Lifers 2023

Breakdown of the additions to my PSL 2023:

* denotes species found/identified by somebody else

Algae 2, Protists 2, Lichens 1, Fungi 9, Bryophytes 4, Plants 63, Sponges 1, Annelids 1, Platyhelminths 1, Molluscs 7, Crustaceans 5, Myriapods 6, Arachnids 2, Bristletails 2, Orthopteroids 2, Coleoptera 11, Hemiptera 6, Hymenoptera 17, Diptera 18, Moths 24, Insects RSO 3, Birds 1, Mammals 1.

January 2023 (1 addition)

6702 - Plant - Noble Fir - self-sown saplings at edge of plantation trees - Taynafead, Scotland - 13.1.23.

February 2023 ( 8 additions)

6703 - Plant - Bunch-flowered Daffodil - clumps along SW Coast Path - Portscatho, Cornwall - 5.2.23.
6704 - Plant - Plymouth Pear - 1 large tree near riverside - Penweathers, Cornwall - 8.2.23.
6705 - Plant - Portuguese Heath - on roadside embankment - Probus bypass, Cornwall  - 12.2.23.
6706 - Lichen - Pseudocyphella norvegica - many on mossy trees - Gesto Bay, Skye - 12.2.23.
6707* - Fungus - Abrothallus welwitschii - green discs on Sticta fuliginosa - Gesto Bay, Skye - 12.2.23.
6708 - Plecoptera - Brachyptera putata - 6 adults on posts/trees - R.Spey at Boat of Garten - 13.2.23.
6709* - Bryophytes - Petalophyllum ralfsii (Petalwort) - 15+ in sandy turf - Hayle, Cornwall - 21.2.23.
6710 - Crustacean - Masked Crab - 1 in surf during a very low tide - Carne Beach, Cornwall - 24.2.23.

March 2023 ( 8 additions)

6711* - Hemiptera - Trioza alacris - several adults on Bay - Danny's garden, St Blazey Gate - 6.3.23.
6712 - Protist - Albugo hohenheimia - white patches on Hairy Bittercress - Portscatho - 12.3.23.
6713 - Mollusc - Balkan Three-banded Slug - 10+ on wall after dark - Portscatho, Cornwall - 12.3.23.
6714 - Plant - Aichryson laxum - 100s naturalised along shady walls - Cot Valley, Cornwall - 19.3.23.
6715 - Plant - Little Mouse-ear - several plants in stony soil by sea - Cot Valley, Cornwall - 19.3.23.
6716 - Plant - Strawberry Saxifrage - well naturalised in churchyard - St Just-in-Roseland - 25.3.23.
6717* - Caddis - Stenophylax permistus -1m to window (det T.Davis) - Driftwood Hotel - 25.3.23.
6718 - Mammal - Greater Horseshoe Bat - 1 with young in roost - Luxulyan, Cornwall - 30.3.23.

April 2023 (15 additions)

6719 - Beetle - Liophloeus tessulatus - 1 on kitchen wall in cabin - Driftwood Hotel, Cornwall - 1.4.23.
6720 - Algae - Bushy Rainbow Wrack - iridescent wrack in rockpools - Porthbean, Cornwall - 7.4.23.
6721 - Annelid - Cirriformia tentaculata - 100s tentacles in rockpools - Porthbean, Cornwall - 7.4.23.
6722 - Moth - Phyllonorycter staintoniella - larva in mine on Hairy Greenweed - Porthreath - 13.4.23.
6723 - Plant - Slender Club-rush - several in wet clifftop area - Portreath, Cornwall - 13.4.23.
6724 - Plant - New Zealand Hair-sedge - several naturalised in roadside - Portreath, Cornwall - 13.4.23.
6725 - Diptera - Eupeodes latifasciatus - 1f swept from Alexanders - Rosevine, Cornwall - 14.4.23.
6726 - Diptera - Macquartia dispar - 3m + 1f swept from Alexanders - Rosevine, Cornwall - 14.4.23.
6727 - Crustacean - Fairy Shrimp - 150+ in track puddles - The Dodman, Cornwall - 17.4.23.
6728 - Diptera - Musca autumnalis - 50+ on fencepost and Alexanders - Tregony, Cornwall - 17.4.23.
6729 - Fungus - Lophodermium hedericola - on dead Ivy leaf (asci checked) - Rosevine - 18.4.23.
6730 - Plant - Yellow-flowered Strawberry - masses naturalised - Trebah Gardens, Cornwall - 20.4.23.
6731 - Diptera - Dizygomyza silvatica - mines on Luzula sylvatica (larva seen) - Higher Ruan - 23.4.23.
6732 - Moth - Tawny Shears - 1 to moth trap - Driftwood Hotel, Cornwall - 24.4.23.
6733 - Plant - Bird's-foot Clover - many clumps - Pendower Beach carpark, Cornwall - 26.4.23.

May 2023 (24 additions)

6734 - Plant - Narrow-leaved Lungwort - 56 plants by railway bridge - New Forest, Hants - 1.5.23.
6735 - Fungus - Bog Beacon Mitrula paludosa - 100s in swampy patch - New Forest, Hants - 1.5.23.
6736 - Plant - New Forest Crowfoot - lots at bridge across drain - Pig Bush, New Forest, Hants - 1.5.23.
6737 - Plant - Heath Dog-violet - 100s on heathland tracks - Pig Bush, New Forest, Hants - 1.5.23.
6738 - Plant - Barren-brome - around car park and rough areas - Beachlands, Hayling Island - 1.5.23.
6739 - Plant - Bulbous Meadow-grass - lots amongst sandy turf - Beachlands, Hayling Island - 1.5.23.
6740* - Moth - Ocnerostoma friesei - 1f to light trap, checked by TD - Iping Common, Sussex - 1.5.23. 
6741 - Moth - Chamomile Shark - 1 to light trap - Rosevine, Cornwall - 6.5.23.
6742 - Plant - Lilac - several in roadside verge - Ruanlanihorne Rd, Tregony, Cornwall - 8.5.23.
6743 - Diptera - Minettia inusta - 1 on ceiling of cabin - Driftwood Hotel, Rosevine - 8.5.23.
6744 - Plant - Californian Poppy - lots along pavement beneath a garden - Truro, Cornwall - 9.5.23. 
6745 - Diptera - Polietes meridionalis - 1f swept - golden face/jowls - St Just in Roseland - 11.5.23. 
6746 - Fungi - Puccinia oxalidis - lots on Pink Sorrel leaves - St Just in Roseland churchyard - 11.5.23. 
6747 - Arachnid - Philodromus dispar - 1 male on wall in cabin - Driftwood Hotel, Cornwall - 14.5.23. 
6748 - Beetle - Phaedon tumidulus - lots on Hogweed, larvae too - Gerrans Bay, Cornwall - 15.5.23.
6749 - Plant - Slender Trefoil - patch in short turf - Gerrans Bay coastpath, Cornwall - 15.5.23.
6750 - Mollusc - Pacific Oyster - 50 embedded onto rocks - south of St Just-in-Roseland - 16.5.23. 
6751 - Mollusc - Common Oyster - 2 embedded on rocks - south of St Just-in-Roseland - 16.5.23.
6752 - Hymenoptera - Nomada panzeri - 1f keyed out of a batch of N.flava - St Just-in-R - 16.5.23.
6573 - Moth - Dark Spectacle - 1 to moth trap - Driftwood Hotel, Cornwall - 20.5.23.
6754 - Hymenoptera - Andrena scotica - 1f inside the cabin - Rosevine, Cornwall - 21.5.23.
6755 - Diptera - Eumerus funeralis - 1m inside of the cabin - Rosevine, Cornwall - 23.5.23. 
6756 - Moth - Oegoconia caradjai - 1 on ceiling of cabin - Rosevine, Cornwall - 27.5.23.
6757 - Platyhelminth - Australopacifica atrata - 2 beneath log - Probus Church, Cornwall - 30.5.23.
6758 - Diptera - (Ephydridae) Parydra quadripunctata - swept - Cuby, Cornwall - 30.5.23.

June 2023 (17 additions)

6759 - Plant - Irish Spurge - several clumps in woodland - Nance Wood, Portreath, Cornwall - 2.6.23.
6760 - Hymenoptera - Heterarthrus cuneifrons - tenanted mine on Sycamore - Nance Wood - 2.6.23.
6761 - Plant - Deptford Pink - several young plants along footpath - Porthreath, Cornwall - 2.6.23.
6762 - Orthopteroid - Unarmed Stick Insect - 1 in garden - Driftwood Hotel, Cornwall - 3.6.23. 
6763 - Plant - Slender Thistle - patches around car park - Nare Head, Cornwall - 7.6.23. 
6764 - Moth - Epermenia aequidentellus - 1 to moth trap - Driftwood Hotel, Cornwall - 13.6.23.
6765 - Moth - Simacauda dicommatias - 1 larva in actively moving case - St Just-in-Roseland - 14.6.23.
6766* - Fungus - Farysia thuemenii - infected Pendulous Sedge heads - St Just-in-Roseland - 14.6.23. 
6767 - Moth - Crescent Dart - 1 to moth trap - Driftwood Hotel, Cornwall - 16.6.23.
6768 - Moth - Eudonia delunella - 1 to moth trap - Driftwood Hotel, Cornwall - 16.6.23.
6769 - Moth - Royal Mantle - 1 to light trap - Driftwood Hotel, Cornwall - 19.6.23.
6770 - Moth - The Shark - 1 to light trap - Driftwood Hotel, Cornwall - 19.6.23.
6771 - Moth - Phycitodes saxicola - 3 larvae dead Oxeye Daisy heads - Pendower Beach - 20.6.23.
6772 - Hymenoptera - Hylaeus confusus - 1f keyed - base of cliffs at Porthbean Beach - 21.6.23.
6773 - Hemiptera - Alydus calcaratus - lots of these big bugs at cliff base - Porthbean Beach - 21.6.23.
6774 - Moth - Meal Moth Pyralis farinalis - 1 on restuarant wall - Driftwood Hotel, Cornwall - 24.6.23.
6775 - Moth - Thrift Clearwing - 2 on clifftop Thrift/Wild Thyme - Portreath, Cornwall - 27.6.23.

July 2023 (27 additions)

6776 - Plant - Tall Sea-lavender - 1 plant on inside of sea wall - St Mawes, Cornwall - 3.7.23.
6777 - Diptera - Dioctria baumhaueri - 6+ in hedgerow - Portreath Top Fields, Cornwall - 3.7.23.
6778 - Diptera - Pachygaster atra - 1 swept from hedgerow - Portreath Top Fields, Cornwall - 3.7.23.
6779 - Diptera - Chorisops tibialis - 1 swept from hedgerow - Portreath Top Fields, Cornwall - 3.7.23.
6780 - Beetle - Lagria hirta - 1 in hedgerow, finally! - Portreath Top Fields, Cornwall - 3.7.23.
6781 - Plant - Rockery Willowherb - along woodland trails - Cardinham Woods, Cornwall - 10.7.23.
6782 - Moth - Bright Wave - 3 flushed from grasses - Medmerry RSPB, West Sussex - 15.7.23.
6783* - Plant - Awned Canary-grass - several clumps on edge of arable field - Hayling Island - 15.7.23.
6784 - Moth - Ptocheuusa paupella - larvae in Fleabane heads - Hayling Island, West Sussex - 15.7.23.
6785* - Moth - Coleophora vibicella - 1 adult plus 60+ cases on Dyer's Greenweed - Hayling - 15.7.23. 
6786* - Moth - Striped Lychnis - 1 large larva on Dark Mullein - nr Magdalen Hill Downs - 15.7.23.
6787* - Beetle - Cionus nigritarsis - many on Dark Mullein - nr Magdalen Hill Downs - 15.7.23.
6788 - Plant - Wild Gladiolus - 10+ stems beneath Bracken - Lucy Hill, New Forest - 15.7.23.
6789 - Plant - Chalk Knapweed - good-looking stuff in scrub edge - Woolmer Forest, Hants - 15.7.23.
6790 - Plant - Bay Willow - one examined - Lurgie Loch, Scottish Borders - 18.7.23.
6791 - Plant - Maiden Pink - 50+ on basalt outcropping - NW of Stichill, Scottish Borders - 18.7.23.
6792 - Plant - Annual Knawel - 10+ on basalt outcropping - NW of Stichill, Scottish Borders - 18.7.23.
6793 - Plant - Silky Lady's-mantle - several in steep meadow - Undercliff NR, Lamberton - 18.7.23.
6794 - Plant - Monk's Rhubarb - 2 patches on site of old village - Craigdaillie, Perths - 19.7.23.
6795 - Plant - Blue Water-speedwell - several in well-vegetated ditch - Kinnaird, Perths - 19.7.23.
6796 - Plant - White Wood-rush - several in grassy verge - woods south of Aviemore - 20.7.23.
6797 - Plant - Heath Cudweed - 100+ on Aviemore Orbital track - Aviemore, Speyside - 20.7.23.
6798 - Plant - Coralroot Orchid - 149 spikes (1 still in flower) - Carrbridge Plantation - 20.7.23.
6799 - Hymenoptera - Great Yellow Bumblebee - 1 in meadow - Murkle nr Dunnet - 20.7.23.
6800 - Plant - Small Cow-wheat - 3 plants in wet woodland - Clava, nr Culloden - 21.7.23.
6801 - Plant - Rodgersia - big clump in woodland edge - Broadford, Skye - 22.7.23.
6802 - Moth - Hedya atropunctana - many larvae in Bog Myrtle spinnings - Glen Varagill - 28.7.23.

August 2023 (10 additions)

6803 - Arachnid - Aceria rhodiolae - galls containing mites on Roseroot - Fiskavaig, Skye - 10.8.23.
6804 - Hymenoptera - Colletes succinctus - Heather Bee - on Heather! - Fiskavaig, Skye - 10.8.23.
6805* - Moth - Epinotia cruciana - 1 adult potted by S.Bungard - Fiskavaig, Skye - 10.8.23.
6806 - Plant - Clematis viticella - in canalside verge - Caledonian Canal, Inverness - 17.8.23.
6807 - Plant - Curled Pondweed - several large patches - Caledonian Canal, Inverness - 17.8.23.
6808 - Plant - False Londonpride - lots along woodland edges - North Kessock Woods - 17.8.23.
6809 - Plant - Armenian Cranesbill - v.well natd (masses!) from throwout material - Kyleakin - 18.8.23.
6810 - Plant - Inula racemosa - one from throwout material - Kyleakin, Skye -18.8.23.
6811 - Plant - Thunberg's Barberry - bush along pathway, seems v.natd - Broadford, Skye - 19.8.23.
6812* - RSO - Stonefly - Nemoura cambrica - Gedintailor, Skye - REDET via iRecord - from 12.5.21.  

September 2023 (12 additions)

6813* - Plant - Slender Eyebright (E.micrantha) - on moorland - Glenbrittle (det BSBI Ref) - 1.9.23. 
6814 - Sponge - Suberites lutea - yellow sponge on Queen Scallop shell - Ashaig, Skye - 2.9.23.
6815 - Diptera - Protocalliphora azurea - 1f swept - Cuby, Cornwall - 30.5.23. - storebox det 9.9.23.
6816 - Diptera - Beris geniculata - 2m 1f swept - Creed Churchyard, Cornwall - 12.7.23. - det 9.9.23.
6817 - Diptera - Microchrysa flavicornis - 1m swept - Creed Churchyard - 12.7.23. - det 9.9.23.
6818 - Diptera - Dioctria linearis - 2 swept - Creed Churchyard, Cornwall - 12.7.23. - det 9.9.23.
681 - Diptera - Brachypoda scutellaris - 2 swept - St Just-in-Roseland - 10.5.23. - det 9.9.23.
6820 - Plant - Inland Club-rush - masses in a roadside ditch - Minehead, Somerset - 13.9.23.
6821 - Hymenoptera - Nematus septentrionalis - sawfly larvae on Betula - Kinloch, Skye - 18.9.23. 
6822 - Diptera - Hydrellia fusca (Ephydridae) - 1 swept near river - Edinbane Cemy carpark - 18.9.23.
6823 - Protist - Cyphoderia ampulla - testate amoeba - Sphagnum squeeze - Kilmarie, Skye - 19.9.23. 
6824 - Fungi - Horn of Plenty Craterellus cornucopioides - trooping - Aird Woods, Skye - 26.9.23.
6825 - Hymenoptera - Trigonaspis megaptera - gall wasp on oak leaf - Aird Woods, Skye - 30.9.23.
6826* - Bird - American Herring Gull - the 'Bayfield Gull' of 27.2.20. See Neil Bennett's further pics!!!

October 2023 (14 additions)
6827 - Plant - NZ Bittercress - in pots of planted trees in outdoor area - Decora Gdn Ctr, Elgin - 9.10.23.
6828 - Plant - Garden Radish - masses (planted?) now natd - disturbed verge - Briach, Dallas - 9.10.23.
6829 - Plant - French Marigold - a few (planted?) now natd - disturbed verge - Briach, Dallas - 9.10.23.
6830 - Plant - Crimson Clover - masses (planted?) now natd - disturbed verge - Briach, Dallas - 9.10.23.
6831 - Plant - Egyptian Clover - lots (planted?) now natd - disturbed verge - Briach, Dallas - 9.10.23.
6832 - Plant - Buckwheat - lots in muddy area of disturbed field - Briach, Dallas - 9.10.23.  
6833 - Plant - Treacle Mustard - 1 small plant in flower - disturbed verge - Briach, Dallas - 9.10.23.
6834 - Plant - Slender Pearlwort - growing at pavement/wall interface - Grantown-on-Spey - 10.10.23.
6835 - Plant - Dickie's Bladder-fern - several on underside of bridge - Glenlivet, Banffs - 10.10.23.
6836 - Plant - Scottish Laburnum - 1 multi-limbed tree in hedgerow - nr Carrbridge - 10.10.23. 
6837 - Plant - Water Sedge - masses along riverbank - R.Spey at Aviemore, Speyside - 17.10.23.
6838 - Plant - Jacob's-ladder - large patch roadside, opposite houses - Carrbridge, Speyside - 17.10.23.
6839 - Plant - Creeping Dogwood - patch on woodland floor - Pilgaveney Woods, Elgin - 24.10.23.
6840 - Mollusc - Onchidoris bilamellata (a sea slug) - 10+ on pontoon - Kyle of Localsh - 25.10.23.

November 2023  (42 additions)

6841 - Orthopteroid - Euborellia arcanum - 20+ beneath stones - Eden Project, Cornwall - 7.11.23. 
6842 - Crustacean - Porcellionides sexfasciatus - 30+ beneath stones - Eden Project, Cornwall - 7.11.23.
6843* - Fungi - Xylaria cinerea - several on old Q.ilex stump - Mark's garden - Ventnor, IOW - 9.11.23.
6844* - Plant - Shrubby Scorpion-vetch - natd in verges opp Mark's garden - Ventnor, IOW - 9.11.23.
6845* - Mollusc - Testacella haliotidea - shelled slug - beneath capstones - Ventnor, IOW - 9.11.23.
6846* - Plant - Martin's Ramping-fumitory - scattered patches in allotments - Lake, IOW - 9.11.23.
6847 - Bryophyte - Blasia pusilla - several patches on wet unvegetated cliff - Sandown, IOW - 9.11.23.
6848* - Bryophyte - Philonotus marchica - lots on wet unvegetated cliff - Sandown, IOW - 9.11.23.
6849* - Bryophyte - Phaeoceros laevis - small patch on unvegetated cliff - Sandown, IOW - 9.11.23.
6850 - Algae - Guiry's Wrack - masses on rocky shore - Sandown seashore, IOW - 9.11.23.
6851* - Crustacean - Pisa tetraodon - crab in rockpool, found and keyed  by MT - Sandown - 9.11.23.
6852 - Fungi - Soleirolia Rust - on underside of MYOB - in a churchyard in Ventnor, IOW - 9.11.23.
6853 - Hemiptera - Phormium Mealybug Balanococcus diminutus - on NZ Flax - Ventnor  - 9.11.23. 
6854* - Beetle - Tasgius globulifer - 1 on wall after dark - Mark's garden - Ventnor, IOW - 9.11.23.
6855* - Bristletail - Dilta hibernica - 1 on log after dark - Mark's garden - Ventnor, IOW - 9.11.23.
6856* - Diptera - Sylvicola fuscatus - several to MVL trap - Mark's garden - Ventnor, IOW - 9.11.23.
6857* - Hymenoptera - Myrmecina graminicola - sev in Mark's garden after dark - Ventnor - 9.11.23.
6858* - Myriapod - Polydesmus asthenestatus - under debris outdoors - Ventnor Bot Gdns - 10.11.23.
6859* - Myriapod - Polydesmus taranus - under debris outdoors - Ventnor Bot Gdns - 10.11.23.
6860* - Mollusc - Tandonia cristata - 1 under a large rock in flowerbed - Ventnor Bot Gdns - 10.11.23.
6861* - Myriapod - Cylindroiulus apenninorum - several under rocks - Ventnor Bot Gdns - 10.11.23.
6862* - Myriapod - Haplopodoiulus spathifer - a couple under rocks - Ventnor Bot Gdns - 10.11.23.
6863* - Hymenoptera - Aphelonyx cerricola - Cork Oak galls (2 larvae seen) - Ventnor BG - 10.11.23.
6864* - Hymenoptera - Tapinoma ibericum - line-forming ant (outdoors) - Ventnor Bot Gdns - 10.11.23.
6865* - Crustacean - Ctenoscia cf minima - several under logs (indoors) - Ventnor Bot Gdns - 10.11.23.
6866* - Myriapod - Choneiulus palmatus - 1 (v.tiny) on log (indoors) - Ventnor Bot Gdns - 10.11.23.
6867* - Bristletail - Atelura cf formicaria - 1 under plant pot (hothouse) - Ventnor Bot Gdns - 10.11.23. 
6868 - Mollusc - Vitrea crystallina - a tiny snail, several under a log - Ventnor Bot Gdns - 10.11.23.
6869* - Myriapod - Cylindrioulus truncorum - 1 under a rock - Ventnor Bot Gdns - 10.11.23.
6870 - Plant - Shoddy Ragwort - lots self-seeding around dump area - Ventnor Bot Gdns - 10.11.23.
6871* - Beetle - Kalcapion semivittatum - 2 from Annual Mercury - Ventnor Bot Gdns - 10.11.23.
6872* - Moth - Oak Rustic - 1 to Mark Telfer's garden MVL - Ventnor, IOW - 10.11.23.
6873* - Moth - Yellow-line Quaker - 2 to Mark Telfer's garden MVL - Ventnor, IOW - 11.11.23.
6874* - Plant - Wood Calamint - verge full of many plants - Rowridge, IOW - 11.11.23.
6875* - Hemiptera - Tuponia hippophaes - 20+ beaten from Tamarisk - Freshwater Bay - 11.11.23.
6876* - Moth - Channel Island Pug - 1 pupa beaten from Tamarisk - Freshwater Bay, IOW - 11.11.23.
6877* - Beetle - Squamapion atomarium - tiny weevil - suction sample - Compton Down - 11.11.23.
6878* - Hemiptera - Agramma laeta - tiny tingid - suction sampled - Compton Down, IOW - 11.11.23.
6879* - Beetle - Longitarsus obliteratus - a flea-beetle - suction sampled - Compton Down - 11.11.23.
6880* - Beetle - Aphthona herbigrada - pale legs - suction sampled - Compton Down, IOW - 11.11.23.
6881* - Beetle - Apteropeda orbiculata - 1 suction sampled - Compton Down, IOW - 11.11.23.
6882* - Beetle - Stenichnus scutellaris -  1 suction sampled - Compton Down, IOW - 11.11.23. 

December 2023  (... additions)
6883 - Hymenoptera (storebox) - Sphecodes gibbus - Portreath, Cornwall - 2.6.23. - det 5.12.23. 
6884 - Hymenoptera (storebox) - Andrena pilipes - Portreath, Cornwall - 27.6.23. - det 5.12.23.
6885 - Hymenoptera (storebox) - Andrena nitada - Creed Churchyard, Cornwall - 26.4.23. - det 5.12.23.
6886 - Hymenoptera (storebox) - Andrena ampla - Creed Churchyard, Cornwall - 26.4.23. - det 5.12.23.
6887 - Hymenoptera (storebox) - Panurgus banksianus - Portreath, Cornwall - 27.6.23. - det 5.12.23.
6888 - Hymenoptera (storebox) - Ancistrocerus oviventris - Portreath, Cornwall - 2.6.23. - det 5.12.23.
6889 - Hemiptera - Takecallis arundicolens - overlooked from 1.6.23. - Tregony Woods, Cornwall.
(6890 - Fungus - Cylindrocladium buxicola Box Blight - missed off PSL - Box Hill - 19.9.12.)

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