Breakdown of the 517 species added to my PSL in 2018
Freshwater algae 18, Lichens 24, Slime Moulds 1, Protist 3, Fungi 73, Bryophytes 29, Plants 107, Annelids 4, Sipunculans 1, Cnidarians 1, Platyhelminths 1, Crustaceans 4, Arachnids 18, Myriapods 7, Molluscs 9, Springtails 2, Coleoptera 49, Diptera 44, Odonata 1, Hemiptera 30, Hymenoptera 16, Psocids 3, Moths 62, Stoneflies 1, Mayflies 2, Lacewings 1, Earwigs 1, Caddisflies 6, Echinoderms 2, Fish 1, Mammals 2
JANUARY 2018 - (14 additions)
4856 - Fungus - Hazel Waxy Crust - Vuilleminia coryli - on Hazel - Uig Wood - 3.1.18.
4857 - Microscopic alga - Closterium closteroides - in a water sample - Uig Bog - 14.1.18.
4858 - Microscopic alga - Euastrum crassum - in a water sample - Uig Bog - 14.1.18.
4859 - Microscopic alga - Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii - in a water sample - Uig Bog - 14.1.18.
4860 - Microscopic alga - Euastrum ansatum - in a water sample - Uig Bog - 14.1.18.
4861 - Microscopic alga - Tetmemorus brebissonii - in a water sample - Uig Bog - 14.1.18.
4862 - Fungus Gnat - Mycetophila ornata - several to security light - Uig Hotel - 26.1.18.
4863 - Fungus - Tetracladium setigerum - in water sampole - River Conon - 27.1.18.
4864 - Fungus - Exidia repanda - jelly buttons on fallen birch twig - Uig Hillside - 28.1.18.
4865 - Sawfly - Nematinus luteus - swept from flowers - Uig Wood - 23 May 2017
4866 - Sawfly - Cladius compressicornis - bred from Rosa - Cuil Road - 8 June 2017
4867 - Sawfly - Strongylogaster multifasciata - from flowers - Uig Wood - 3 June 2017
4868 - Sawfly - Empria pallimacula - from flowers - Uig Wood - 8 June 2017
4869 - Sawfly - Rhogogaster viridis - from meadow above saltmarsh - Uig Bay - 6 June 2017
(4867-4869 were identified for me by a sawfly expert from specimens that I sent away for ID)
FEBRUARY 2018 - (39 additions)
4870 - Annelid - Spirobranchus lamarcki - tubeworm on rocks - Uig Beach - 2.2.18.
4871 - Fungus - Pseudovalsa lanciformis - on Downy Birch bark - Uig Woods - 6.2.18.
4872 - Springtail - Sminthurides niger - on walls - Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4873 - Spider - Nigma puella - beaten from Ivy - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4874 - Lichen - Acrocodia conioidea - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4875 - Lichen - Diploicia canescens - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4876 - Springtail - Entemobrya intermedia - beaten from Ivy - Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4877 - Lichen - Caloplaca aurantia - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4878 - Plant - Laurustinus - well naturalised - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4879 - Lichen - Lecanora agardhiana - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4880 - Lichen - Diplotomma alboatra - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4881 - Fungus - Arthonia punctella - LF on D.alboatra - Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4882 - Liverwort - Southbya nigrella - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4883 - Lichen - Cladonia poscillium - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4884 - Lichen - Toninia sedifolia - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4885 - Spider - Alopercosa barbipes - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4886 - Harvestman - Mitostoma chrysomelas - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4887 - Lichen - Placidium squamulosum - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4888 - Lichen - Caloplaca granulosa - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4889 - Lichen - Caloplaca cirrochroa - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4890 - Lichen - Gyalecta jenensis - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4891 - Lichen - Squamarina cartilaginea - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4892 - Lichen - Rocella phycopsis - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4893 - Lichen - Buellia subdisciformis - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4894 - Lichen - Dirina massiliens - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4895 - Lichen - Lecanora sulphurea - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4896 - Lichen - Solenopsora candicans - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4897 - Lichen - Syncesia myrticola - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4898 - Lichen - Gyalecta hypoleuca - Church Ope Cove, Portland, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4899 - Psocid - Ectopsocus briggsi - Portland Bird Obs, Dorset - 17.2.18.
4900 - Plant - Rue-leaved Saxifrage - roof of Globe pub, Swanage, Dorset - 20.2.18.
4901 - Plant - Toothwort - at base of hazels - East Creech Woods, Dorset - 20.2.18.
4902 - Plant - Dorset Heath - wet heathland - Stoborough Heath, Dorset - 20.2.18.
4903 - Plant - Purple Toothwort - riverside walk - Monksbrook, Hants - 22.2.18.
4904 - Plant - Cherry Plum - roadside hedges - Totton, Hampshire - 22.2.18.
4905 - Plant - Greater Snowdrop - natd in churchyard - Blashford, Hants - 22.2.18.
4906 - Plant - Green Snowdrop - natd in churchyard - Blashford, Hants - 22.2.18.
4907 - Beetle - Dryops luridus - under streamside log - Blashford, Hants - 22.2.18.
4908 - Slime Mould - Metatrichia floriformis - under log - Blashford, Hants - 22.2.18.
4908a - Diptera - Culiseta annulate (mosquito) - Farlington Marshes, Hants - 21.2.18.
MARCH 2018 - (33 additions)
4909 - Mollusc - Tortoiseshell Limpet - rockpooling - Ashaig Beach, Skye - 3.3.18.
4910 - Echinoderm - Edible Urchin - rockpooling - Ashaig Beach, Skye - 3.3.18.
4911 - Mollusc - King Scallop - rockpooling - Ashaig Beach, Skye - 3.3.18.
4912 - Annelid (scaleworm) - Harmothoe imbricata - rockpools - Ashaig Beach, Skye - 3.3.18.
4913 - Annelid (leech) - Glossiphonia complanata - rock in river - Uig Wood, Skye - 7.3.18.
4914 - Lichen - Melanohalea exasperata - on a twig - Uig Wood, Skye - 7.3.18.
4915 - Freshwater Algae - Draparnaldia glomerata - water sample - Uig Bog, Skye - 8.3.18.
4916 - Lichen - Nephroma laevigatum - on mossy boulder - Uig Wood, Skye - 14.3.18.
4917 - Diptera - Aulogromyza hendeliana - in Honeysuckle mines - Uig Wood - 14.3.18.
4918 - Fungus - Ramularia calcea - on Ground-ivy leaf - Uig Bay, Skye - 14.3.18.
4919 - Fungus - Gnomonia setacea - on dead birch leaf - Uig Wood, Skye - 14.3.18.
4920 - Fungus - Venturia ditricha - on dead birch leaf - Uig Wood, Skye - 14.3.18.
4921 - Fungus - Sarcoscypha austriaca - on ground - Uig Wood, Skye - 14.3.18.
4922 - Myriapod - Geophilus truncorum - beneath a boulder - Uig Wood - 14.3.18.
4923 - Mollusc - Deroceras laeve - beneath a log by river - Uig Wood - 20.3.18.
4924 - Bryophyte - Sphagnum subnitens - on hillsides - Quairaing - 27.3.18.
4925 - Mollusc - Freshwater Pearl Mussel -a top secret site on Skye - 27.3.18.
4926 - Freshwater Algae - Euastrum ampullaceum - Sphagnum Bog, Quairaing - 27.3.18.
4927 - Freshwater Algae - Euastrum elegans - Sphagnum Bog, Quairaing - 27.3.18.
4928 - Freshwater Algae - Xanthidium armatum - Sphagnum Bog, Quairaing - 27.3.18.
4929 - Freshwater Algae - Netrium oblongum - Sphagnum Bog, Quairaing - 27.3.18.
4930 - Freshwater Algae - Cosmarium nymannianum - Sphagnum Bog, Quairaing - 27.3.18.
4931 - Mayfly - Baetis rhodani - adulyt over stream - Coral Beach, Skye - 28.3.18.
4932 - Protist - Phytophthora ramorum - on Rhododendron, Dunvegan Woods - 28.3.18.
4933 - Diptera - Sepsis punctum - several on Daffodils (det TD) - Uig Wood, Skye - 29.3.18.
4934 - Crustacean - Crangon crangon - shrimp netted off beach - Uig Bay, Skye - 29.3.18.
4935 - Myriapod - Boreoiulus tenuis - several under rock - Uig Wood, Skye - 29.3.18.
4936 - Hemiptera - Empoasca vitis - swept from conifers (det TD) - Uig Wood, Skye - 29.3.18.
4937 - Plant - Moss Campion - cushions at base of cliffs - Oisgill, Skye - 30.3.18.
4938 - Hymenoptera - Formica lemani - ant from base of cliffs (det TD) - Oisgill, Skye - 30.3.18.
4939 - Plant - Downy Currant - amongst boulders at cliffs - Oisgill, Skye - 30.3.18.
4940 - Lichen - Degelia ligulata - on cliffs above sea - Oisgill, Skye - 30.3.18.
4941 - Platyhelminth - NZ Flatworm - beneath timber - quarry nr Dunvegan - 30.3.18.
4942 - Plant - Rubus cockburnianus - naturalised plant - quarry nr Dunvegan - 30.3.18.
APRIL 2018 - (23 additions)
4943 - Hymenoptera - Ophion scutellaris - to light trap - Uig Hotel - 7.4.18.
4944 - Moth - Red Sword Grass - to light trap - Uig Hotel - 8.4.18.
4945 - Plant - Hay-scented Buckler-fern - several clumps - Dunvegan Woods, Skye - 11.4.18.
4946 - Myriapod - Cylindroiulus londinensis - under log - Dunvegan Woods, Skye - 11.4.18.
4947 - Plant - Wood-sedge - several clumps - Dunvegan Woods, Skye - 11.4.18.
4948 - Plant - New Zealand Holly - roadside seedling - Dunvegan, Skye - 11.4.18.
4949 - Plant - Prickly Heath - roadside alien - Dunvegan, Skye - 11.4.18.
4950 - Hemiptera - Gerris costae - in weedy ditch - Dunvegan, Skye - 11.4.18.
4951 - Coleoptera - Geotrupes stercorarius - to light trap - Uig Hotel - 12.4.18.
4952 - Caddisfly - Glossosoma boltoni - to light trap - Uig Hotel - 14.4.18.
4953 - Hemiptera - Gerris lateralis - pool below weir - Uig Wood, Skye - 17.4.18.
4954 - Mayfly - Electrogena lateralis - nymphs in river - Uig Wood, Skye - 17.4.18.
4955 - Diptera - Parasyrphus punctulatus - swept from flower - Uig Wood, Skye - 17.4.18.
4956 - Beetle - Otiorhynchus sulcatus (!) - on wall - Uig Hotel, Skye - 18.4.18. (about time...)
4957 - Beetle - Paranchus albipes - several under stone - Cuil Rd, Uig, Skye - 18.4.18.
4958 - Diptera - Bibio johannis - swarming over grass - Cuil Rd, Uig, Skye - 18.4.18.
4959 - Fungus - Vuilleminia alni - infected Alder branches - Uig Wood, Skye - 18.4.18.
4960 - Coleoptera - Oreodytes sanmarkii - common in river - Uig Wood, Skye - 19.4.18.
4961 - Stonefly - Nemoura cinerea - sitting on a stone - Uig Bog, Skye - 20.4.18.
4962 - Freshwater Alga - Desmidium swartzii - in water sample - Uig Bog, Skye - 24.4.18.
4963 - Freshwtaer Alga - Euastrum humerosum - in water sample - Uig Bog, Skye - 24.4.18.
4964 - Freshwater Alga - Bambusina borreri - in water sample - Uig Bog, Skye - 24.4.18.
4965 - Freshwater Alga - Xanthidium antelopaeum - in water sample - Uig Bog, Skye - 24.4.18.
MAY 2018 - (40 additions)
4966 - Hemiptera - Tachycixius pilosus - beneath a stone - Armadale Woods, Skye - 1.5.18.
4967 - Protist - Phytophthora kernoviae - bleeding cankers on Beech - Armadale, Skye - 1.5.18.
4968 - Beetle - Bembidion tibiale - beneath a stone - Armadale Woods, Skye - 1.5.18.
4969 - Diptera - Sylvicola cinctus - beneath a stone - Uig, Skye - 3.5.18.
4970 - Beetle - Nicrophorus humator - attracted to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 8.5.18.
4971 - Beetle - Helophorus grandis - on Marsh Marigold above pool - Uig Wood, Skye - 8.5.18.
4972 - Moth - Golden-rod Pug - male attracted to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 8.5.18.
4973 - Hemiptera - Dysaphis crataegi - gall aphid on Hawthorn - Uig Woods, Skye - 10.5.18.
4974 - Diptera - Melanostoma mellinum - swept from flowers - Uig Wood - 10.5.18.
4975 - Diptera - Meliscaeva cinctella - swept from flowers - Uig Wood, Skye - 10.5.18.
4976 - Lacewing - Hemerobius pini - to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 12.5.18.
4977 - Caddisfly - Limnephilius auricula - to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 15.5.18.
4978 - Beetle - Ctenicera cuprea - from grasses - Brothers Point, Skye - 17.5.18.
4979 - Mollusc - Arctic Cowrie - from rockpools - Brothers Point, Skye - 17.5.18.
4980 - Mollusc - Cerithiopsis tuberculosa - from rockpools - Brothers Point, Skye - 17.5.18.
4981 - Sipuncula - Phascolosoma granulatum - from rockpools - Brothers Point, Skye - 17.5.18.
4982 - Beetle - Carabus glabratus - several found on moorland - Loch Vorvin, Skye - 23.5.18.
4983 - Plant - Stone Bramble - several in ravine along river - Loch Vorvin, Skye - 23.5.18
4984 - Plant - Lesser Twayblade - 2 plants on heather slope - Loch Vorvin, Skye - 23.5.18.
4985 - Moss - Alpine Water-moss - clump on submerged stone - Loch Vorvin, Skye - 23.5.18.
4986 - Moss - Sphagnum angustifolium - pompom heads - Loch Vorvin, Skye - 23.5.18.
4987 - Liverwort - Gymnocolea inflata - growing across submerged alga - Loch Vorvin - 23.5.18.
4988 - Lichen - Parmelia discordans - on exposed outcropping - Loch Vorvin, Skye - 23.5.18.
4989 - Beetle - Brachypterus urticae - abundant on nettles - Uig Woods, Skye - 24.5.18.
4990 - Hymenoptera - Dolichovespula sylvestris - Uig Wood, Skye - (overlooked from 25.5.17.)
4991 - Diptera - Calliphora subalpine - swept from leaves - Uig Wood, Skye - 22.5.18.
4992 - Diptera - Tachypeza nubila - running on tree trunk - Uig Wood, Skye - 22.5.18.
4993 - Diptera - Nemopoda nitidula - swept from leaves - Uig Wood, Skye - 22.5.18.
4994 - Moth - Broom Moth - to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 27.5.18.
4995 - Moth - Lychnis - to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 27.5.18.
4996 - Moth - Dark Brocade - to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 27.5.18.
4997 - Moth - Thyme Plume - swept by day - Raasay, Skye - 29.5.18.
4998 - Moth -Udea decrepitalis - swept by day - Raasay, Skye - 29.5.18
4999 - Plant - Hairy Lady's Mantle - on grassy slope - Raasay, Skye - 29.5.18
5000 - Plant - Rock Whitebeam - several on crags - Raasay, Skye - 29.5.18
5001 - Plant - Brittle Bladder-fern - several on rocky bank - Raasay, Skye - 29.5.18
5002 - Plant - Hairy Rockcress - 1 at top of ravine - Raasay, Skye - 29.5.18
5003 - Plant - Spineless Acaena - small patch in turf - Raasay, Skye - 29.5.18
5004 - Plant - American Speedwell - as a weed in veg patch! - Raasay, Skye - 29.5.18
5005 - Moth - Falseuncaria ruficiliana - to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 30.5.18.
JUNE 2018 - (64 additions)
5006 - Plant - Silver Fir - mis-identification from Dec 2016! - Uig Wood, Skye - 1.6.18.
5007 - Plant - White Sedge - on edge of boggy ground - Uig Bog, Skye - 1.6.18.
5008 - Diptera - Dasineura acrophila - larvae in leaf roll on Ash - Uig Wood, Skye - 1.6.18.
5009 - Moth - Grass Rivulet - lots dusking in meadow - Cuil Rd, Skye - 2.6.18.
5010 - Moth - Clouded Bordered Brindle - to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 3.6.18.
5011 - Caddisfly - Micropterna sequax - to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 4.6.18.
5012 - Caddisfly - Cyrnus trimaculatus - to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 4.6.18.
5013 - Hydrozoan - Neoturris pileata - from Radiant Queen - nr Ascribs, Skye - 6.6.18.
5014 - Echinoderm - Rosy Featherstar - from Radiant Queen - nr Ascribs, Skye - 6.6.18.
5015 - Moth - Cochylimorpha straminea - on ceiling - Uig Hotel, Skye - 10.6.18.
5016 - Moth - Anania terrealis - to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 10.6.18.
5017 - Psyllid - Psylla alni - masses on Alder leaves - Uig Wood, Skye - 12.6.18.
5018 - Diptera - Phytomyza angelicae - mines in Angelica - Uig Wood - 12.6.18.
5019 - Fungus - Hypoxylon fuscoides - lots on dead Alder limb - Uig Wood - 12.6.18.
5020 - Plant - Swedish Whitebeam - seedlings in moor area - Uig Bog, Skye - 12.6.18.
5021 - Plant - Smooth Meadow-grass - (overlooked) in verges - Uig, Skye - 12.6.18.
5022 - Diptera - Hebecnema vespertina - swept from vegetation - Uig Wood, Skye - 22.6.18.
5023 - Diptera - Helina inpuncta - swept from vegetation - Uig Wood, Skye - 22.6.18.
5024 - Hymenoptera - Andrena fucata - swept from vegetation - Uig Wood, Skye - 22.6.18.
5025 - Diptera - Chrysopilus asiliformis - swept from vegetation - Cuil Rd, Uig, Skye - 22.6.18.
5026 - Diptera - Beris chalybata - swept from vegetation - Cuil Rd, Uig, Skye - 22.6.18.
5027 - Coleoptera - Stenus similis - seived from grass pile - Cuil Rd, Uig, Skye - 22.6.18.
5028 - Coleoptera - Philonthus tenuicornis - seived from grass pile - Cuil Rd, Uig, Skye - 22.6.18.
5029 - Spider - Pirata piraticus - swept from vegetation - Cuil Rd, Uig, Skye - 22.6.18.
5030 - Moss - Homalia trichomanoides - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Wood - 23.6.18.
5031 - Moss - Plagiothecium succulentum - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Wood - 23.6.18.
5032 - Moss - Dichodontium pellucidum - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Wood - 23.6.18.
5033 - Moss - Trichostomum crispulum - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Wood - 23.6.18.
5034 - Moss - Anomobryum julaceum - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Wood - 23.6.18.
5035 - Liverwort - Cololejeunea calcarea - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Wood - 23.6.18.
5036 - Moss - Sciuro-hypnum plumosum - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Wood - 23.6.18.
5037 - Liverwort - Blepharostoma trichophyllum - det by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Wood - 23.6.18.
5038 - Liverwort - Leiocolea collaris - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Wood - 23.6.18.
5039 - Moss - Bryum bicolor - determined by Nick Hodgetts - A87 Uig - 23.6.18.
5040 - Moss - Racomitrium ericoides - determined by Nick Hodgetts - A87 Uig - 23.6.18.
5041 - Moss - Breutelia chrysocoma - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig - 23.6.18.
5042 - Liverwort -Nardia scalaris - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig - 23.6.18.
5043 - Moss - Sarmentypnum exannualtum - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Bog - 23.6.18.
5044 - Moss - Sphagnum tenellum - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Bog - 23.6.18.
5045 - Liverwort - Mylia anomala - - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Bog - 23.6.18.
5046 - Liverwort - Cephaloziella hampeana - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Bog - 23.6.18.
5047 - Moss - Scorpidium scorpoides - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Bog - 23.6.18.
5048 - Lichen - Omphalina hudsoniana - many growing through mosses - Uig Bog - 23.6.18.
5049 - Moss - Scorpidium revolvens - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Bog - 23.6.18.
5050 - Moss - Campylium stellatum - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Bog - 23.6.18.
5051 - Moss - Calliergon giganteum - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Bog - 23.6.18.
5052 - Moss - Bryum pseudotriquetrum - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Bog - 23.6.18.
5053 - Moss - Sarmentypnum sarmentosum - determined by Nick Hodgetts - Uig Bog - 23.6.18.
5054 - Spider - Bathyphantes nigrinus - swept from vegetation - Uig Bay, Skye - 23.6.18.
5055 - Diptera - Hercostomus cupreus - swept from vegetation - Uig Bay, Skye - 23.6.18.
5056 - Diptera - Rhaphium appendiculatum - swept from vegetation - Uig Bay, Skye - 23.6.18.
5057 - Diptera - Microchrysa cyaneiventris - swept from vegetation - Uig Bay, Skye - 23.6.18.
5058 - Psocid - Mesopsocus immunis - to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 24.6.18.
5059 - Diptera - Ceratinostoma ostiorum - swept from vegetation - Uig Beach, Skye - 24.6.18.
5060 - Plant - Common Couch Grass - masses along shore - Uig Bay, Skye - 24.6.18.
5061 - Plant - Red Fescue - common in verges MISSED OFF LIST! - Uig, Skye - 24.6.18.
5062 - Spider - Mouse Spider Scotophaeus blackwalli - under light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 24.6.18.
5063 - Diptera - Mycophaga testacea - swept from vegetation - Cuil Rd, Uig, Skye - 24.6.18.
5064 - Spider - Pardosa amentata - swept from vegetation - Uig Bay, Skye - 24.6.18.
5065 - Hemiptera - Uroleuron jaceicola - aphid on Common Knapweed - Uig, Skye - 24.6.18.
5066 - Hemiptera - Uroleuron jacaea - aphid on Common Knapweed - Uig, Skye - 24.6.18.
5067 - (moss - Plagiothecium undulatum - MISSED OFF LIST! - Uig Wood - sometime in 2017)
5068 - Moth - Aethes smeathmanniana - to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 28.6.18.
5069 - Plant - Rubus laciniatus (Parsley-leaved Bramble) - Talisker Bay, Skye - 28.6.18.
5070 - Moth - Dew Moth - 12+ in herb-rich boulder fields - Talisker Bay, Skye - 28.6.18
JULY 2018- ( 31 additions)
5071 - Hemiptera - Nabis flavomarginatus - masses in long grasses - Tokavaig, Skye - 3.7.18.
5072 - Hemiptera - Macrosiphoniella millefolii - aphid on Yarrow - Tokavaig, Skye - 3.7.18.
5073 - Diptera - Chirosia grossicauda - lots of mined Bracken pinnules - Tokavaig, Skye - 3.7.18.
5074 - Coleoptera - Pterostichus melanarius - under a stone - Tokavaig, Skye - 3.7.18.
5075 - Plant - Long-stalked Yellow-sedge - several plants under bracken - Tokavaig, Skye - 3.7.18.
5076 - Coleoptera - Stapylinus erythropterus - running across path - Tokavaig, Skye - 3.7.18.
5077 - Moth - Triple-spotted Clay - attracted to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 4.7.18
5078 - Moth - Oblique Carpet - attracted to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 6.7.18.
5079 - Hemiptera - Aphis fabae ssp cirsiiacanthoides - on thistle - Cill Chriosd, Skye - 10.7.18.
5080 - Coleoptera - Ilybius fuliginosus - netted from water - Loch Cill Chriosd, Skye - 10.7.18.
5081 - Plant - Fen Pondweed - several plants in shallows - Loch Cill Chriosd, Skye - 10.7.18.
5082 - Fungi - Anthracoidea karii - smut on Star Sedge - Cill Chriosd, Skye - 10.7.18.
5083 - Plant - Mountain Avens - patches in deep gryke - Cill Chriosd, Skye - 10.7.18.
5084 - Plant - Lesser Knotweed - big roadside patch (garden escapee?) - Uig, Skye - 11.7.18.
5085 - Moth - Double Lobed - attracted to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 14.7.18.
5086 - Diptera - Dasineura pustulans - mines on Meadowsweet - Cuil Rd, Uig, Skye - 16.7.18.
5087 - Plant - Druce's Cranesbill - roadside patch - Penifiler, Skye -17.7.18.
5088 - Plant - Tawny Sedge - on wet moorland - Penifiler, Skye - 17.7.18.
5089 - Plant - Scottish Eyebright (E.scottica) - common on moorland - Penifiler, Skye - 17.7.18.
5090 - Plant - Silver Hair-grass - growing above beach - Camas Ban, Skye - 17.7.18.
5091 - Plant - Smooth-stalked Sedge - growing on hill above beach - Camas Ban, Skye - 17.7.18.
5092 - Microscopic algae - Closterium aciculare - from lochan sample - Penifiler, Skye - 17.7.18.
5093 - Fungi - Epichloe typhina - choke on Cock's-foot Grass - Uig Wood, Skye - 19.7.18.
5094 - Diptera - Chromatomyia 'atricornis' - tenanted mine in Valerian - Uig Wood, Skye - 19.7.18.
5095 - Moth - Ypsolopha vittella - in laundry shed by day - Uig Hotel, Skye - 22.7.18.
5096 - Moth - Pinion-streaked Snout - attracted to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 27.7.18.
5097 - Diptera - Platychirus granditarsus - swept by day (det TD) - Uig Bog, Skye - 29.7.18.
5098 - Moth - Phyllonorycter hilarella - mine on Salix - Uig, Skye - 29.7.18. (bred through, TD)
5099 - Moth - Eana osseana - attracted to light trap (det TD) - Uig Hotel, Skye - 31.7.18.
5100 - Moth - Dotted Carpet - attracted to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 31.7.18.
5101 - Hemiptera - Eupterix notata - in Thyme on moorland - Runha Hunish, Skye - 31.7.18.
AUGUST 2018 - (36 additions)
5102 - Plant - Rough Horsetail - in verge of road - Penilifer, Skye - 1.8.18.
5103 - Plant - Pipewort - in small moorland lochan - Sligachan, Skye - 1.8.18.
5104 - Moth - Pyrausta despicata - attracted to light trap (det TD) - Uig Hotel, Skye - 2.8.18.
5105 - Plant - Pratia pedunculata - natd in lawn -Uig, Skye - 2.8.18. (since spring 2017)
5106 - Plant - Rock Lady's-mantle - Trotternish Ridge, Skye - 2.8.18.
5107 - Plant - Northern Rock-cress - Trotternish Ridge, Skye - 2.8.18.
5108 - Plant - Glaucous Meadow-grass - Trotternish Ridge, Skye - 2.8.18.
5109 - Plant - Moonwort - hell yeah, baby! - Trotternish Ridge, Skye - 2.8.18.
5110 - Plant - Cyphel - Trotternish Ridge, Skye - 2.8.18.
5111 - Plant - Three-leaved Rush - Trotternish Ridge, Skye - 2.8.18.
5112 - Plant - Bread Wheat - roadside verge - Storr, Skye - 2.8.18.
5113 - Plant - Hooker's Fleabane - on roadside verge - north of Portree, Skye - 2.8.18.
5114 - Fungus - Willow Tarspot - on Salix caprea leaves - Bearreraig Bay, Skye - 3.8.18.
5115 - Plant - Hairy Bindweed - on roadside verges - north of Portree, Skye - 3.8.18.
5116 - Fungus - Neoerisyphe galii - a mildew on Cleavers - Cuil Road, Skye - 7.8.18.
5117 - Plant - Garden Candytuft - probable throw-out but well naturalised - Cuil Rd, Skye - 9.8.18.
5118 - Caddisfly - Potamophylax cingulatus - 1 male to light - Uig Hotel, Skye - 12.8.18.
5119 - Plant - Scots Lovage - lots on sea stacks/cliffs - Rubha Hunnish, Skye - 14.8.18.
5120 - Plant - Confused Michaelmas Daisy - lots top of shore - Cuil Road, Skye - 16.8.18.
5121 - Fungus - Gymnosporangium clavariiforme - on Hawthorn berries - Idrigill, Skye - 16.8.18.
5122 - Hemiptera - Brachycolus cerastii - aphids in Mouse-ear galls - Idrigill, Skye - 16.8.18.
[5123 - Plant - Fig - large bush in waste ground - Waterloo Road, Epsom - Retrospective tick!]
[5124 - Plant - Eared Willow - completely overlooked! Plenty in Uig, Skye - 20.4.17. det S.Bungard]
5125 - Diptera - Contarinia petioli - several galls in Aspen petioles - Orbost, Skye - 21.8.18.
5126 - Moth - Heliozela hammoniella - two mines on Downy Birch - Orbost, Skye - 21.8.18.
5127 - Moth - Heliozela resplendella - four mines on Alder - Kilmarie, Skye - 22.8.18.
[5128 - Hymenoptera - Athalia rosae (Turnip Sawfly) - missed off list! Medmerry, Hants - 14.10.14.]
5129 - Moth - Large Ear - female to moth trap - Uig Hotel - 29.7.18. (gen det Tony Davis)
5130 - Sawfly - Metallus albipes - mines in Bramble - Uig Wood, Skye - 24.8.18.
5131 - Fungi - Entomophthora muscae - parasitised flies - Uig Wood, Skye - 28.8.18.
5132 - Fungi - Brown Birch Bolete - beneath Downy Birch - Dunvegan Wood, Skye - 30.8.18.
5133 - Fungi - Clavulina rugosa - beneath spruce - Dunvegan Woods, Skye - 30.8.18.
5134 - Fungi - Helminthosphaeria clavariarum - parasitising Clavulina - Dunvegan Woods, Skye - 30.8.18.
5135a - Fungi - Phyllocnistis crinodendri - NEW TO BRITAIN - det a while later by Bruce Ing!!!!
5135 - Sawfly - Pontania collactanea - berry-like galls on Creeping Willow, Dunvegan, Skye - 30.8.18.
SEPTEMBER 2018 - (102 additions)
5136 - Moth - Small Autumnal Moth - attracted to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 1.9.18.
5137 - Moth - Striped Twin-spot Carpet - attracted to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 1.9.18.
5138 - Moth - Neglected Rustic - attracted to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 1.9.18.
[5139 - Beetle - Nephus redtenbacheri - missed off list! - Hambledon, Surrey - 23.5.10.]
5140 - Harvestman - Oligolophus tridens - swept from nettles - Uig Wood, Skye - 8.9.18.
[5141 - Fungi -Microdiplodia narthecii - on dead Bog Asphodels - Uig Big, Skye - 2.18 - just IDed]
5142 - Fungi - Russula cyanoxantha - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5143 - Fungi - Microbotryum succisae - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5144 - Fungi - Erysiphe knautiae - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5145 - Fungi - Ramularia pratensis - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5146 - Fungi - Coleosporium tussilaginis - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5147 - Fungi - Podosphaera phtheirospermi - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5148 - Fungi - Hebeloma mesophaeum - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5149 - Fungi - Mycena flavoalba - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5150 - Fungi - Galerina mniophila - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5151 - Fungi - Lactarius vellereus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5152 - Fungi - Lactarius uvidus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5153 - Fungi - Lactarius torminosus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5154 - Fungi - Russula betularum - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5155 - Fungi - Cortinarius armillatus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5156 - Fungi - Lactarius vietus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5157 - Fungi - Leccinum cyaneobasileucum - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5158 - Fungi - Enteloma sinuatum - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5159 - Fungi - Parasola conopilus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5160 - Fungi - Cortinarius caninus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5161 - Fungi - Lactarius repraesentaneus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5162 - Fungi - Mycena inclinata - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5163 - Fungi - Asterophora parasitica - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5164 - Fungi - Leptosphaerulina myrtillina - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5165 - Fungi - Lactarius turpis - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5166 - Fungi - Entomophthora calliphorae - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5167 - Fungi - Passalora montana - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5168 - Fungi - Armillaria gallica - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5169 - Fungi - Cortinarius cumatilis - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5170 - Fungi - Cortinarius decipiens - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5171 - Fungi - Enteloma poliopus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5172 - Fungi - Inocybe curvipes - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5173 - Fungi - Leccinum variicolor - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5174 - Fungi - Lactarius subdulcis - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5175 - Fungi - Kuhneola uredinis - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5176 - Fungi - Ramularia variabilis - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5177 - Fungi - Sphaerotheca epilobii - mildew on willowherb - Uig, Skye - 14.9.18.
5178 - Diptera - Phytomyza obscurella - mines in Ground-elder leaves - Uig Wood, Skye - 18.9.18.
[5179 - Diptera - Chlorops pumilionis - swept by Ali - Uig Beach, Skye - 23.6.18.]
5180 - Beetle - Niptus hololeucus - at skirting board in downstairs toilet - Uig Hotel, Skye - 18.9.18.
5181 - Fungus - Gloeosporium tiliae - large leafspot on Lime - Uig Wood, Skye - 18.9.18.
[5182 - Hymenoptera -Scabious Sawfly - missed off list! - larvae - Magdalen Hill Downs - 16.6.08.]
5183 - Diptera - Machimus atricapillus - netted from lawn - Midhurst Churchyard, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5184 - Spider - Steatoda phalerata - running with ants - Carron Lane Churchyard, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5185 - Plant - Large Thyme - growing on trackway - Carron Lane Churchyard, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5186 - Diptera - Tachina fera - one on Ivy blossom - Carron Lane Churchyard, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5187 - Plant - Cowbane - several waterside clumps - Burton Mill Pond, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5188 - Moth - Ectoedemia rubivora - larvae in mined Bramble - Duncton Hill, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5189 - Fungus - Podosphaera fusca - mildew on Nipplewort - Duncton Hill, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5190 - Mollusc - Helicodonta obvulata - snail within shell - Duncton Hill, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5191 - Diptera - Phytomyza agromyzina - mined Dogwood - Duncton Hill, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5192 - Diptera - Liriomyza eupatoria - mined Hemp-Agrimony - Duncton Hill, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5193 - Fungus - Erysiphe circacea - Enchanter's-nightshade mildew - Selhurstpark Wood - 27.9.18.
5194 - Moth - Agonopterix arenella - flushed by day - Selhurstpark Wood, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5195 - Moth - Enteucha acetosae - mines on Sheep's Sorrel - Petersfield Common, Hants - 27.9.18.
5196 - Plant - Oak-leaved Goosefoot - kerbside - Queen Elizabeth CP, Hampshire - 27.9.18.
5197 - Moth - L-album Wainscot - to security lights - Portchester Castle, Hampshire - 27.9.18.
5198 - Moth - Phyllocnistis xenia - lots of mines on Grey Poplar - Gutner Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5199 - Plant - Dwarf Eelgrass - several patches on tidal mudflats - Gutner Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5200 - Plant - Sea Heath - small patches in saltmarsh - Gutner Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5201 - Plant - Salicornia europea - common in saltmarsh - Gutner Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5202 - Plant - Salicornia procumbens - common in saltmarsh - Gutner Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5203 - Plant - Salicornia pusilla - small amount in saltmarsh - Gutner Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5204 - Moth - Scrobipalpa nitentella - many larvae in saltmarsh - Gutner Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5205 - Mite - Aceria macrocheluserinea - on Field Maple leaf - Gutner Point, Hampshire -28.9.18.
5206 - Moth - Lobesia littoralis - flushed by day - Gutner Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5207 - Moth - Coleophora atriplicis - cases found in saltmarsh - Northney Saltmarsh, Hants - 29.8.18.
5208 - Plant - Sea Knotgrass - several plants in sandy depression - Sandy Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5209 - Moth - Acroclita subsequana - larvae on Sea Spurge - Sandy Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5210 - Plant - Hare's-tail - drifts of the stuff at top of beach - Sandy Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5211 - Plant - Blanketflower - clump in middle of shingle! - Beachlands, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5212 - Plant - Spanish Broom - large bushes top of beach - Black Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5213 - Plant - Cock's-eggs - masses on edge of field - Stauntons Lane/Seafront, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5214 - Plant - Tartarian Honeysuckle - naturalised in thicket - Sinah Common, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5215 - Mite - Aceria echii - lots of distorted Viper's Bugloss - Sinah Common, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5216 - Hemiptera - Opsius stactogalus - hopper off Tamarisk - Sinah Common, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5217 - Hemiptera - Tuponia brevirostris - mirid off Tamarisk - Sinah Common, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5218 - Plant - Bladder Senna - naturalised plants in hedgebank - The Kench, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5219 - Plant - Indehiscent Amaranth - several in arable field - Hayling Island, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5220 - Mammal - BELUGA - one in Thames FFS!!!! - Gravesend, Kent - 29.9.18.
5221 - Fungus - Erysiphe urticae - common on nettles - Gravesend, Kent - 29.9.18.
5222 - Plant - Field Eryngo - on edge of dual carriageway - Sutton Scotney Services, Hants - 30.9.18.
5223 - Moth - Coleophora squammosella - larvae in Blue Fleabane - Micheldever, Hants - 30.9.18.
5224 - Fungus - Phragmidium sanguisorbae - on Salad Burnet leaves - Micheldever, Hants - 30.9.18.
5225 - Moth - Cochylidia heydeniana - larvae in Blue Fleabane - Micheldever, Hants - 30.9.18.
5226 - Protist - Peronospora digitalis - mildew on Foxglove leaves - Heckfield, Hants - 30.9.18.
5227 - Moth - Swammerdammia caesiella - larvae on birch - Castle Bottom NNR, Hants - 30.9.18.
5228 - Moth - Parornix betulae - larvae on birch - Castle Bottom NNR, Hants - 30.9.18.
5229 - Diptera - Aulagromyza tremulae - mines on Apsen - Castle Bottom NNR, Hants - 30.9.18.
5230 - Spider - Philodromus margaritus - one on tree trunk - Castle Bottom NNR, Hants - 30.9.18.
5231 - Beetle - Rhamphus pulicarius - larva in Bog Myrtle - Castle Bottom NNR, Hants - 30.9.18.
5232 - Plant - Juneberry - one naturalised in woods - Shortheath Common, Hampshire - 30.9.18.
5233 - Hemiptera - Pilophorus cinnamopterus - off pine - Shortheath Common, Hants - 30.9.18.
5234 - Hemiptera - Neottiglossa pusilla - swept grasses - Shortheath Common, Hants - 30.9.18.
5235 - Hemiptera - Stictopleurus punctatonervosus - swept - Shortheath Common, Hants - 30.9.18.
5236 - Hemiptera - Rhopalus parcumpunctatus - swept - Shortheath Common, Hants - 30.9.18.
[5237 - Hymenoptera - Scabious Sawfly - larvae on Magdalen Hill Down, Hants - retrospective tick]
OCTOBER 2018 - (124 additions)
5238 - Plant - Common Gromwell - low numbers in a verge - Head Down, Hampshire - 1.10.18.
5239 - Diptera - Sargus bipunctatus - one sunning on leaf - Head Down, Hampshire - 1.10.18.
5240 - Diptera - Agromyza lithospermi - mines on gromwell - Head Down, Hampshire - 1.10.18.
5241 - Plant - Deadly Nightshade - big shrub in woodland - Head Down, Hampshire - 1.10.18.
5242 - Sawfly - Allantus melanarius - larva on Dogwood leaf - Head Down, Hampshire - 1.10.18.
5243 - Moth - Phyllonorycter spinicolella - mines on Blackthorn - Up Marden, Sussex - 1.10.18.
5244 - Plant - Henbane - scattered along field edges - Up Marden, Sussex - 1.10.18.
5245 - Moth - Parornix torquilella - larva in Blackthorn leaf fold - Up Marden, Sussex - 1.10.18.
5246 - Plant - Fool's-watercress - big patches in stream - Leythorne Meadows, Sussex - 1.10.18.
5247 - Plant - Walnut - sapling found by edge of lake - Ivy Lakes, Chichester, Sussex - 1.10.18.
5248 - Moth - Stigmella ulmivora - emerald green larva - Ivy Lakes, Chichester, Sussex - 1.10.18.
5249 - Diptera - Phytomyza fulgens - on Traveller's Joy - Ivy Lakes, Chichester, Sussex - 1.10.18.
5250 - Plant - Grapevine - scrambling in scrub - Milton Common, Portsmouth, Hampshire - 2.10.18.
5251 - Plant - Bermuda-grass - dozens of plants - Milton Common, Portsmouth, Hampshire - 2.10.18.
5252 - Plant - Tall Melilot - common on edges - Milton Common, Portsmouth, Hampshire - 2.10.18.
5253 - Fungus - Neoerysiphe galeopsidis - mildew on Black Horehound - Milton Common - 2.10.18.
5254 - Plant - Deutzia scabra - natd along pathways - Bramshott Common, Hampshire - 2.10.18.
5255 - Plant - St Dabeoc's Heath - natd in grassland - Bramshott Common, Hampshire - 2.10.18.
2556 - Fungus - Erysiphe hyperici - mildew on St John's-wort- Bramshott Common, Hants - 2.10.18.
5257 - Plant - Heath Bedstraw - (overlooked!) - Ambersham Common, Sussex - 2.10.18.
5258 - Caddis - Stenophylax vibex - attracted to light trap - Ambersham Common, Sussex - 2.10.18.
5259 - Moth - Beaded Chestnut - attracted to light trap - Ambersham Common, Sussex - 2.10.18.
5260 - Moth - Southern Chestnut - attracted to light trap - Ambersham Common, Sussex - 2.10.18.
5261 - Moth - Eudonia pallida - attracted to light trap - Ambersham Common, Sussex - 2.10.18.
5262 - Moth - Gold Triangle - attracted to light trap - Ambersham Common, Sussex - 2.10.18.
5263 - Moth - Pempelia palumbella - attracted to light trap - Ambersham Common, Sussex - 2.10.18.
5264 - Diptera - Hornet Robberfly - one with prey - Magdalen Hill Down, Hampshire -3.10.18.
5265 - Plant - Smooth Cat's-ear - several plants in cropped turf - Blashford Lakes, Hants - 3.10.18.
5266 - Plant - Small Cudweed - several patches in cropped turf - Blashford Lakes, Hants - 3.10.18.
5267 - Plant - False Acacia - small tree on woodland edge - Hurn Common, Hampshire - 3.10.18.
5268 - Moth - Musotima nitidalis - several larvae on Bracken - Hurn Common, Hampshire - 3.10.18.
5269 - Plant - Sedum kimnachii - small patch on edge of rough ground - Pagham, Sussex - 4.10.18.
5270 - Moth - Toadflax Brocade - larvae on Purple Toadflax - Pagham Harbour, Sussex - 4.10.18.
5271 - Plant - Lax-leaved Sea-lavender - in area of saltmarsh - Northney, Hayling, Hants - 4.10.18.
5272 - Plant - Perennial Glasswort - in area of saltmarsh - Northney, Hayling, Hants - 4.10.18.
5273 - Plant - Floating Pennywort - wall to wall beneath bridge -Pagham Rife, Hampshire - 4.10.18.
5274 - Fish - Common Bream - one seen well in shallows - Pagham Rife, Hampshire - 4.10.18.
5275 - Moth - Bloxworth Snout - netted after dark - Portchester Castle, Hampshire - 4.10.18.
5276 - Plant - Stiff Saltmarsh-grass - growing along seawall - Portchester Castle, Hants - 4.10.18.
5277 - Moth - Barred Sallow - attracted to light trap - West End Village, Hampshire - 5.10.18.
5278 - Plant - Moon Carrot - lots on discrete area of hillside - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5279 - Fungus - Puccinia libanotidis - on leaves of Moon Carrot - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5280 - Hemiptera - Eupelix cuspidata - shovel-headed hopper! - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5281 - Hemiptera - Berytinus clavipes - stiltbug on Restharrow - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5282 - Spider - Trachyzelotes pedestris - suction sampled - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5283 - Coleoptera - Catapion seniculus - suction sampled - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5284 - Spider - Euophrys aequipes - suction sampled - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5285 - Hemiptera - Acalypta parvula - lacebug suction sampled - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5286 - Coleoptera - Scymnus schmidti - suction sampled - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5287 - Coleoptera - Trachyphloeus alternans - suction sampled - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5288 - Hemiptera - Berytinus signoreti - suction sampled - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5289 - Hemiptera - Beosus maritimus - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5290 - Coleoptera - Scymnus interruptus - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5291 - Hemiptera - Chorosoma schillingii - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5292 - Spider - Myrmarachne formicaria - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5293 - Earwig - Lesne's Earwig - male and female suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5294 - Spider - Ozyptila sanctuaria - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5295 - Coleoptera - Sitona hispidulus - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5296 - Coleoptera - Trichosirocalus troglodytes - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5297 - Spider - Sibianor aurocinctus - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5298 - Coleoptera - Hypera plantaginis - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5299 - Hemiptera - Scolopostethus grandis - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5300 - Hemiptera - Orthotylus moncreaffi - suction sampled - Rye Harbour, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5301 - Coleoptera - Sitona sulcifrons - suction sampled - Rye Harbour, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5302 - Hemiptera - Europiella decolor - swept off Sea Wormwood - Rye Harbour, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5303 - Coleoptera - Philopedon plagiatum - suction sampled - Rye Harbour, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5304 - Coleoptera - Orthochaetes insignis - suction sampled - Rye Harbour, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5305 - Plant - Rottingdean Sea-lavender - lots in area of shingle - Rye Harbour, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5306 - Coleoptera - Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus - suction sampled - Rye Harbour, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5307 - Plant - House Leek - tiny plants in shingle behind houses - Lydd-on-sea, Kent - 5.10.18.
5308 - Plant - Blue Eryngo - one long-established plant near car park - Lydd-on-sea, Kent - 5.10.18.
5309 - Plant - Early Goldenrod - quite a lot along pathway - Papercourt Pits, Surrey - 6.10.18.
5310 - Plant - Pirri-pirri-bur - spreading from central clearing - Witley Common, Surrey - 6.10.18.
5311 - Fungus - Podoscypha multizonata - dead zombie's brain! - Knepp Estate, Sussex - 7.10.18.
5312 - Fungus - Phellinus robustus - growing on oak trunk - Knepp Estate, Sussex - 7.10.18.
5313 - Diptera - Ferdinandea cuprea - stunner! Sunning on trunk - Knepp Estate, Sussex - 7.10.18.
5314 - Fungus - Ganoderma resinaceum - leathery bracket on oak base - Knepp, Sussex - 7.10.18.
5315 - Plant - Fly Honeysuckle - several woody specimens - Hacketts Copse, Sussex - 7.10.18.
5316 - Diptera - Aulagromyza luteoscutellata - mined Fly Honeysuckle - Hacketts Copse - 7.10.18.
5317 - Moth - Phyllonorycter emberizaepenella - larva in Fly Honeysuckle - Hacketts Copse - 7.10.18.
5318 - Plant - Ray's Knotgrass - several plants top of beach - Browndown, Gosport, Hants - 8.10.18.
5319 - Plant - Pink Shepherd's Purse - kerbside plants in backstreets - Gosport, Hampshire - 8.10.18.
5320 - Plant - American Cranberry - lots in boggy area, tasty too - Ashley Heath, Dorset - 8.10.18.
5321 - Plant - Highbush Blueberry - lots in margins, tasty berries! - Ashley Heath, Dorset - 8.10.18.
5322 - Plant - Giant Fir - seemingly naturalised tree - Boldermere, New Forest, Hapshire - 8.10.18.
5323 - Odonata - Willow Emerald Damselfly - 10+ in riverside trees - Braintree, Essex - 9.10.18.
5324 - Diptera - Aulagromyza populicola - lots of mined leaves - Chelmsford, Essex - 10.10.18.
5325 - Spider - Nigma walckenaeri - beneath web on Ivy leaves - Chelmsford, Essex - 10.10.18.
5326 - Fungus - Striated Earthstar - in churchyard below cedar - Chorleywood, Herts - 12.10.18.
5327 - Mollusc - Arion rufus - in Mark Telfer's back garden - Eaton Bray, Bedfordshire - 12.10.18.
5328 - Mammal - Edible Dormouse - five (inc two spotlit!) - Dancersend Woods, Bucks - 12.10.18.
5329 - Plant - Corn Chamomile - lots in arable field - College Lakes, Tring, Herts - 13.10.18.
5330 - Coleoptera - Amara ovata - scurrying in arable field - College Lakes, Tring, Herts - 13.10.18.
5331 - Coleoptera -Bradycellus verbasci - reddish carabid - College Lakes, Tring, Herts - 13.10.18.
5332 - Myriapod - Adenomeris gibbosa - rare pillmill - beneath log - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5333 - Coleoptera - Anthobium unicolor - sieved from beneath log - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5334 - Coleoptera - Catops nigricans - sieved from beneath log - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5335 - Mollusc - Vallonia costata - sieved from beneath log - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5336 - Coleoptera - Micropeplus staphylinoides - sieved from log - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5337 - Psocid - Peripsocus milleri - on top of wooden post - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5338 - Hemiptera - Pinalitus cervinus - beaten from Ivy - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5339 - Coleoptera - Amischa analis - sieved from beneath log - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5340 - Coleoptera - Ptenidium pusillum - sieved from beneath log - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5341 - Coleoptera - Neuraphes elongatulus - sieved beneath log - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5342 - Plant - Common Fiddleneck - in ruderal kerbside verge - Aston Clinton, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5343 - Coleoptera - Agabus conspersus - netted from canal - Wendover Arm, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5344 - Coleoptera - Stenus cicindeloides - in marginal vegetation - Wendover Arm, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5345 - Leech - Pisicola geometra - several netted from canal - Wendover Arm, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5346 - Crustacean - Signal Crayfish - several in a yucky river - Aylesbury, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5347 - Coleoptera - Azolla Weevil - several found - Biddenham Village Pond, Beds - 13.10.18.
5348 - Coleoptera - Bembidion quadripustulatum - Biddenham Village Pond, Beds - 13.10.18.
5349 - Coleoptera - Bembidion articulatum - Biddenham Village Pond, Beds - 13.10.18.
5350 - Coleoptera - Bembidion dentellum - Biddenham Village Pond, Beds - 13.10.18.
5351 - Coleoptera - Bembidion lunulatum - Biddenham Village Pond, Beds - 13.10.18.
5352 - Coleoptera - Bembidion octomaculatum - Biddenham Village Pond, Beds - 13.10.18.
5353 - Coleoptera - Bembidion varium - Biddenham Village Pond, Beds - 13.10.18.
5354 - Ant - Plagiolepsis allaudi - common in butterfly house - Whipsnade Zoo, Beds - 14.10.18.
5355 - Crustacean - Anchiphiloscia pilosa - in soil at sole UK site - Whipsnade Zoo, Beds - 14.10.18.
5356 - Myriapod - Lithobius cf lapidicola - soil of butterfly house - Whipsnade Zoo, Beds - 14.10.18.
5357 - Coleoptera - Sericoderus brevicornis - in butterfly house -Whipsnade Zoo, Beds - 14.10.18.
5358 - Scale - Pseudococcus longispinus - in butterfly house -Whipsnade Zoo, Beds - 14.10.18.
5359 - Myriapod - Lamyctes caeculus - in soil of butterfly house - Whipsnade Zoo, Beds - 14.10.18.
5360 - Myriapod - Tygarrup javanicus - in soil of butterfly house - Whipsnade Zoo, Beds - 14.10.18.
5361 - Moth - Ectoedemia argyropeza - larva in green island on Alder leaf - Uig, Skye - 18.10.18.
NOVEMBER 2018 - (7 additions)
5362 - Fungus - Clavariadelphus fistulosa - common on Alder branches - Uig Wood, Skye - 1.11.18.
5363 - Fungus - Golovinomyces asperifolli - mildew on forget-me-nots - Uig, Skye - 6.11.18.
5364 - Fungus - Plectocarpon lichenum - infected thallus of Tree Lungwort - Uig Wood, Skye - 6.11.18.
5365 - Crustacean - Philoscia affinis - beneath mossy bark on tree - Uig Wood, Skye - 8.11.18.
5366 - Diptera - Eudasyphora cyanicolor - sunning - Uig Wood, Skye - pinned 4.v.17. - det 18.11.18.
5367 - Diptera - Bibio leucopterus - on umbels - Uig Wood, Skye - pinned 23.v.17. - det 18.11.18.
5368 - Diptera - Neuroctena anilis - v.common - Uig Wood, Skye - pinned - det 18.11.18.
DECEMBER 2018 - (4 additions)
5369 - Fungus - Phacidium multivalve - common on dead Holly leaves - Uig, Skye - 12.12.18.
5370 - Coleoptera - Otiorhynchus arcticus - beneath rock near shore - Uig Bay, Skye - 12.12.18.
5371 - Freshwater Algae - Closterium archerianum - water sample - Uig Bog, Skye - 18.12.18.
5372 - Freshwater Algae - Closterium lunula - water sample - Uig Bog, Skye - 18.12.18.
5135 - Sawfly - Pontania collactanea - berry-like galls on Creeping Willow, Dunvegan, Skye - 30.8.18.
SEPTEMBER 2018 - (102 additions)
5136 - Moth - Small Autumnal Moth - attracted to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 1.9.18.
5137 - Moth - Striped Twin-spot Carpet - attracted to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 1.9.18.
5138 - Moth - Neglected Rustic - attracted to light trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 1.9.18.
[5139 - Beetle - Nephus redtenbacheri - missed off list! - Hambledon, Surrey - 23.5.10.]
5140 - Harvestman - Oligolophus tridens - swept from nettles - Uig Wood, Skye - 8.9.18.
[5141 - Fungi -Microdiplodia narthecii - on dead Bog Asphodels - Uig Big, Skye - 2.18 - just IDed]
5142 - Fungi - Russula cyanoxantha - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5143 - Fungi - Microbotryum succisae - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5144 - Fungi - Erysiphe knautiae - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5145 - Fungi - Ramularia pratensis - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5146 - Fungi - Coleosporium tussilaginis - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5147 - Fungi - Podosphaera phtheirospermi - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5148 - Fungi - Hebeloma mesophaeum - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5149 - Fungi - Mycena flavoalba - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5150 - Fungi - Galerina mniophila - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5151 - Fungi - Lactarius vellereus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5152 - Fungi - Lactarius uvidus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5153 - Fungi - Lactarius torminosus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5154 - Fungi - Russula betularum - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5155 - Fungi - Cortinarius armillatus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5156 - Fungi - Lactarius vietus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5157 - Fungi - Leccinum cyaneobasileucum - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5158 - Fungi - Enteloma sinuatum - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5159 - Fungi - Parasola conopilus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5160 - Fungi - Cortinarius caninus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5161 - Fungi - Lactarius repraesentaneus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5162 - Fungi - Mycena inclinata - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5163 - Fungi - Asterophora parasitica - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5164 - Fungi - Leptosphaerulina myrtillina - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5165 - Fungi - Lactarius turpis - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5166 - Fungi - Entomophthora calliphorae - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5167 - Fungi - Passalora montana - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5168 - Fungi - Armillaria gallica - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5169 - Fungi - Cortinarius cumatilis - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5170 - Fungi - Cortinarius decipiens - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5171 - Fungi - Enteloma poliopus - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5172 - Fungi - Inocybe curvipes - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5173 - Fungi - Leccinum variicolor - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5174 - Fungi - Lactarius subdulcis - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5175 - Fungi - Kuhneola uredinis - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5176 - Fungi - Ramularia variabilis - Kinloch Woods, Skye - on fungus foray with Bruce Ing
5177 - Fungi - Sphaerotheca epilobii - mildew on willowherb - Uig, Skye - 14.9.18.
5178 - Diptera - Phytomyza obscurella - mines in Ground-elder leaves - Uig Wood, Skye - 18.9.18.
[5179 - Diptera - Chlorops pumilionis - swept by Ali - Uig Beach, Skye - 23.6.18.]
5180 - Beetle - Niptus hololeucus - at skirting board in downstairs toilet - Uig Hotel, Skye - 18.9.18.
5181 - Fungus - Gloeosporium tiliae - large leafspot on Lime - Uig Wood, Skye - 18.9.18.
[5182 - Hymenoptera -Scabious Sawfly - missed off list! - larvae - Magdalen Hill Downs - 16.6.08.]
5183 - Diptera - Machimus atricapillus - netted from lawn - Midhurst Churchyard, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5184 - Spider - Steatoda phalerata - running with ants - Carron Lane Churchyard, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5185 - Plant - Large Thyme - growing on trackway - Carron Lane Churchyard, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5186 - Diptera - Tachina fera - one on Ivy blossom - Carron Lane Churchyard, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5187 - Plant - Cowbane - several waterside clumps - Burton Mill Pond, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5188 - Moth - Ectoedemia rubivora - larvae in mined Bramble - Duncton Hill, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5189 - Fungus - Podosphaera fusca - mildew on Nipplewort - Duncton Hill, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5190 - Mollusc - Helicodonta obvulata - snail within shell - Duncton Hill, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5191 - Diptera - Phytomyza agromyzina - mined Dogwood - Duncton Hill, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5192 - Diptera - Liriomyza eupatoria - mined Hemp-Agrimony - Duncton Hill, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5193 - Fungus - Erysiphe circacea - Enchanter's-nightshade mildew - Selhurstpark Wood - 27.9.18.
5194 - Moth - Agonopterix arenella - flushed by day - Selhurstpark Wood, Sussex - 27.9.18.
5195 - Moth - Enteucha acetosae - mines on Sheep's Sorrel - Petersfield Common, Hants - 27.9.18.
5196 - Plant - Oak-leaved Goosefoot - kerbside - Queen Elizabeth CP, Hampshire - 27.9.18.
5197 - Moth - L-album Wainscot - to security lights - Portchester Castle, Hampshire - 27.9.18.
5198 - Moth - Phyllocnistis xenia - lots of mines on Grey Poplar - Gutner Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5199 - Plant - Dwarf Eelgrass - several patches on tidal mudflats - Gutner Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5200 - Plant - Sea Heath - small patches in saltmarsh - Gutner Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5201 - Plant - Salicornia europea - common in saltmarsh - Gutner Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5202 - Plant - Salicornia procumbens - common in saltmarsh - Gutner Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5203 - Plant - Salicornia pusilla - small amount in saltmarsh - Gutner Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5204 - Moth - Scrobipalpa nitentella - many larvae in saltmarsh - Gutner Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5205 - Mite - Aceria macrocheluserinea - on Field Maple leaf - Gutner Point, Hampshire -28.9.18.
5206 - Moth - Lobesia littoralis - flushed by day - Gutner Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5207 - Moth - Coleophora atriplicis - cases found in saltmarsh - Northney Saltmarsh, Hants - 29.8.18.
5208 - Plant - Sea Knotgrass - several plants in sandy depression - Sandy Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5209 - Moth - Acroclita subsequana - larvae on Sea Spurge - Sandy Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5210 - Plant - Hare's-tail - drifts of the stuff at top of beach - Sandy Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5211 - Plant - Blanketflower - clump in middle of shingle! - Beachlands, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5212 - Plant - Spanish Broom - large bushes top of beach - Black Point, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5213 - Plant - Cock's-eggs - masses on edge of field - Stauntons Lane/Seafront, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5214 - Plant - Tartarian Honeysuckle - naturalised in thicket - Sinah Common, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5215 - Mite - Aceria echii - lots of distorted Viper's Bugloss - Sinah Common, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5216 - Hemiptera - Opsius stactogalus - hopper off Tamarisk - Sinah Common, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5217 - Hemiptera - Tuponia brevirostris - mirid off Tamarisk - Sinah Common, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5218 - Plant - Bladder Senna - naturalised plants in hedgebank - The Kench, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5219 - Plant - Indehiscent Amaranth - several in arable field - Hayling Island, Hampshire - 28.9.18.
5220 - Mammal - BELUGA - one in Thames FFS!!!! - Gravesend, Kent - 29.9.18.
5221 - Fungus - Erysiphe urticae - common on nettles - Gravesend, Kent - 29.9.18.
5222 - Plant - Field Eryngo - on edge of dual carriageway - Sutton Scotney Services, Hants - 30.9.18.
5223 - Moth - Coleophora squammosella - larvae in Blue Fleabane - Micheldever, Hants - 30.9.18.
5224 - Fungus - Phragmidium sanguisorbae - on Salad Burnet leaves - Micheldever, Hants - 30.9.18.
5225 - Moth - Cochylidia heydeniana - larvae in Blue Fleabane - Micheldever, Hants - 30.9.18.
5226 - Protist - Peronospora digitalis - mildew on Foxglove leaves - Heckfield, Hants - 30.9.18.
5227 - Moth - Swammerdammia caesiella - larvae on birch - Castle Bottom NNR, Hants - 30.9.18.
5228 - Moth - Parornix betulae - larvae on birch - Castle Bottom NNR, Hants - 30.9.18.
5229 - Diptera - Aulagromyza tremulae - mines on Apsen - Castle Bottom NNR, Hants - 30.9.18.
5230 - Spider - Philodromus margaritus - one on tree trunk - Castle Bottom NNR, Hants - 30.9.18.
5231 - Beetle - Rhamphus pulicarius - larva in Bog Myrtle - Castle Bottom NNR, Hants - 30.9.18.
5232 - Plant - Juneberry - one naturalised in woods - Shortheath Common, Hampshire - 30.9.18.
5233 - Hemiptera - Pilophorus cinnamopterus - off pine - Shortheath Common, Hants - 30.9.18.
5234 - Hemiptera - Neottiglossa pusilla - swept grasses - Shortheath Common, Hants - 30.9.18.
5235 - Hemiptera - Stictopleurus punctatonervosus - swept - Shortheath Common, Hants - 30.9.18.
5236 - Hemiptera - Rhopalus parcumpunctatus - swept - Shortheath Common, Hants - 30.9.18.
[5237 - Hymenoptera - Scabious Sawfly - larvae on Magdalen Hill Down, Hants - retrospective tick]
OCTOBER 2018 - (124 additions)
5238 - Plant - Common Gromwell - low numbers in a verge - Head Down, Hampshire - 1.10.18.
5239 - Diptera - Sargus bipunctatus - one sunning on leaf - Head Down, Hampshire - 1.10.18.
5240 - Diptera - Agromyza lithospermi - mines on gromwell - Head Down, Hampshire - 1.10.18.
5241 - Plant - Deadly Nightshade - big shrub in woodland - Head Down, Hampshire - 1.10.18.
5242 - Sawfly - Allantus melanarius - larva on Dogwood leaf - Head Down, Hampshire - 1.10.18.
5243 - Moth - Phyllonorycter spinicolella - mines on Blackthorn - Up Marden, Sussex - 1.10.18.
5244 - Plant - Henbane - scattered along field edges - Up Marden, Sussex - 1.10.18.
5245 - Moth - Parornix torquilella - larva in Blackthorn leaf fold - Up Marden, Sussex - 1.10.18.
5246 - Plant - Fool's-watercress - big patches in stream - Leythorne Meadows, Sussex - 1.10.18.
5247 - Plant - Walnut - sapling found by edge of lake - Ivy Lakes, Chichester, Sussex - 1.10.18.
5248 - Moth - Stigmella ulmivora - emerald green larva - Ivy Lakes, Chichester, Sussex - 1.10.18.
5249 - Diptera - Phytomyza fulgens - on Traveller's Joy - Ivy Lakes, Chichester, Sussex - 1.10.18.
5250 - Plant - Grapevine - scrambling in scrub - Milton Common, Portsmouth, Hampshire - 2.10.18.
5251 - Plant - Bermuda-grass - dozens of plants - Milton Common, Portsmouth, Hampshire - 2.10.18.
5252 - Plant - Tall Melilot - common on edges - Milton Common, Portsmouth, Hampshire - 2.10.18.
5253 - Fungus - Neoerysiphe galeopsidis - mildew on Black Horehound - Milton Common - 2.10.18.
5254 - Plant - Deutzia scabra - natd along pathways - Bramshott Common, Hampshire - 2.10.18.
5255 - Plant - St Dabeoc's Heath - natd in grassland - Bramshott Common, Hampshire - 2.10.18.
2556 - Fungus - Erysiphe hyperici - mildew on St John's-wort- Bramshott Common, Hants - 2.10.18.
5257 - Plant - Heath Bedstraw - (overlooked!) - Ambersham Common, Sussex - 2.10.18.
5258 - Caddis - Stenophylax vibex - attracted to light trap - Ambersham Common, Sussex - 2.10.18.
5259 - Moth - Beaded Chestnut - attracted to light trap - Ambersham Common, Sussex - 2.10.18.
5260 - Moth - Southern Chestnut - attracted to light trap - Ambersham Common, Sussex - 2.10.18.
5261 - Moth - Eudonia pallida - attracted to light trap - Ambersham Common, Sussex - 2.10.18.
5262 - Moth - Gold Triangle - attracted to light trap - Ambersham Common, Sussex - 2.10.18.
5263 - Moth - Pempelia palumbella - attracted to light trap - Ambersham Common, Sussex - 2.10.18.
5264 - Diptera - Hornet Robberfly - one with prey - Magdalen Hill Down, Hampshire -3.10.18.
5265 - Plant - Smooth Cat's-ear - several plants in cropped turf - Blashford Lakes, Hants - 3.10.18.
5266 - Plant - Small Cudweed - several patches in cropped turf - Blashford Lakes, Hants - 3.10.18.
5267 - Plant - False Acacia - small tree on woodland edge - Hurn Common, Hampshire - 3.10.18.
5268 - Moth - Musotima nitidalis - several larvae on Bracken - Hurn Common, Hampshire - 3.10.18.
5269 - Plant - Sedum kimnachii - small patch on edge of rough ground - Pagham, Sussex - 4.10.18.
5270 - Moth - Toadflax Brocade - larvae on Purple Toadflax - Pagham Harbour, Sussex - 4.10.18.
5271 - Plant - Lax-leaved Sea-lavender - in area of saltmarsh - Northney, Hayling, Hants - 4.10.18.
5272 - Plant - Perennial Glasswort - in area of saltmarsh - Northney, Hayling, Hants - 4.10.18.
5273 - Plant - Floating Pennywort - wall to wall beneath bridge -Pagham Rife, Hampshire - 4.10.18.
5274 - Fish - Common Bream - one seen well in shallows - Pagham Rife, Hampshire - 4.10.18.
5275 - Moth - Bloxworth Snout - netted after dark - Portchester Castle, Hampshire - 4.10.18.
5276 - Plant - Stiff Saltmarsh-grass - growing along seawall - Portchester Castle, Hants - 4.10.18.
5277 - Moth - Barred Sallow - attracted to light trap - West End Village, Hampshire - 5.10.18.
5278 - Plant - Moon Carrot - lots on discrete area of hillside - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5279 - Fungus - Puccinia libanotidis - on leaves of Moon Carrot - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5280 - Hemiptera - Eupelix cuspidata - shovel-headed hopper! - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5281 - Hemiptera - Berytinus clavipes - stiltbug on Restharrow - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5282 - Spider - Trachyzelotes pedestris - suction sampled - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5283 - Coleoptera - Catapion seniculus - suction sampled - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5284 - Spider - Euophrys aequipes - suction sampled - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5285 - Hemiptera - Acalypta parvula - lacebug suction sampled - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5286 - Coleoptera - Scymnus schmidti - suction sampled - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5287 - Coleoptera - Trachyphloeus alternans - suction sampled - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5288 - Hemiptera - Berytinus signoreti - suction sampled - Seaford Head, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5289 - Hemiptera - Beosus maritimus - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5290 - Coleoptera - Scymnus interruptus - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5291 - Hemiptera - Chorosoma schillingii - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5292 - Spider - Myrmarachne formicaria - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5293 - Earwig - Lesne's Earwig - male and female suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5294 - Spider - Ozyptila sanctuaria - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5295 - Coleoptera - Sitona hispidulus - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5296 - Coleoptera - Trichosirocalus troglodytes - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5297 - Spider - Sibianor aurocinctus - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5298 - Coleoptera - Hypera plantaginis - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5299 - Hemiptera - Scolopostethus grandis - suction sampled - The Crumbles, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5300 - Hemiptera - Orthotylus moncreaffi - suction sampled - Rye Harbour, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5301 - Coleoptera - Sitona sulcifrons - suction sampled - Rye Harbour, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5302 - Hemiptera - Europiella decolor - swept off Sea Wormwood - Rye Harbour, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5303 - Coleoptera - Philopedon plagiatum - suction sampled - Rye Harbour, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5304 - Coleoptera - Orthochaetes insignis - suction sampled - Rye Harbour, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5305 - Plant - Rottingdean Sea-lavender - lots in area of shingle - Rye Harbour, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5306 - Coleoptera - Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus - suction sampled - Rye Harbour, Sussex - 5.10.18.
5307 - Plant - House Leek - tiny plants in shingle behind houses - Lydd-on-sea, Kent - 5.10.18.
5308 - Plant - Blue Eryngo - one long-established plant near car park - Lydd-on-sea, Kent - 5.10.18.
5309 - Plant - Early Goldenrod - quite a lot along pathway - Papercourt Pits, Surrey - 6.10.18.
5310 - Plant - Pirri-pirri-bur - spreading from central clearing - Witley Common, Surrey - 6.10.18.
5311 - Fungus - Podoscypha multizonata - dead zombie's brain! - Knepp Estate, Sussex - 7.10.18.
5312 - Fungus - Phellinus robustus - growing on oak trunk - Knepp Estate, Sussex - 7.10.18.
5313 - Diptera - Ferdinandea cuprea - stunner! Sunning on trunk - Knepp Estate, Sussex - 7.10.18.
5314 - Fungus - Ganoderma resinaceum - leathery bracket on oak base - Knepp, Sussex - 7.10.18.
5315 - Plant - Fly Honeysuckle - several woody specimens - Hacketts Copse, Sussex - 7.10.18.
5316 - Diptera - Aulagromyza luteoscutellata - mined Fly Honeysuckle - Hacketts Copse - 7.10.18.
5317 - Moth - Phyllonorycter emberizaepenella - larva in Fly Honeysuckle - Hacketts Copse - 7.10.18.
5318 - Plant - Ray's Knotgrass - several plants top of beach - Browndown, Gosport, Hants - 8.10.18.
5319 - Plant - Pink Shepherd's Purse - kerbside plants in backstreets - Gosport, Hampshire - 8.10.18.
5320 - Plant - American Cranberry - lots in boggy area, tasty too - Ashley Heath, Dorset - 8.10.18.
5321 - Plant - Highbush Blueberry - lots in margins, tasty berries! - Ashley Heath, Dorset - 8.10.18.
5322 - Plant - Giant Fir - seemingly naturalised tree - Boldermere, New Forest, Hapshire - 8.10.18.
5323 - Odonata - Willow Emerald Damselfly - 10+ in riverside trees - Braintree, Essex - 9.10.18.
5324 - Diptera - Aulagromyza populicola - lots of mined leaves - Chelmsford, Essex - 10.10.18.
5325 - Spider - Nigma walckenaeri - beneath web on Ivy leaves - Chelmsford, Essex - 10.10.18.
5326 - Fungus - Striated Earthstar - in churchyard below cedar - Chorleywood, Herts - 12.10.18.
5327 - Mollusc - Arion rufus - in Mark Telfer's back garden - Eaton Bray, Bedfordshire - 12.10.18.
5328 - Mammal - Edible Dormouse - five (inc two spotlit!) - Dancersend Woods, Bucks - 12.10.18.
5329 - Plant - Corn Chamomile - lots in arable field - College Lakes, Tring, Herts - 13.10.18.
5330 - Coleoptera - Amara ovata - scurrying in arable field - College Lakes, Tring, Herts - 13.10.18.
5331 - Coleoptera -Bradycellus verbasci - reddish carabid - College Lakes, Tring, Herts - 13.10.18.
5332 - Myriapod - Adenomeris gibbosa - rare pillmill - beneath log - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5333 - Coleoptera - Anthobium unicolor - sieved from beneath log - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5334 - Coleoptera - Catops nigricans - sieved from beneath log - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5335 - Mollusc - Vallonia costata - sieved from beneath log - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5336 - Coleoptera - Micropeplus staphylinoides - sieved from log - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5337 - Psocid - Peripsocus milleri - on top of wooden post - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5338 - Hemiptera - Pinalitus cervinus - beaten from Ivy - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5339 - Coleoptera - Amischa analis - sieved from beneath log - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5340 - Coleoptera - Ptenidium pusillum - sieved from beneath log - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5341 - Coleoptera - Neuraphes elongatulus - sieved beneath log - Cobblers Pits, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5342 - Plant - Common Fiddleneck - in ruderal kerbside verge - Aston Clinton, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5343 - Coleoptera - Agabus conspersus - netted from canal - Wendover Arm, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5344 - Coleoptera - Stenus cicindeloides - in marginal vegetation - Wendover Arm, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5345 - Leech - Pisicola geometra - several netted from canal - Wendover Arm, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5346 - Crustacean - Signal Crayfish - several in a yucky river - Aylesbury, Bucks - 13.10.18.
5347 - Coleoptera - Azolla Weevil - several found - Biddenham Village Pond, Beds - 13.10.18.
5348 - Coleoptera - Bembidion quadripustulatum - Biddenham Village Pond, Beds - 13.10.18.
5349 - Coleoptera - Bembidion articulatum - Biddenham Village Pond, Beds - 13.10.18.
5350 - Coleoptera - Bembidion dentellum - Biddenham Village Pond, Beds - 13.10.18.
5351 - Coleoptera - Bembidion lunulatum - Biddenham Village Pond, Beds - 13.10.18.
5352 - Coleoptera - Bembidion octomaculatum - Biddenham Village Pond, Beds - 13.10.18.
5353 - Coleoptera - Bembidion varium - Biddenham Village Pond, Beds - 13.10.18.
5354 - Ant - Plagiolepsis allaudi - common in butterfly house - Whipsnade Zoo, Beds - 14.10.18.
5355 - Crustacean - Anchiphiloscia pilosa - in soil at sole UK site - Whipsnade Zoo, Beds - 14.10.18.
5356 - Myriapod - Lithobius cf lapidicola - soil of butterfly house - Whipsnade Zoo, Beds - 14.10.18.
5357 - Coleoptera - Sericoderus brevicornis - in butterfly house -Whipsnade Zoo, Beds - 14.10.18.
5358 - Scale - Pseudococcus longispinus - in butterfly house -Whipsnade Zoo, Beds - 14.10.18.
5359 - Myriapod - Lamyctes caeculus - in soil of butterfly house - Whipsnade Zoo, Beds - 14.10.18.
5360 - Myriapod - Tygarrup javanicus - in soil of butterfly house - Whipsnade Zoo, Beds - 14.10.18.
5361 - Moth - Ectoedemia argyropeza - larva in green island on Alder leaf - Uig, Skye - 18.10.18.
NOVEMBER 2018 - (7 additions)
5362 - Fungus - Clavariadelphus fistulosa - common on Alder branches - Uig Wood, Skye - 1.11.18.
5363 - Fungus - Golovinomyces asperifolli - mildew on forget-me-nots - Uig, Skye - 6.11.18.
5364 - Fungus - Plectocarpon lichenum - infected thallus of Tree Lungwort - Uig Wood, Skye - 6.11.18.
5365 - Crustacean - Philoscia affinis - beneath mossy bark on tree - Uig Wood, Skye - 8.11.18.
5366 - Diptera - Eudasyphora cyanicolor - sunning - Uig Wood, Skye - pinned 4.v.17. - det 18.11.18.
5367 - Diptera - Bibio leucopterus - on umbels - Uig Wood, Skye - pinned 23.v.17. - det 18.11.18.
5368 - Diptera - Neuroctena anilis - v.common - Uig Wood, Skye - pinned - det 18.11.18.
DECEMBER 2018 - (4 additions)
5369 - Fungus - Phacidium multivalve - common on dead Holly leaves - Uig, Skye - 12.12.18.
5370 - Coleoptera - Otiorhynchus arcticus - beneath rock near shore - Uig Bay, Skye - 12.12.18.
5371 - Freshwater Algae - Closterium archerianum - water sample - Uig Bog, Skye - 18.12.18.
5372 - Freshwater Algae - Closterium lunula - water sample - Uig Bog, Skye - 18.12.18.
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