woods - 9.1.17.
4514 - Liverwort - Aneura pinguis - growing on woodland floor - Uig Woods - 9.1.17.
4515 - Lichen - Sticta canariensis - growing on rockfaces - Uig Woods - 11.1.17.
4516 - Lichen - Physcia leptalia - growing on a Hawthorn twig - Uig Woods - 12.1.17.
4517 - Fungus - Marchandiomyces corallinus - parasitising lichen on twig - Uig Woods - 12.1.17.
4518 - Mollusc - Chamelea gallina - dug up out of sands - Uig Beach - 14.1.17.
4519 - Lichen - Collema furfuraceum - growing on felled tree - Uig Hotel - 14.1.17.
4520 - Annelid - Arenicolides ecaudata - dug up out of sand - Uig Beach - 15.1.17.
4521 - Annelid - Arenicola marina - dug up out of sand - Uig Beach - 15.1.17.
4522 - Annelid - Nephtys hombergii - dug up out of sand - Uig Beach - 15.1.17.
4523 - Mollusc - Sand Gaper Mya arenaria - dug up out of sand - Uig Beach - 15.1.17.
4524 - Mollusc - Balea perversa - in drystone wall - Uig Cemetery - 16.1.17. (from 11.12.16.)
4525 - Mite - Dissoloncha superbus - lots beneath rocks - Uig Beach - 20.1.17. (det M Shepherd)
4526 - Liverwort - Frullania tamarisci - on rock in sheepfield - Uig Cemetery - 20.1.17.
4527 - Liverwort - Frullania fragilifolia - on tree trunk - Uig Woods - 20.1.17. 
4528 - Coleoptera - Salpingus ruficollis - on a hazel branch - Uig Woods - 20.1.17.
4529 - Lichen - Lecidia lithophila - growing on drystone wall - Uig Bay - 21.1.17.
4530 - Liverwort - Plagiochila porelloides - growing on a rock face - Uig Woods - 21.1.17.
4531 - Fungus - Cytobasidium usneicola -parasitising Usnea - Uig Woods - 21.1.17.

FEBRUARY 2017 - (27 additions)

4532 - Liverwort - Metzgeria conjugata - growing on wet rockface - Uig Woods - 3.2.17.
4533 - Liverwort - Riccardia multifida - growing on wet rockface - Uig Woods - 3.2.17.
4534 - Moss - Fissidens adianthoides - growing on wet rockface - Uig Woods - 3.2.17.
4535 - Liverwort - Lejeuna lamacerina - growing on wet rockface - Uig Woods - 3.2.17.
4536 - Diptera - Coelopa pilipes - on wrack at top of beach - Uig Bay - 5.2.17.
4537 - Lichen - Peltigera leucophlebia - on soil - Fairy Glen Rd by cemetery - 7.2.17. 
4538 - Moss - Dicranella rufescens - on earthern bank - Fairy Glen Rd opposite hotel - 7.2.17. 
4539 - Fish - Montagu's Sea Snail - in a tiny rockpool - Uig Beach - 12.2.17.
4540 - Fish - Shore Rockling - under stones at low tide - Uig Beach - 12.2.17.
4541 - Mollusc - Banded Chink Shell Lacuna vincta - on wrack at low tide -Uig Beach - 12.2.17.
4542 - Moth - Mottled Grey - to security lights at night - Uig Hotel - 14.2.17.
4543 - Alga - Hildenbrandia rubra - covering stones below HWM on beach - Uig Beach - 15.2.17.
4544 - Alga - Prasiola stiptata - green alga on rocks - Uig Beach - 15.2.17.
4545 - Lichen - Verrucaria mucosa - on rocks below HWM - Uig Beach - 15.2.17.
4546 - Alga - Blindingia minima - on rocks below HWM - Uig Beach - 15.2.17.
4547 - Alga - Elachista fusicola - epiphytic on Bladder Wrack - Uig Beach - 15.2.17.
4548 - Alga - Choreocolax polysiphonia - epiphytic on Polysiphonia - Uig Beach - 15.2.17.
4549 - Alga - Ptilota gunneri - epiphytic on Cuvie stipe - Uig Beach - 15.2.17.
4550 - Alga - Membranoptera alata - epiphytic on Cuvie stipe - Uig Beach - 15.2.17.
4551 - Lichen - Collema cristatum - on a drystone wall - Cuil Road - 15.2.17.
4552 - Crustacean - Idotea granulosa - from seaweed sample - Uig Beach - 15.2.17.
4553 - Lichen - Leptogium gelatinosum - on a wall - Uig (outside the square~!) - 16.2.17.
4554 - Fungus - Ramularia gei - infected Wood Avens leaves - Uig Woods - 16.2.17.
4555 - Lichen - Lichina confinis - on rocks below HWM - Uig Beach - 16.2.17.
4556 - Fungus - Witch's Broom Taphrina betulina - infected Downy Birch - Uig Woods - 23.2.17.
4557 - Platyhelminth - Marionfyfea adventor - under a rock - Uig Woods - 24.2.17.
4558 - Fungus - Puccinia phragmitis - infected Great Wood-rush leaves - Uig Woods - 24.2.17. 

MARCH 2017 - (37 additions)

4559 - Alga - Rosenvingiella polyrhiza - growing on rocks below HWM - Uig Beach - 2.3.17.
4560 - Alga - Rhizoclonium riparium - growing on rocks below HWM - Uig Beach - 2.3.17.
4561 - Mollusc - Lepidochiton cinerea - under a rock at low tide - Uig Beach - 2.3.17.
4562 - Millipede - Melogona scutellaris - under a rock - Uig Woods - 4.3.17.
4563 - Stonefly - Perlodes mortoni - scuttling across the drinks shed floor - Uig Hotel - 5.3.17.
4564 - Alga - Trentepohlia abietina - tufts on tree trunk - Uig Woods - 7.3.17.
4565 - Fungus - Puccinia acetosae - on leaves of Common Sorrel - Zigzag Rd - 8.3.17.
4566 - Mollusc - Ash Black Slug Limax cinereoniger - on tree trunk - Uig Woods - 8.3.17.
4567 - Spider - Halorates reprobus - lots beneath stones above HWM - Uig Beach - 9.3.17.
4568 - Beetle - Thinobaena vestita - lots beneath stones above HWM - Uig Beach - 9.3.17. 
4569 - Alga (diatom) - Meridion circulare - from roadside wet ditch - Cuil Road - 9.3.17.
4570 - Stonefly - Leuctra hippopus - on fencepost by burn - Cuil Road - 9.3.17.
4571 - Stonefly - Protonemura meyeri - on fencepost by burn - Cuil Road - 9.3.17. 
4572 - Fungus - Puccinia chrysosplenii - on leaves of O-leaved Go Saxi - Uig Woods - 10.3.17.
4573 - Fungus - Uromyces dactylidis - on leaves of Lesser Celandine - Uig Woods - 12.3.17.
4574 - Fungus - Milesina blechni - on pinnuiles of Hard-fern - Zigzag Road - 14.3.17.
4575 - Fungus - Milesina scolopendrii - on Hart's-tongue fronds - Uig Woods - 14.3.17.
4576 - Lichen - Lecanora argentata - on tree trunk - Uig Woods - 14.3.17. (det BC)
4577 - Fungus - Biatropsis usnearum - on Usnea subfloridana - Uig Woods - 14.3.17. (det BC)
4578 - Lichen - Arthonia radiata - on tree trunk - Uig Woods - 14.3.17. (det BC)
4579 - Fungus - Abrothallus suecicus - on Ramalina farinacea - Uig Woods - 14.3.17. (det BC)
4580 - Lichen - Pertusaria leioplaca - on tree trunk - Uig Woods - 14.3.17. (det BC)
4581 - Alga - Melobesia membranacea - epibiont on green alga - Uig Beach - 17.3.17.
4582 - Alga - Dabberlocks Alaria esculenta - washed up after strong winds - Uig Beach - 17.3.17.
4583 - Bryozoan - Callopora lineatus - on Cuvie stipe - Uig Beach - 17.3.17.
4584 - Bryozoan - Disporella hispida - on Cuvie stipe - Uig Beach - 17.3.17.
4585 - Fungus - Venturia rumicis - on dock leaf - Uig Bay - 17.3.17.
4586 - Fungus - Milesina dieteliana - on Polypody pinnules - Uig Woods - 23.3.17.
4587 - Diptera - Macropelopia nebulosa - on a fencepost - Uig Woods - 23.3.17. 
4588 - Fungus - Lichenomphalia umbellifera - on rotten log - Uig Woods - 23.3.17.  
4589 - Beetle - Tachyporus dispar - under a rock - Fairy Glen Road by cemetery - 23.3.17.
4590 - Diptera - Melangyna lasiopthalma - to Lesser Celandines - Uig Woods - 25.3.17.
4591 - Bee - Bombus cryptarum - over ground layer - Uig Woods by Zigzag Road - 25.3.17.
4592 - Diptera - Calliphora vomitoria - sunning on a log - Uig Woods - 25.3.17.
4593 - Fungus - Milesina carpatorum - on Male-fern pinnules - Uig Woods - 30.3.17.
4594 - Slime Mould - Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa - underside of a log - Uig Woods - 30.3.17.
4595 - Diptera - Tipula rufina - to light in laundry shed - Uig Hotel - 30.3.17.

APIL 2017 - (16 additions)

4596 - Fungus - Puccinia tumida - on underside of Pignut leaflets - Uig Woods - 4.4.17.
4597 - Fungus - Peyronellaea curtisii - on Daffodil leaves - Cuil Rd Cottage - 10.4.17.
4598 - Beetle - Pterostichus nigrita - under a rock - Uig Woods - 11.4.17.
4599 -  Beetle - Hydroporus discretus - amongst filamentous green algae - Cuil Road - 11.4.17.
4600 - Fungus - Melampsora hypericorum - on underside of Tutsan leaf - Uig Hotel - 12.4.17.
4601 - Mite - Trombidium holosericeum - on stones - Cuil Road - 15.4.17.
(4602 - Mite - Trombidium breei - on Marbled Whites - Collard Hill - 27.6.10 - Retrospective!!!)
4603 - Fungus - Puccinia urticata - on Common Nettle leaves - Uig Woods - 18.4.17.
4604 - Plant - Mitella ovalis - NEW TO BRITAIN!!! - Uig Woods - 18.4.17.
4605 - Fungus - Puccinia primulae - on Primrose leaves - Uig Woods - 20.4.17.
4606 - Fungus - Ramularia calthae - on Marsh Marigold leaves - Cuil Road - 20.4.17.
4607 - Plant - Rhubarb - naturalised in the verge - Cuil Road - 20.4.16.
4608 - Plant - Glabrous Whitlowgrass - conf by Stephen Bungard - Cuil Road - 20.4.17.
4609 - Plant - Garden Solomon's Seal - naturalised in the verge - Cuil Road - 20.4.17.
4610 - Plant - Pale Lady's Mantle - conf by Stephen Bungard - Uig Woods - 20.4.17.
4611 - Moth - Brindled Ochre - to security lights - Uig Hotel - 29.4.17.

MAY 2017 - (26 additions)

4612 - Moth - Water Carpet - to security lights - Uig Hotel - 1.5.17.
4613 - Moth - Depressaria radiella - to security lights - Uig Hotel - 1.5.17.
4614 - Beetle - Hylobius abietis - on a fencepost - Cuil Road - 2.5.17.
4615 - Beetle - Oiceoptoma thoracica - in a lamb carcass - Uig Woods - 2.5.17.
4616 - Fungus - Puccinia sessilis - on Ramsons leaf - Uig Woods - 2.5.17.
4617 - Diptera - Gymnocheta viridis - sunning on a tree trunk - Uig Woods - 4.5.17.
4618 - Fungus - Botryotinia globosa - on Ramsons leaf - Uig Woods - 4.5.17.
4619 - Caddisfly - Philopotamus montanus - riverside rocks - Uig Woods - 8.5.17.
4620 - Aculeate - Red Wasp Vespula rufa - flying through herbage - Uig Woods - 11.5.17.
4621 - Beetle - Nedyus quadrimaculatus - swept from nettles - Uig Woods - 11.5.17. 
4622 - Liverwort - Chiloscyphus polyanthos - on rockface - Uig Woods - 14.5.17.
4623 - Moss - Palustriella commutata - on wet rockface - Uig Woods - 14.5.17.
4624 - Plant - Globeflower - on riverbank - River Conon, Uig Woods - 18.5.17.
4625 - Beetle - Orchestes fagi - many tenanted mines in Beech - Cuil Rd - 18.5.17.
4626 - Fungus - Puccinia heraclei - on Hogweed petioles - Uig Woods - 23.5.17.
4627 - Beetle - Barynotus moerens - on Ramsons - Uig Woods - (9.5.17.) det 23.5.17.
4628 - Fungus - Plasmopara nivea - on underside of Cow Parsley - Uig Woods - 25.5.17.
4629 - Beetle - Cantharis cryptica - on a dock leaf - Uig Woods - 25.5.17.
4630 - Agonopterix ciliella - in laundry shed - Uig Hotel - 26.5.17.
4631 - Diptera - Tipula maxima - on wall beneath security light - Uig Hotel - 26.5.17.
4632 - Beetle - Chrysolina staphlaea - whilst gardening - Primrose Cottage - 28.5.17.
4633 - Fungus - Triphragmium ulmariae - rust on Meadowsweet - A87 Uig - 29.5.17.
4634 - Plant - Bronze Pirri-pirri-burr - in overgrown garden - Primrose Cottage - 29.5.17.
4635 - Plant - Hybrid Monkeyflower - along stream edges - Uig Woods - 30.5.17.
4636 - Diptera - Dilophus femoratus - on a tree trunk - Uig Woods - 30.5.17.
4637 - Beetle - Cantharis nigricans - on a sunlit wall - Uig Hotel - 31.5.17.  

JUNE 2017 - (32 additions)

(4638 - Plant - Statice - Hillside Farm, Bryher, Isles of Scilly - retrospective tick from 7.10.16)
4639 - Diptera - Dolichopus popularis - many on vegetation - Uig Woods - 3.6.17.
4640 - Hemiptera - Spear Thistle Lacebug - on a large plant - Cuil Road - 8.6.17.
4641 - Psyllid - Craspedolepta nebulosa - on Rosebay Willowherb - Cuil Road - 8.6.17.
4642 - Diptera - Dasineura ulmaria - tenanted galls on Meadowsweet - Cuil Road - 8.6.17.
4643 - Moth - Pale-shouldered Brocade - adult in laundry shed - Uig Hotel - 10.6.17.
4644 - Plant - Hard Shield-fern - on a rockface - Uig Woods - 10.6.17.
4645 - Diptera - Dasineura kiefferiana - tenanted galls on Rosebay Willowherb - Cuil Rd -10.6.17.
4646 - Plant - Heath Wood-rush - in grassy verge - Fairy Glen Road - 10.6.17.
4647 - Springtail - Allacma fusca - masses on fenceposts.trunks - Uig Woods - 10.6.17. 
4648 - Diptera - Phytomyza spondyli - mines on Hogweed - Uig Woods - 10.6.17.
4649 - Aculeate - Pontania bridgmanii - tenanted galls on Salix - Cuil Road - 10.6.17. 
4650 - Diptera - Black Snipefly - lots in herbage along a wet ditch - Cuil Road - 10.6.17.
4651 - Plant - Common Sedge - growing in grassy verge - Fairy Glen Road - 10.6.17.
4652 - Plant - Perennial Sow-thistle - in grassy verge - Cuil Road - 10.6.17.
4653 - Aculeate - Fenusella nana - tenanted mine in Downy Birch - Uig Woods - 10.6.17.
4654 - Plant - Laburnum - one naturalised in Uig Woods - 13.6.17. 
4655 - Plant - Remote Sedge - growing along main track - Uig Woods - 13.6.17.
4656 - Diptera - Agromyza idaeiana - larva in Red Campion - Uig Woods - 15.6.17.
4657 - Fungus - Erysiphe ulmariae - on Meadowsweet - Uig Woods - 20.6.17.
4658 - Diptera - Lucilia caesar - sunning on a log - Uig Woods - 20.6.17.
4659 - Hemiptera - Eriosoma ulmi - galling Wych Elm leaves - Uig Woods - 20.6.17.
4660 - Plant - Bog Stitchwort - mats along water course - Uig Hilltop - 22.6.17.
4661 - Diptera - Iteomyia capraea - red-rimmed tenanted galls on Salix - Uig Woods - 22.6.17.
4662 - Coleoptera - Hemicrepidius hirtus - swept from herbage - Cuil Road - 22.6.17.
4663 - Diptera - Xyphosia miliaria - on Marsh Thistle heads - Cuil Road - 22.6.17.
4664 - Plant - Heath Fragrant Orchid - in Andy's garden! - Cuil Road - 26.6.17.
4665 - Coleoptera - Otiorhynchus singularis - swept from grasses - Uig Woods - 27.6.17.
4666 - Diptera - Dasineura rosae - larvae in leaf pucker - Uig Woods - 27.6.17.
4667 - Fungus - Puccinia arenariae - several infected Red Campion - Uig Woods - 27.6.17.
4668 - Aculeate - Scolioneura betuleti - tenanted  mine in Betula - Uig Woods - 27.6.17.
4669 - Aculeate - Fenusa ulmi - tenanted mine in Wych Elm - Uig Woods - 27.6.17.
4670 - Diptera - Chromatomyia primulae - tenanted mine in Primrose - Uig Woods - 29.6.17.

JULY 2017 - (49 additions)

4671 - Plant - Bottle Sedge - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4672 - Plant - Lesser Clubmoss - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4673 - Moss - Ptychomitrium polyphyllum - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale - 3.7.17. 
4674 - Moss - Sphagnum squarrosum - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale - 3.7.17. 
4675 - Moss - Splachnum ampullaceum - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale - 3.7.17. 
4676 - Plant - Pale Sedge - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4677 - Plant - Northern Bedstraw - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4678 - Moth - Transparent Burnet - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4679 - Moss - Phillonotus fontana - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4680 - Plant - Bulbous Rush - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4681 - Plant - Beech Fern - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4682 - Diptera - Physocephala nigra - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale - 3.7.17. 
4683 - Liverwort - Metzgeria leptoneura - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale - 3.7.17. 
4684 - Moss - Racomitrium lanuginosum - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale - 3.7.17. 
4685 - Plant - Sharp-flowered Rush - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale - 3.7.17. 
4686 - Plant - Oval Sedge - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4687 - Plant - Few-flowered Spike-rush - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale - 3.7.17. 
4688 - Plant - Downy Oat-grass - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4689 - Plant - Heath-grass - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4690 - Plant - Green-ribbed Sedge - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4691 - Plant - Star Sedge - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4692 - Plant - Early Hair-grass - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4693 - Plant - Deergrass - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4694 - Plant - Flea Sedge - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4695 - Plant - Mat-grass - Skye Botany Group outing to Tusdale, near Eynort - 3.7.17. 
4696 - Moth - Mompha propinquella - swept from back garden - Uig Hotel - 12.7.17.
4697 - Bug - Nabis limbata - swept from back garden - Uig Hotel - 12.7.17.
4698 - Bug - Closterotomus norwegicus - swept from back garden - Uig Hotel - 12.7.17.
4699 - Fungus - Asteroma impressum - on Coltsfoot leaf - Uig Woods - 13.7.17.
4700 - Sawfly - Monosoma pulverata - on Alder leaf - Rankins Store - 13.7.17.
4701 - Diptera - Leucozona glaucia - on hogweed umbel - Uig Woods - 13.7.17.
4702 - Plant - Common Lime - seedlings from tree - Uig Woods - 13.7.17.
4703 - Diptera - Agromyza demeijerei -  mines on Hybrid Laburnum - Uig Woods - 15.7.17.
4704 - Fungus - Whisky Fungus - on walls at Glengoyne Distillery - nr Drymen - 19.7.17.
4705 - Aculeate - Garden Bumblebee - nectaring at D-b Scabious - Uig Bog area - 25.7.17.
4706 - Diptera - Pedicia rivosa - disturbed from ferns - Uig Woods - 25.7.17.
4707 - Moth - Stigmella magdalenae - mines in Rowan - Uig Hotel - 25.7.17.
4708 - Diptera - Phytomyza plantaginis - mines in Ribwort Plantain - A87, Uig - 26.7.17.
4709 - Plant - Shady Horsetail - seen with Wild Flower Society - Bearreraig Bay - 27.7.17.
4710 - Plant - Grass of Parnassus - seen with Wild Flower Society - Bearreraig Bay - 27.7.17.
4711 - Fungus - Puccinia caricina - on Grass of Parnassus leaves - Bearreraig Bay - 27.7.17.
4712 - Fungus - Trachyspora intrusa - on leaves of Alchimella - Bearreraig Bay - 27.7.17.
4713 - Plant - Spiked Water Milfoil - seen with Wild Flower Society - Storr Lochs - 27.7.17.
4714 - Plant - Red Pondweed - seen with Wild Flower Society - Storr Lochs - 27.7.17.
4715 - Plant - Long-stalked Pondweed - seen with John Martin - Loch Mealt - 27.7.17.
4716 - Plant - Various-leaved Pondweed - seen with John Martin - Loch Mealt - 27.7.17.
4717 - Plant - Floating Bur-reed - seen with John Martin - Lochan nan Dunan - 27.7.17.
4718 - Plant - Marshall's Eyebright - seen with Wild Flower Society - Duntulm Castle - 27.7.17.
4719 - Plant - Common Yellow-sedge - growing in bog area at top of hill - Uig - 30.7.17.

AUGUST 2017 (36 additions)

4720 - Plant - Potts' Montbretia - clump at top of Cuil Road (previously misidentified) - 1.8.17.
4721 - Plant - Saltmarsh Flat-sedge - masses in saltmarsh - Skinidin with SBG - 2.8.17.
4722 - Plant - Long-bracted Sedge - several in saltmarsh - Skinidin with SBG - 2.8.17.
4723 - Fungus - Puccinia festucae - on Honeysuckle leaf - Skinidin with SBG - 2.8.17.
4724 - Plant - Nordic Bladderwort - lots in bog pool - Uiginish with SBG - 2.8.17.
4725 - Moss - Sphagnum denticulatum - blackish submerged in bog - Uiginish with SBG - 2.8.17.
4726 - Moss - Sphagnum capitata - green submerged in bog - Uiginish with SBG - 2.8.17.
4727 - Plant - Thyme Broomrape - one on cliff ledge but browned - Uiginish with SBG - 2.8.17.
4728 - Mite - Aceria thomasi - lots in galled Thyme flowerhead - Uiginish with SBG - 2.8.17.
4729 - Moss - Glyphomitrium daviesii - oceanic specialist re Nick - Uiginish with SBG - 2.8.17.
4730 - Plant - Common Water Starwort - big patches in a burn -  Uiginish with SBG - 2.8.17. 
4731 - Psyllid - Livia juncorum - lots of nymphs inside huge gall - Uiginish with SBG - 2.8.17.
4732 - Plant - Bristle Club-rush - one clump in marshy area - Uiginish with SBG - 2.8.17.
4733 - Plant - Wilson's Filmy Fern - big patch on fallen log - Uiginish with SBG - 2.8.17.
4734 - Plant - Mountain Everlasting - patch on open moorland track - Uiginish with SBG - 2.8.17.
4735 - Sawfly - Fenusa dohrnii - mines on Alder leaves - Uig Woods - 3.8.17.
4736 - Diptera - Eristalis horticola - swept from Hogweed - Uig Woods - 8.8.17.
4737 - Diptera - Cynomya mortuorum - at dogshite... - Uig Beach by woods - 8.8.17.
4738 - Mite - Eriophyes sorbi - masses in galls on Rowan - Uig Woods - 8.8.17.
4739 - Diptera - Cheilosia bergenstammi - swept from Ragwort - Uig Cemetery - 8.8.17.
4740 - Diptera - Sphegina clunipes - swept from under trees - Uig Woods - (18.5.17) det 10.8.17.
4741 - Diptera - Cheilosia albitarsus - swept from flowers - Uig Woods - (20.6.17.) det 10.8.17.
4742 - Diptera - Melanogaster hirtella - swept from flowers - Uig Woods - (20.6.17.) det 10.8.17. 
4743 - Diptera - Melinda gentilis - swept from flowers - Uig Woods - (18.5.17.) det 16.8.17.
4744 - Coleoptera - Dascillus cervinus - swept from herbage - Uig Woods - (22.6.17.) det 22.8.17.
4745 - Hemiptera - Orthops campestris - swept from back garden - Uig Hotel - 24.8.17.
4746 - Coleoptera - Necrophorus investigator - on plants -Uig Store - (22.6.17.) det 24.8.17.
4747 - Diptera - Agromyza alnivora - lots of mines on Alder - Uig Woods - 24.8.17.
4748 - Psocid - Pteroxanium kelloggi - in drystone wall - Uig Cemetery - 24.8.17.
4749 - Coleoptera - Aphodius rufipes - in my room at night - Uig Hotel - 25.8.17.
4750 - Diptera - Dilophus febrilis - swept from flowers - Cuil Road - 25.8.17.
4751 - Psyllid - Baeopelma foersteri - on Alder leaf - Uig store - 25.8.17.
4752 - Moth - Rosy Rustic - inside Sobhraig House to light - Uig Hotel - 26.8.17.
4753 - Moth - Barred Chestnut - inside Sobhraig House to light - Uig Hotel - 26.8.17.
4754 - Fungus - Orange-peel Fungus - on lawn beneath Wych Elm - Uig Hotel - 30.8.17.
4755 - Moth - Autumnal Rustic - one in the bath! - Sobhraig House, Uig Hotel - 31.8.17.

SEPTEMBER 2017 - (29 additions)

4756 - Fungus - Ascochyta microspora - leafspot on Butterbur - A87 Uig near pier - 3.9.17.
4757 - Fungus - Podosphaera plantaginis - mildew on Ribwort Plantain - A87, Uig - 3.9.17.
4758 - Fungus - Colletotrichum liliacearum - on dead Bluebell - Sobhraig House, Uig - 3.9.17.
4759 - Diptera - Limonia nuberculosa - in laundry shed - Uig Hotel - (4.5.17) det 4.9.17.
4760 - Diptera - Bibio pomonea - on path - Uig Hotel - 6.9.17.
4761 - Hemiptera - Cixius cunicularis - swept from herbage - Cuil Road - (25.8.17.) det 6.9.17.
4762 - Moth - Grey Chi -one by security light - Uig Hotel - 10.9.17.
4763 - Charophyte (alga) - Delicate Stonewort - lots in a deep ditch - Uig Bog - 15.9.17.
4764 - Microscopic alga - Closterium baillyanum - in charophyte sample - Uig Bog - 15.9.17.
4765 - Microscopic alga - Desmidium grevillei - in charophyte sample - Uig Bog - 15.9.17.
4766 - Microscopic alga -Euastrum oblongum - in charophyte sample - Uig Bog - 15.9.17.
4767 - Microscopic alga - Staurodesmus convergens - in charophyte sample - Uig Bog - 15.9.17.
4768 - Microscopic alga - Euastrum didelta - in charophyte sample - Uig Bog - 15.9.17.
4769 - Homoptera - Eupteryx aurata - leafhopper on nettles - Uig Woods - 26.9.17.
4770 - Homoptera - Eupteryx urticatae - leafhopper on nettles - Uig Woods - 26.9.17.
4771 - Fungus - Podosphaera pannosa - mildew on rose - Uig Hotel - 27.9.17.
4772 - Moth - Small Wainscot - several to light - Uig Hotel - 27.9.17.
4773 - Plant - Six-stamened Waterwort - lots in shallows - Loch Duagrich - 29.9.17.
4774 - Plant - Water Lobelia - basal leaves in shallows - Loch Duagrich - 29.9.17.
4775 - Plant - Awlwort - 100s in shallows, a few on gravel - Loch Duagrich - 29.9.17.
4776 - Plant - Floating Club-rush - several patches - Loch Duagrich - 29.9.17.
4777 - Plant - Autumn Hawkbit - several plants - Loch Duagrich - 29.9.17.
4778 - Plant - Quillwort - bits and pieces washed up - Loch Duagrich - 29.9.17.
4779 - Plant - Potomageton x nitens - one washed up - Loch Duagrich - 29.9.17.
4780 - Moss - Sphagnum capillifolium - reddish hummocks - Loch Duagrich - 29.9.17.
4781 - Plant - Heath Pearlwort - 1 in flower - Loch Duagrich - 29.9.17.
4782 - Alga - Translucent Stonewort - masses via grapple - Loch Duagrich - 29.9.17.
4783 - Plant - Lesser Marshwort - basal leaves on gravel by edge - Loch Duagrich - 29.9.17.

OCTOBER 2017 - ( 46 additions)

4784 - Fungus - Pseudohydnum gelatinosum - cluster on log - Uig Woods - 3.10.17.
4785 - Liverwort - Riccardia palmata - amongst larger bryo's on a log - Uig Woods - 5.10.17.
4786 - Lichen - Leptogium lichenoides - over moss on a tree trunk - Uig Woods - 5.10.17.
4787 - Fungus - Elder Whitewash - on Elder branches - Uig Woods - 13.10.17.
4788 - Moth - Radford's Flame Shoulder - Will Scott's trap - Longstones, Scilly - 20.10.17.
4789 - Moth - Scar Bank Gem - Will Scott's trap - Longstones, Scilly - 20.10.17.
4790 - Moth - Marbled Coronet - Will Scott's trap - Longstones, Scilly - 20.10.17.
4791 - Lichen - Caloplaca cerinella - on rocks - St Marys, Scilly - 21.10.17.
4792 - Lichen - Caloplaca cerina - on rocks - St Marys, Scilly - 21.10.17.
4793 - Lichen - Ramalina canariensis - on fallen branch - St Marys, Scilly - 21.10.17.
4794 - Plant - Guernsey Lily - relict plants - Morning Point, St Marys, Scilly - 22.10.17.
4795 - Fungus - Fuchsia Rust - on underside of bush - St Marys, Scilly - 22.10.17.
4796 - Fungus - Ramularia cymbalaria - on Ivy-leaved Toadflax, Scilly - 22.10.17.
4797 - Lichen - Blastenia (Caloplaca) crenularia - on rocks - Garrison, Scilly - 22.10.17.
4798 - Spider - Trochosa ruricola - in wall - Garrison, Scilly - 22.10.17.
4799 - Lichen - Anaptychia runcinata - on walls - Garrison, Scilly - 22.10.17.
4800 - Woodlouse - Miktoniscus patiencei - under a rock - Garrison, Scilly - 22.10.17.
4801 - Plant - Annual Buttonweed - in borders of formal lawn - Garrison, Scilly - 22.10.17.
4802 - Moth - Opogona omoscopa - in flat! - Hugh Town, Scilly - 23.10.17.
4803 - Sawfly - Phanacis hypochaeridis - pupa in galled Cat's-ear - Garrison, Scilly - 23.10.17.
4804 - Plant - Rough Dog's-tail - on path edges - Buzza Hill, Scilly - 23.10.17.
4805 - Plant - Kangaroo Apple - growing roadside - Old Town, Scilly - 23.10.17.
4806 - Nemertine - Argonemertes cf austrialensis - under ply - Salakee, Scilly - 23.10.17.
4807 - Beetle - Laemostennus complanatus - under ply det MT - Salakee, Scilly - 23.10.17.
4808 - Stick Insect - Smooth Stick (!!!) - in ivy by torchlight - Parting Carn, Scilly - 23.10.17.
4809 - Plant - Jerusalem Artichoke - clump natd - Trench Lane, Scilly - 24.10.17.
4810 - Mite - Cecidophyes rouhollahi - galled Cleavers - Tolman's Point, Scilly - 24.10.17.
4811 - Woodlouse - Porcellionides cingendus - on walls - Normandy, Scilly - 24.10.17.
4812 - Harvestman - Dicranopalpus caudatus - on ivy - Normandy, Scilly - 24.10.17.
4813 - Millipede - Brachyiulus pusillus - on wall - Normandy, Scilly - 24.10.17. 
4814 - Moth - White Speck - on ivy - Normandy, Scilly - 24.10.17.
4815 - Spider - Psilochorus simoni - in Bob Dawson's shed! - Normandy, Scilly - 24.10.17.
4816 - Snail - Ashfordia granulata - beneath debris - Old Town Cemy, Scilly - 25.10.17.
4817 - Beetle - Ophonus rufibarbis - beneath debris -Nowhere, Scilly - 25.10.17. 
4818 - Plant - Sweet Tobacco - several on spoilheap - The Dump, Scilly - 25.10.17.
4819 - Plant - Apple-of-Peru - natd in waste ground - The Dump, Scilly - 25.10.17.
4820 - Fungi - Scaly Earthball - growing in kerb - Hugh Town Chaplaincy, Scilly - 23.10.17. 
4821 - Ant - Red-barbed Ant - on bare soil - nr Day Mark, St Martins, Scilly - 26.10.17.
4822 - Plant - Lesser New Zealand Flax - scoped! - Great Bay, St Martins, Scilly - 26.10.17.
4823 - Ant - Myrmica sabuleti - large numbers  - nr Day Mark, St Martins, Scilly - 26.10.17. 
4824 - Snail - Vallonia excentrica - beneath plank - Vineyard, St Martins, Scilly - 26.10.17.
4825 - Snail - Cochlicopa lubricella - beneath plank - Vineyard, St Martins, Scilly - 26.10.17.
4826 - Lichen - Sphaerophorus fragilis - on rocks - nr Day Mark, St Martins, Scilly - 26.10.17.
4827 - Plant - African Feather-grass - natd in roadside verge - Long Rock, Cornwall - 28.10.17.
(4828 - Plant - Melianthus major - Bryher, Sept 2016 - retrospective tick after ID from R.Parslow) 

NOVEMBER 2017 -  ( 1 addition) 

4829 - Hymenoptera - Neuroterus anthracinus - galls on oak midrib - Uig Woods, Skye - 15.11.17.

DECEMBER 2017 - ( 23 additions

4830 - Moss - Trichostomum brachydontium - on stonework at weir - Uig Woods, Skye - 3.12.17.
4831 - Moss - Grimmia trichophila - on walltop - Uig Cemetery, Skye - 3.12.17.
4832 - Microscopic alga - Pediastrum angulosum - Uig Bog - (from 15.9.17.) det 7.12.17
4833 - Microscopic alga - Netrium interruptum - Uig Bog - (from 15.9.17.) det 8.12.17
4834 - Fungus - Ascochyta moelleriana - leafspot on Foxglove - Uig Woods - 9.12.17. 
4835 - Fungus - Phyllosticta primulicola - leafspot on Primrose - Uig Woods - 9.12.17.
4836 - Moss - Dicranum majus - growing on soil - Uig Woods - 9.12.17.
4837 - Moss - Rhytidiadelphus loreus - growing on soil - Uig Woods - 9.12.17.
4838 - Moss - Pogonatum aloides - growing on soil - Uig Woods - 9.12.17.
4839 - Moss - Neckera complanata - growing on rotten log - Uig Woods - 9.12.17.
4840 - Microscopic alga - Micrasterias rotata - from water sample - Uig Bog - 9.12.17.
4841 - Microscopic alga - Micrasterias denticulata - from water sample - Uig Bog - 9.12.17.
4842 - Microscopic alga - Trentepohlia iolithus - on side of old building - Uig village - 10.12.17.
4843 - Microscopic alga - Micrasterias thomsaiana - from water sample - Uig Bog - 9.12.17
4844 - Microscopic alga - Micrasterias truncata - from water sample - Uig Bog - 9.12.17
4845 - Microscopic alga - Pleurotaenium trabecula - from water sample - Uig Bog - 9.12.17
4846 - Microscopic alga - Netrium digitus - from water sample - Uig Bog - 9.12.17
4847 - Microscopic alga - Euastrum bidentatum - from water sample - Uig Bog - 9.12.17
4848 - Microscopic alga - Euastrum pectinatum - from water sample - Uig Bog - 9.12.17.
4849 - Microscopic alga -  Tetmermorus granulata - from water sample - Uig Bog - 9.12.17.
4850 - Microscopic alga -  Spirotaenia condensata - from water sample - Uig Bog - 9.12.17.
4851 - Microscopic alga - Tetmemorus laevis - from water sample - Uig Bog - 13.12.17.
4852 - Moss - Pogonatum urnigerum - on gravelly track - Fairy Glen Rd, Uig - 15.12.17.
4853 - Microscopic alga - Cosmarium formulosum - River Conon, Uig - 17.12.17.
4854 - Mollusc - Jenkin's Spire Shell - in muddy stream sample - Uig Woods - 19.12.17.
4855 - Fungi - Flammulina veluptipes - slimy caps on dead wood - Uig Woods - 21.12.17. 

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