Lifers 2024

After uploading my PSL onto the brand new BUBO-hosted Pan-species Listing site in early January, it appears that I have lost a goodly number of species due to duplications (7x), taxonomical lumping (9x) or by adding a species which simply does not exist (1x). As such, I have now reset the clock and my PSL now stands at 6868. I am taking this as my official start point for 2024, leaving just 132 additional species to achieve a PSL of 7000.

Breakdown of the additions to my PSL 2024: 

Bacteria 1, Algae 3, Lichens 4, Fungi 15, Bryophytes 3, Plants 41, Molluscs 7, Echinoderms 2, Bryozoans 1, Tunicates 1, Springtails 2, Crustaceans 1, Arachnids 9, Odonata 1, Moths 9, Coleoptera 17, Hymenoptera 12, Diptera 11, Neuroptera 1, Plecoptera 1, Caddis 2, Tunicates 1, Amphibians 2, Mammals 2.

January 2024 (4 lifers)

6868 - Lichen - Lepraria finkii - on Alder trunk - white fluffy medulla seen -  Ratagan, Localsh - 8.1.24.
6869 - Fungus - Exidiopsis effusa - forms 'Ice Hair' (crust seen) - on dead branches - Conchra - 11.1.24.
6870 - Mollusc - Nesovitrea hammonis - small snail on woodland floor - Aird Woods, Skye - 22.1.24. 
6871 - Lichen- Peltigera horizontalis - lots on mossy tree boughs - Gesto Bay, Skye - 30.1.24.

Febuary 2024 (10 lifers)

6872 - Mollusc - Black-lined Periwinkle - seen before, missed off the PSL! - Spar Cave, Skye - 8.2.24.
6873 - Lichen - Ramalina cuspidata - 'sea ivory' with blackened holdfast - Sallachy, Localsh - 10.2.24. 
6874 - Coleoptera - Melinopterus sphacelatus - 1 attracted to dead crow - Camascross, Skye - 18.2.24.
6875 - Coleoptera - Melinopterus prodromus - 2 attracted to dead crow - Camascross, Skye - 18.2.24.
6876 - Bacteria - Frankia alni - produces nodules on Alder roots - Urquhart Bay Woods - 19.2.24.
6877 - Plant - Yellow Crocus (C. x luteus) - several on verge - Caledonian Canal, Inverness - 19.2.24.
6878 - Coleoptera - Thymalus limbatus - 1 beneath loose bark - Tulloch Woods, Speyside - 19.2.24.
6879 - Coleoptera - Quedius xanthopus - 1 on stacked logpile - Tulloch Woods, Speyside - 19.2.24.
6880 - Springtail - Entomobrya albocincta - 1 on a sunlit fencepost - Kilmarie, Skye - 26.2.24.
6881 - Springtail - Katiannidae genus nov.1 sp. nov.2 - 1 on sunlit fencepost - Kilmarie, Skye - 26.2.24.

March 2024 (51 lifers)

6882 - Bryophyte - Ptilium crista-castrensis - plume-like moss - Boat-of-Garten Woods - 1.3.24.
6883 - Lichen - Cladonia ramulosa - shown to me by John Poland - Boat-of-Garten Woods - 1.3.24.
6884 - Echinoderm - Red Cushion Star - 1 huge individual - superlow tides - Ashaig, Skye - 12.3.24.
6885 - Crustacean - Callochiton septemvalvis - on rock - superlow tides - Ashaig, Skye - 12.3.24.
6886 - Algae - Horned Wrack - acres on beach where stream runs in - Ashaig, Skye - 12.3.24.
6887 - Echinoderm - Bloody Henry Starfish - 1 on exposed ledge - superlow tides - Ashaig- 12.3.24.
6888 - Tunicate - Ascidiella aspersa - several beneath boulders - superlow tides - Ashaig - 12.3.24.
6889 - Mollusc - Variegated Scallop - 1 on underside of boulder - superlow tides - Ashaig - 12.3.24.
6890 - Coleoptera - Ocys tachysoides - 2 beneath stone - Ratagan, West Ross - 14.3.24.
6891 - Bryophyte - Lepidozia pearsonii -growing on a large log- Ratagan, West Ross - 14.3.24.
6892 - Mollusc - Lesser Bulin - several on tree trunks, each covered in crud - Mickleham, Sy - 19.3.24.
6893 - Arachnid - Roncus lubricus - pseudoscorpion beneath log - Mickleham, Surrey - 19.3.24.
6894 - Fungi - Didymocyrtis slaptoniensis - parasitising X.parietina apothecia - Box Hill - 19.3.24.
6895 - Amphibian - Natterjack Toad - 1 beneath debris - Woolmer Forest (FINALLY!) - 19.3.24.   :)
6896 - Amphibian - Alpine Newt - 1m & 2f on edge of pond liner - Southampton, Hants - 20.3.24.
6897 - Fungus - Brittle Cinder Fungus - commonly encountered pale crusts - Soton, Hants - 20.3.24.
6898 - Arachnid - Cryptachaea blattea - 1 beaten from lime regrowth by GL - Southampton - 20.3.24.
6899 - Hymenoptera - Colletes cunicularius - several 100s nesting - Parc pales, New Forest - 20.3.24.
6900 - Beetle - Amara tibialis - several scurrying around sandy soil - Parc Pales, New Forest - 20.3.24.
6901 - Beetle - Onthophagus similis - chunky dung beetle - Parc Pales, New Forest - 20.3.24.
6902 - Bryophyte - Brachythecium albicans - in sandy turf - det GL - Parc Pales, New Forest - 20.3.24.
6903 - Hymenoptera - Bombus lucorum - hugely overlooked! - 1 in flight, New Forest, Hants - 20.3.24.
6904 - Coleoptera - Scymnus suturalis - 1 beaten from John Poland's garden - West End - 20.3.24.
6905 - Plant - Veronica cymbalaria - several kerbside patches - West End Village, Hants - 20.3.24.
6906 - Plant - Manna Ash - readily self-seeding around verges - West End Village, Hants - 20.3.24.
6907 - Plant - Cardamine quinquefolia - roadside patch in flower - West End Village, Hants - 20.3.24.
6908 - Plant - Muscari latifolium - several away from planted stuff - West End Village, Hants - 20.3.24.
6909 - Coleoptera - Sciaphilus asperatus - 1 beaten by GL - West End Village, Hants - 20.3.24.
6910 - Coleoptera - Otiorhychus crataegi - 1 beaten by GL - West End Village, Hants - 20.3.24.
6911 - Coleoptera - Phloeotribus rhododactylus - 1 beaten by GL - West End Village, Hants - 20.3.24.
6912 - Arachnid - Ero tuberculata - 1 beaten and IDed by GL - West End Village, Hants - 20.3.24.
6913 - Arachnid - Ero aphana - 1 beaten and IDed by GL - West End Village, Hants - 20.3.24.
6914 - Plant - Phyllostachys viridiglaucescens - large bamboo - West End Village alleyway - 20.3.24.
6915 - Plant - Goldilocks Buttercup (Ran.crassilobus) - 2 of - West Wickham church, Cambs - 22.3.24.
6916 - Plant - Spring Starflower - natd away from planted stuff - Cherry Hinton churchyard - 22.3.24.
6917 - Plant - Atlas Poppy - a minor pavement weed in backstreets - Trumpington, Cambs - 22.3.24.
6918 - Coleoptera - 16-spot Ladybird (clearly missed off list!) - 3 - Ashley Cemetery, Cambs - 23.3.24.
6919 - Fungi - Melampsora rostrupii - rust on Dog's Mercury - Burrough Green churchyard - 23.3.24.
6920 - Plant - Caucasian Mullein -1plant in overgrown area - Burrough Green churchyard - 23.3.24.
6921 - Fungi - Antherospora hortensis - anther smut on Muscari - Brinkley church, Cambs - 23.3.24.
6922 - Plant - Basil Thyme - on open soil by grave (!) - 6 Mile Bottom churchyard, Cambs - 23.3.24.
6923 - Plant - Field Mouse-ear - small patches in turf - 6 Mile Bottom churchyard, Cambs - 23.3.24.
6924 - Plant - Bur Chervil - many patches in turf - 6 Mile Bottom churchyard, Cambs - 23.3.24. 
6925 - Plant - Phacelia - as a casual in field edge, not sown - Hope Farm RSPB, Cambs - 24.3.24. 
6926 - Mollusc - Candidula itersecta - ribbed snails of arable fields - Hope Farm RSPB - 24.3.24.
6927 - Fungus - Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem Rust - common on 10+ plants - Gainsford Spa - 25.3.24.  
6928 - Mollusc - Facelina auriculata - 2 amazing sea slugs foud by Neil - Cuidrach, Skye - 28.3.24.
6929 - Bryozoan - Microporella ciliata - common on wrack lamina - Cuidrach, Skye - 28.3.24.   
6930 - Diptera - Gymnomus spectabilis - 1m swept from near dogshite - Ardvasar, Skye - 29.3.24.
6931 - Coleoptera - Stenus geniculatus - 1 from woodland - Leitir Fura, Skye - 29.3.24.
6932 - Coleoptera - Contacyphon variabilis - 1 from woodland - Leitir Fura, Skye - 29.3.24.

April 2024 (18 lifers)

6933 - Coleoptera - Bembidion prasina - 1 from gravel by a trackside pool - Leitir Fura, Skye - 8.4.24.
6934 - Plant - Rhododendron macabeanum - 1 (hybrid) escaped from woodland - Balmacara - 9.4.24.
6935 - Hymenoptera - Lasioglossum morio - from Porthbean Beach, Cornwall - 20.6.23. - det 13.4.24.
6936 - Hymenoptera - Hylaeus hyalinatus - from Porthbean Beach, Cornwall - 20.6.23. - det 13.4.24.
6937 - Hymenoptera - Chrysis impressa - 1f from Porthbean Beach, Cornwall - 20.6.23. - det 13.4.24.
6938 - Diptera - Riponnensia splendens - 1f from Porthbean Beach, Cornwall - 20.6.23. - det 13.4.24.
6939 - Plecoptera - Nemurella pictetii - 1f on bridge by R.Spey - Boat-of-Garten - 16.4.24.
6940 - Plant - Norway Spruce (finally!) - self seeding freely - south of Carrbridge, Speyside - 16.4.24.
6941 - Fungus - Mycospaerella stemmatea - leafspots on Cowberry leaves - Grantown Woods - 16.4.24.
6942 - Plant - Red Lungwort - several plants on roadside bank - Ferry Lane, Forres - 17.4.24. 
6943 - Hymenoptera - Nomada leucohthalma - 1f in proximity to its host - Kyleakin, Skye - 19.4.24.
6944 - Hymenoptera - Andrena clarkella - 1f in proximity to its Nomada - Kyleakin, Skye - 19.4.24.
6945 - Fungi - Phaeosphaeria lycopodina - dots on dead Stag's-horn Clubmoss - Ard Hill - 21.4.24.
6946 - Fungi - Phacidium lauri - large raised bumps on dead Holly leaf - Drynoch, Skye - 23.4.24. 
6947 - Fungi - Microthyrium ciliatum - tiny discs on dead Holly leaf - Drynoch, Skye - 23.4.24.
6948 - Neuroptera - Hemerobius stigma - 1 netted in pinewoods - Tulloch Woods, Speyside - 30.4.24.
6949 - Hymenoptera - Ischnoceros rusticus - female in pinewood - Tulloch Woods, Speyside - 30.4.24.
6950 - Plant - Harpur-Crewe's Leopard's-bane - roadside clump, finally IDed - Ardersier - 30.4.24.

May 2024 (5 lifers)

6951 - Coleoptera - Aclypea opaca - carrion beetle flew into me - Ballantrae Beach, Ayrshire - 11.5.24.
6952 - Plant - Kamchatka Stonecrop - along roadside wall top - Rafford, Moray - 23.5.24.
6953 - Fungi - Tranzschelia anemones - spots on Wood Anemone leaflets - Fort Augustus - 30.5.24.
6954 - Odonata - White-faced Darter - 1f & pr in cop - Loch Scalpaidh, Localsh - 30.5.24.
6955 - Diptera - Gymnocheta magna - 2 from Rowan blossom - Loch Scalpaidh, Localsh - 30.5.24.

June 2024 (13 lifers)

6956 - Plant - Gunnera x cryptica - 1 plant (previously DNA'd) - Dunvegan Quarry, Skye - 6.6.24.
6957 - Plant - Magellan Ragwort - several patches in beach burn - Dunnet Bay, Caithess - 11.6.24.
6958 - Algae - Chara vulgaris - lots in shallow calcareous fen flushes - Raasay, Skye - 15.6.24.
6959 - Plant - Narrow-leaved Marsh-orchid - 20+ in area of fen run-off/tufa - Raasay, Skye - 15.6.24. 
6960 - Plant - Frog Orchid - 3 (1 bud, 2 fl) on grassy mound by track - Coral Beach, Skye - 17.6.24.
6961 - Plant - Rough Chervil - common as muck! - all around Ardversier and Forres area - 18.6.24.
6962 - Plant - Great Brome - common on edge of cropfield - Ardversier, Moray - 18.6.24.
6963 - Plant - Fool's Parsley - 2 large plants in churchyard - Alves, Moray - 18.6.24.
6964 - Plant - Bearded Iris - 11 plants in patch beneath trees - from garden refuse - Roseisle - 18.6.24.
6965 - Plant - Spignel - 3 in full flower in verge - Lochindorb entrance triangle - 18.6.24.
6966 - Plant - Rock Sedge - small colony on ledges - Ben Suardal near the summit, Skye - 19.6.24.
6967 - Plant - Clustered Lady's-mantle - several I was happy with - The Cairnwell, Scotland - 24.6.24.
6968 - Plant - Cairnwell Lady's-mantle - one that I was 100% happy with - The Cairnwell - 24.6.24.

July 2024 (34 lifers)

6969 - Moth - Caloptilia populetorum - 1 larva in leaf roll on Downy Birch - Kyleakin, Skye - 4.7.24.
6970 - Arachnid - Acalitus stenaspis - mites in tight leaf roll of Beech leaf - Grantown-on-Spey - 8.7.24.
6971 - Fungus - Urocystis trientalis - leafspot on Chickweed Wintergreen - Grantown-on-Spey - 8.7.24.
6972 - Arachnid - Aculus craspedobius - mites in Crack-willow gall - Grantown-on-Spey - 8.7.24.
6973 - Fungus - Ochropsora ariae - pale orange leafspot on Rowan - Grantown-on-Spey - 8.7.24.
6974 - Diptera - Eristalis abusiva - 1m & 1f swept from field edge - Dallas. Moray - 8.7.24.
6975 - Hymenoptera - Dolichovespula saxonica - nest above my doorway - Broadford, Skye - 10.7.24.
6976 - Fungus - Cercospora mercurialis - leafspots on Dog's Mercury - Fort Augustus SF - 15.7.24. 
6977 - Diptera - Palloptera saltuum - 1 on a stem of Hogweed - Ard Hill carpark, Lochalsh - 22.7.24.
6978 - Diptera - Pollenia griseotomentosa - 1 tiny male from tree trunk - Tullich, Argyll - 26.7.24.
6979 - Diptera - Dinera carnifrons - 2 swept from open wooded area - Tullich, Argyll - 26.7.24.
6980 - Plant - Mousetail Plant - 1 clump in damp woodland (SF!) - Crarae Burn, Argyll - 27.7.24.
6981 - Moth - Aphelia viburnana - 1 swept and IDed by TD - The Oa, Islay - 27.7.24.
6982 - Hymenoptera - Ancistrocerus scotica - 1f swept - The Oa, Islay - 27.7.24.
6983 - Diptera - Tipula paludosa - male checked, no idea how this isn't on my PSL!! - The Oa - 27.7.24.
6984 - Beetle - Necrodes littoralis - 3 to MVL - Ardbeg, Islay - 28.7.24.
6985 - Moth - Lempke's Gold-spot - 1 to MVL - Ardbeg, Islay - 28.7.24.
6986 - Arachnid - Eriophyes similis - on edge of Blackthorn leaf - Duim Dubh, Ardbeg, Islay - 28.7.24.
6987 - Tunicate - Pycnoclavella stolonialis - white cross between siphon - nr Ardbeg, Islay - 28.7.24.
6988 - Fungus - Pseudopeziza trifolii - tiny asco on W. Clover leaflets - Laggan Dunes, Islay - 28.7.24.
6989 - Hymenoptera - Colletes floralis - 1f swept, a dune specialist - Laggan Dunes, Islay - 28.7.24.
6990 - Algae - Halosiphon tomentosus - hairy version of Mermaid's Tresses - Port Ellen Bay - 29.7.24.
6991 - Mollusc - Jorunna tomentosa - seaslug -1pr in cop at low tide - Port Ellen Bay, Islay - 29.7.24. 
6992 - Diptera - Trixa conspersa - 1 swept from herbage layer - Ardbeg, Islay - 29.7.24. 
6993 - Hymenoptera - Heterarthrus nemoratus - larva in birch leafmine - Ardbeg, Islay - 29.7.24. 
6994 - Moth - Eudonia lineola - 1 on house window - Ardbeg, Islay - 30.7.24.
6995 - Moth - The Annulet - 1 to MVL in garden - Ardbeg, Islay - 30.7.24.
6996 - Moth - Apotomis semifasciana - 1 netted in woodland, det TD - Kynagarry, Islay - 30.7.24.
6997 - Moth - Cochylichroa atricapitana - 1 netted in woodland, det TD - Kynagarry, Islay - 30.7.24.
6998 - Caddis - Limnephilus vittatus - 1f in woodland, det TD - Loch Gruinart RSPB, Islay - 31.7.24.
6999 - Plant - Parsley Water-dropwort - common on saltmarsh - Bridgend, Islay - 31.7.24. 
7000 - Diptera - Campiglossa plantiginis - 1f swept from saltmarsh area - Bridgend, Islay - 31.7.24.
7001 - Moth - Ypsolopha nemorella - several to MVL - Coille nam Bruach, Islay - 31.7.24. 
7002 - Moth - Devon Carpet - 1 to MVL, det TD - Coille nam Bruach, Islay - 31.7.24.

August 2024 (7 lifers)

7003 - Plant - Elecampane - self-found roadside patch (known since 1985) - Port Ellen, Islay - 1.8.24. 
7004 - Caddisfly - Athripsodes commutatus - 1 to MVL - Kynagarry, Islay - 1.8.24.
(Sensitive Fern deleted from PSL - it's not this at all! Hence the next species will also be number 7005)
7005 - Plant - Giant Meadowsweet - tall clump on railway embankment - Airdrie, Glasgow - 5.8.24.
7006 - Plant - Wood Club-rush - Scirpus falls!!! Patches in undergrowth (SF) - Dumbarton - 5.8.24.
7007 - Plant - Sweet William Catchfly - patches in disturbed ground - Burghead Pictish Fort - 14.8.24.
7008 - Plant - Clove Pink - big patches on steep bank - Burghead Pictish Fort, Moray - 14.8.24.
7009 - Diptera - Phytomyza cytisi - vacated mines on Laburnum leaflets - Broadford, Skye - 15.8.24.

September 2024 (0 lifers, I was walking JOGLE throughout)

October 2024 (6 lifers)

7010 - Plant - Beggaricks - several growing along canal edge - Tardebigge, Worcestershire - 7.10.24.
7011 - Arachnid - Aculops fuchsiae - many galled leaves of Fuchsia - Nailsea, Somerset - 13.10.24.
7012 - Mammal - Mole - 1 scampered across the road in front of me! - Chulmleigh, Devon - 18.10.24.
7013 - Plant - Shore Dock - c60 in wet dune hollow - Gear Sands, Cornwall - 29.10.24.
7014 - Arachnid - Aceria sanguisorbae - heavily galled Salad Burnet - Gear Sands, Cornwall - 29.10.24.
7015 - Plant - Purple Dewplant - masses along walled lanes - Lizard Point, Cornwall - 29.10.24.

November 2024 (... lifers)

7016 - Coleoptera - Cryptolaemus montrouzieri - lots of larvae, few ads - Inverness Bot Gdns - 7.11.24.
7017 - Mammal - Humpback Whale - 1 blowing and rolling - outer Broadford Bay, Skye - 7.11.24.
7018 - 
7019 - 

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