Lifers 2020

Breakdown of the 405 species added to my PSL in 2020

Algae 3, Lichens 5, Fungi 11, Protists 5, Slime Moulds 2, Bryophytes 8, Plants 44, Bryozoans1, Sponges 1, Molluscs 6, Cnidarians 3, Echinoderms 1, Annelids 2, Platyhelminthes 1, Crustaceans 8, Myriapods 1, Arachnids 27, Springtails 1, Hymenoptera 13, Hemipteroids 21, Coleoptera 81, Diptera 163, Moths 5, Fleas 1, Mayflies 1, Caddis 2, Tunicates 1, Fish 1, Amphibians 1, Birds 1(+2), Mammals 1.

JANUARY 2020 -  (8 additions)

5756 - Coleoptera - Micralymma marinum - staph beneath rocks on shore - Uig Bay, Skye - 4.1.20.
5757 - Coleoptera - Psylliodes napi - flea beetle on ceiling of laundry shed - Uig Hotel, Skye - 6.1.20.
5758 - Diptera - Trichocera regelationis - winter gnat with wing cloud - Uig Hotel, Skye - 12.1.20.
5759 - Diptera - Heteromyza commixta - Heliomyzid to laundry shed - Uig Hotel, Skye - 13.1.20.
5760 - Diptera - Trichocera major - male to security lights - Uig Hotel, Skye - 16.1.20.
5761 - Diptera - Trichocera saltator - female to security lights (gen det) - Uig Hotel, Skye - 16.1.20.
5762 - Diptera - Scoliocentra caesia - 1 on window of laundry shed - Uig Hotel, Skye - 26.1.20.
5763 - Coleoptera - Laemostenus terricola - 1 in sticky trap (alive) - Uig Hotel, Skye - 28.1.20.

FEBRUARY 2020 -  (55 additions)

5764 - Bird - Hudsonian Whimbrel (re-admitted by BOU)
5765 - Diptera - Bradysia tilicola - emerging from potted Cheese-plant - Armadale, Skye - 12.2.20.
5766 - Plant - Pleated Snowdrop - keyed with BSBI Recorder - Portree, Skye - 13.2.20.
5767 - Fungus - Onygena equina - Horn Stalkball on rotting sheep horn - Portree, Skye - 13.2.20.
5768 - Lichen - Pyrenula occidentalis - orange thallus on Hazel stems - Portree, Skye - 13.2.20.
5769 - Fungus - Micraspis strobilina - on fallen Scots Pine cone - Portree, Skye - 13.2.20.
5770 - Fungus - Lophodermium conigerum - on fallen Scots Pine cone - Portree, Skye - 13.2.20.
5771 - Lichen - Pyrenula occidentalis - orange lichen on Hazel stems - Portree, Skye - 13.2.20.
5772 - Lichen - Dimerella lutea - overgrowing mosses on tree trunk - Portree, Skye - 13.2.20.
5773 - Plant - Spring Crocus - one plant naturalised in woodland - Portree, Skye - 13.2.20. 
5774 - Hemiptera - Scolopostethus grandis - in leaf litter - Rufus Stone, Hampshire - 20.2.20.
5775 - Coleoptera - Tachyporus atriceps - in leaf litter - Rufus Stone, Hampshire - 20.2.20.
5776 - Coleoptera - Xantholinus longiventris - in leaf litter - Rufus Stone, Hampshire - 20.2.20.
5777 - Coleoptera - Tetartopius terminatus - in leaf litter - Rufus Stone, Hampshire - 20.2.20.
5778 - Coleoptera - Agonum piceum- in flood debris - Lymington Reedbed, Hants - 21.2.20.
5779 - Coleoptera - Sepedophilus pedicularius - flood debris - Lymington Reedbed, Hants - 21.2.20.
5780 - Coleoptera - Dicheirotrichus placidus - in flood debris - Lymington Reedbed, Hants - 21.2.20.
5781 - Coleoptera - Bembidion mannerheimii - flood debris - Lymington Reedbed, Hants - 21.2.20.
5782 - Coleoptera - Bembidion biguttatum - in flood debris - Lymington Reedbed, Hants - 21.2.20.
5783 - Coleoptera - Rybaxis longicornis - in flood debris - Lymington Reedbed, Hants - 21.2.20.
5784 - Hemiptera - Chartoscira cincta - in flood debris - Lymington Reedbed, Hants - 21.2.20.
5785 - Fungi - Laboulbenia vulgaris - on upperside of Ocys - Lymington Reedbed - 21.2.20.
5786 - Plant - Green Hellebore - small patch in woodland - Lordington Copse, W.Sussex - 21.2.20.
5787 - Plant - Small Cleavers - masses in paving cracks of carpark - Port Solent, Hants - 22.2.20.
5788 - Plant - Thick-leaved Stonecrop - naturalised on seawall - Port Solent, Hants - 22.2.20.
5789 - Coleoptera - Limodromus assimilis - sieved leaf litter - Mark Ash Wood, Hants - 22.2.20.
5790 - Coleoptera - Quedius nigriceps - sieved leaf litter - Mark Ash Wood, Hants - 22.2.20.
5791 - Coleoptera - Quedius fumatus - sieved from litter - Mark Ash Wood, Hants - 22.2.20.
5792 - Coleoptera - Trechus obtusus - sieved from litter - Mark Ash Wood, Hants - 22.2.20. 
5793 - Coleoptera - Acupalpus flavicollis - sieved from litter - Mark Ash Wood, Hants - 22.2.20.
5794 - Diptera - Mycetophila fraterna - Uig Hotel on 25.1.20 (det. Peter Chandler on 23.2.20.
5795 - Liverwort - Riccia crystallina - masses trackside - Hollands Wood campsite - 25.2.20.
5796 - Liverwort - Sphaerocarpus texanus - lots trackside - Hollands Wood campsite - 25.2.20.
5797 - Plant - Forsythia x intermedia - suckering away - Kingsley Quarry, N.Hants - 26.2.20.
5798 - Plant - Caucasian Stonecrop - along a pathway - Kingsley Quarry, N.Hants - 26.2.20.
5799 - Plant - Chinese Barberry - seedlings beneath planted stuff - Kingsley Quarry - 26.2.20.
5800 - Plant - Bearberry Cotoneaster - pathside patch - Yateley Common, Hants - 26.2.20.
5801 - Plant - Coralberry - pathside patch - Yateley Common, Hants - 26.2.20.
5802 - Hemipteroid - Odontothrips ulicis - 10s on gorse flowers - Yateley Common - 26.2.20.
5803 - Coleoptera - Philonthus decorus - leaf litter sieving - Rye Common, N.Hants - 26.2.20.
5804 - Plant - Yellow Figwort - 1 'protected' plant - St Giles Cemetery, Winchester - 27.2.20.
5805 - Coleoptera - Paederus littoralis - 2 under logs - Magdalen Hill Downs, Hants - 27.2.20.
5806 - Coleoptera - Stenus clavicornis - 1 under log - Magdalen Hill Downs, Hants - 27.2.20.
5807 - Moth - Currant Clearwing - 1 larva in currant stem - Mark Telfer's garden - Beds - 28.2.20.
5808 - Spider - Achaearanea tepidariorum - leaflitter sieving - hothouse in Whipsnade Zoo - 29.2.20.
5809 - Pseudoscorpion - Chthonius tetrachelatus - leaflitter sieving - Whipsnade Zoo - 29.2.20.
5810 - Spider - Coleosoma floridanum - leaflitter sieving - hothouse in Whipsnade Zoo - 29.2.20.
5811 - Snail - Subulina octona - leaflitter sieving - hothouse in Whipsnade Zoo - 29.2.20.
5812 - Snail - Streptostele musaecola - leaflitter sieving - hothouse in Whipsnade Zoo - 29.2.20.
5813 - Spider - Triaeris stenaspis - leaflitter sieving - hothouse in Whipsnade Zoo - 29.2.20.
5314 - Millipede - Cylindrodesmus hirsutus - from rot hole - hothouse in Whipsnade Zoo - 29.2.20.
5315 - Beetle - Ptilodactyla exotica - larva from leaflitter - hothouse in Whisnade Zoo - 29.2.20.
5816 - Amphibian - Midwife Toad - 3 beneath stones - Hill Rise NR, Bedford - 29.2.20.
5817 - Hemiptera - Issus coleoptratus - nymphs vacuum sampled - Hill Rise NR, Bedford - 29.2.20.
5818 - Spider - Theridiosoma gemmosum - vacuum sampled - Hill Rise NR, Bedford - 29.2.20.
5819 - Diptera - Camarota curvipennis - vacuum sampled - Hill Rise NR, Bedford - 29.2.20.
5820 - Coleoptera - Protapion apricans - vacuum sampled - Hill Rise NR, Bedford - 29.2.20.

MARCH 2020 - (47 additions)

5821 - Beetle - Leptusa fumida - deadwood/litter searching - Ashridge, Herts - 1.3.20.  (not a lifer!) 
5822 - Beetle - Atheta hypnorum - deadwood/litter searching - Ashridge, Herts - 1.3.20.
5823 - Beetle - Ctesias serra - on underside of loose bark - Ashridge, Herts - 1.3.20.
5824 - Beetle - Xantholinus gallicus - deadwood/litter searching - Ashridge, Herts - 1.3.20.
5825 - Flea - Orchopeas howardi - in disused squirrel drey - Ashridge, Herts - 1.3.20.
5826 - Beetle - Cryptophagus micaceus - deadwood/litter searching - Ashridge, Herts - 1.3.20.
5827 - Spider - Oonops pulcher - on underside of loose bark - Ashridge, Herts - 1.3.20.
5828 - Beetle - Rhizophagus bipustulatus - on underside of loose bark - Ashridge, Herts - 1.3.20.
5829 - Beetle - Ischnosoma splendidum - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20.
5830 - Beetle - Lithocharis nigriceps - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5831 - Beetle - Phloeonomus punctipennis - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5832 - Beetle - Megasternum immaculatum - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5833 - Beetle - Rhizophagus dispar - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5834 - Beetle - Quedius lucidulus - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5835 - Crustacean - Trachelipus rathkii - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5836 - Beetle - Rugilus angustatus - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5837 - Beetle - Rugilus rufipes - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5838 - Beetle - Rugilus orbiculatus - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5839 - Beetle - Cypha longicornis - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5840 - Beetle - Tachyporus hypnorum - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5841 - Beetle - Notiophilus rufipes - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5842 - Pseudoscorpion - Pselaphochernes scorpioides - in woodchip - Northstone, Herts - 2.3.20
5843 - Beetle - Atheta trinotata - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5844 - Beetle - Cerylon histeroides - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5845 - Beetle - Cilea silphoides - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5846 - Beetle - Trixagus gracilis - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5847 - Beetle - Sunius propinquus - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5848 - Hemiptera - Buchananiella continua - in woodchip - Northstone Timberyard, Herts - 2.3.20
5849 - Diptera - Trichocera annulata - beaten from scrub - Linford Wood, Herts - 2.3.20.
5850 - Diptera - Phaonia tuguriorum - female on sunlit fence - Linford Wood, Herts - 2.3.20.
5851 - Beetle - Otiorhynchus ovatus - beaten from pine - Brooklands, Surrey - 3.3.20.
5852 - Hemiptera - Plinthisus brevipennis - beaten from pine - Brooklands, Surrey - 3.3.20.
5853 - Beetle - Syntomus foveatus - sieved from litter - Brooklands, Surrey - 3.3.20.
5854 - Beetle - Syntomus truncatellus - sieved from litter - Brooklands, Surrey - 3.3.20.
5855 - Hemiptera - Cardiastethus fasciiventris - beaten from pine - Brooklands, Surrey - 3.3.20.
5856 - Beetle - Oxytoma pomonae - beaten from pine - Brooklands, Surrey - 3.3.20.
5857 - Beetle - Mecinus pascuorum - beaten from pine - Brooklands, Surrey - 3.3.20.
5858 - Plant - Spring Sedge - several in flower - Martin Down, Hants - 6.3.20.
5859 - Plant - Dwarf Sedge - one in flower - Martin Down, Hants - 6.3.20.
5860 - Mollusc- Vallonia costata - 1 on underside of rock - Martin Down, Hants - 6.3.20.
5861 - Diptera - Phytomyza flavicornis - 1 pupa in nettle stem - Test Way, Hants - 6.3.20.
5862 - Diptera - Melanagromyza angeliciphaga - 15 pupae in nettle stems - Test Way, Hants - 6.3.20.
[5863 - Diptera - Villeneuvia aestuum - swept and given to Ali Shuttleworth, 24.6.18. - det 13.3.20.] 
5864 - Diptera - Dicranota subtilis - female on tree - Uig Wood, Skye - 13.3.20.
5865 - Diptera - Lonchoptera bifurcata - male running on tree trunk - Uig Wood, Skye - 13.3.20.
5866 - Beetle - Oreodytes davisii - one in pool by dam - R.Conon, Uig Wood, Skye - 19.3.20.
5867 - Fungi - Ramularia septata - rot on snowdrop leaves - Uig Hotel, Skye - 31.3.20.

APRIL 2020  (23 additions)

5868 - Diptera - Sepsis fulgens - from Milton Keynes, Bucks timbermill on 2.3.20. - IDed on 1.4.20.
5869 - Diptera - Tephritis neesii - from Milton Keynes B&Q, Bucks on 2.3.20. - IDed on 1.4.20.
5870 - Hemiptera - Asiraca clavicornis - planthopper from Hill Rise NR, Beds on 29.2 - IDed 2.4.20.
5871 - Hemiptera - Megamelodes quadrimaculatus - hopper from Hill Rise on 29.2. - IDed on 2.4.20.
5872 - Coleoptera - Dimetrota atramentaria - 3 sieved from chainsaw dust - Uig Hotel, Skye - 5.4.20.
5873 - Coleoptera - Sitona obsoletus - 1 on laundry shed ceiling - Uig Hotel, Skye - 5.4.20.
5874 - Coleoptera - Ceratapion onopordi - weevil from Hill Rise NR, beds on 29.2. - IDed on 7.4.20.
5875 - Diptera - Phaonia subventa - common emergence in sunshine - Uig Wood, Skye - 7.4.20.
5876 - Hemiptera - Dicyphus stachydis - 1 swept from undergrowth - Uig Wood, Skye - 7.4.20.
5877 - Diptera - Dicranomyia chorea - from Mark Telfer's house - Eaton Bray on 2.3. - det 10.4.20.
5878 - Coleoptera- Stenus nitens - leaf-litter sieved from New Forest on 22.2.20. - det 12.4.20.
5879 - Coleoptera - Quedius curtipennis - male from beneath stone - Uig Beach - 14.4.20.
5880 - Coleoptera - Scydmaenus tarsatus - 1 sieved from old grass pile - Uig Hotel, Skye - 16.4.20.
5881 - Coleoptera - Cercyon analis - 7 sieved from old clippings - Uig Hotel, Skye - 16.4.20.
5882 - Coleoptera - Amara aenea - 1 on cemetery wall - Uig Hillside, Skye - 17.4.20.
5883 - Coleoptera- Xantholinus linearis - under stone in sheepfields - Uig, Skye - 17.4.20.
[5884 - Diptera - Neria cibaria (Micropezidae) from Uig Wood, Skye - 22.5.18, det 19.4.20.]
5885 - Diptera - Limnellia quadrata - from beneath dung - Uig Hillside, Skye - 17.4.20.
5886 - Diptera - Dicranota pavida - swept -Uig Wood, Skye- 20.4.20.
5887 - Diptera - Hydromya dorsalis (Sciomyzid) - swept - Uig Wood, Skye - 21.4.20.
5888 - Coleoptera - Phyllotreta flexuosa - beaten from Sycamore - Uig Wood, Skye - 21.4.20.
5889 - Diptera - Phaonia errans - on tree trunk - Uig Wood, Skye - 28.4.20.
5890 - Diptera - Bibio lanigerus - swept from vegetation - Uig Wood, Skye - 28.4.20.
5891 - Diptera - Scathophaga suilla - swept from vegetation - Uig Wood, Skye - 28.4.20.

MAY 2020  (16 additions)

5892 - Diptera - Syrphus torvus - female swept (FINALLY!) - Uig Wood, Skye - 20.4.20. det 3.5.20.
5893 - Diptera - Scathophaga litorea- male swept from flowers - Uig Wood - 28.4.20 det 3.5.20.
5894 - Diptera - Neoascia tenur - pr swept from Ramsons patch by shore - Uig Bay, Skye - 4.5.20.
5895 - Diptera - Sepsis violacea - 1m swept from Ramsons patch by shore - Uig Bay, Skye - 4.5.20.
5896 - Diptera - Siphona confusa - tachinid swept from Ramsons patch - Uig Bay, Skye - 4.5.20.
5897 - Diptera - Empis trigramma- male swept from flowers - Uig Wood, Skye - 13.5.20.
5898 - Diptera - Norellisoma opacum - male swept from flowers - Uig Wood, Skye - 13.5.20.
5899 - Diptera - Tricholauxania praeusta - swept from bramble - Uig Wood, Skye - 20.5.20.
5900 - Bird - Eastern Subalpine Warbler (armchair tick!) - St Agnes Scillies, 2016
5901 - Diptera- Cheilosia antiqua - female swept - Uig Wood, Skye - 20.5.20.
5902 - Diptera - Erioptera divisa - small cranefly swept - Uig Wood, Skye - 21.5.20.
5903 - Coleoptera - Atrecus affinis - one inside rotten log, Uig Wood, Skye - 26.5.20.
5904 - Diptera - Fannia lustrator - male flying 'boxes' beneath trees, Uig Wood, Skye - 27.5.20.
5905 - Diptera - Cephalops obtusinervis - male Pipunculid swept - Uig Wood, Skye - 27.5.20.
5906 - Diptera - Bellardia viarum - female swept - Uig Wood, Skye - 28.5.20.
5907 - Plant - Taraxacum maculosum (Dandelion!) - Uig Wood, Skye - 30.5.20.

JUNE 2020  (31 additions)

5908 - Coleoptera - Hylastes ater - on steps that I was painting - Uig Hotel, Skye - 1.6.20.
5909 - Hemiptera - Heterocordylus tibialis (Mirid) swept from Broom - Cuidrach, Skye - 3.6.20.
5910 - Diptera - Chamaepsila pallida - swept from vegetation - Uig Wood, Skye - 4.6.20.
[5911 - Hymenoptera - Anoplius concinnus - spider hunter Grain Flats, Kent - 9.8.15! (Det T.Davis)]
5912 - Hemiptera (Aphid) - Tetraneura ulmi - 1 inside gall on Wych Elm - Uig Wood, Skye - 8.6.20.
5913 - Hymenoptera - Nomada marshamella - 1 female from Sycamore leaf - Uig Wood - 8.6.20.
5914 - Diptera - Platycheirus clypeatus - pair swept from wet meadow - Glenconon, Skye - 8.6.20.
5915 - Diptera - Platycheirus scutatus s.l. - female swept from wet meadow - Glenconon - 8.6.20.
5916 - Diptera - Coenosia tigrina - 1 barrelled heavily into a Doli - Uig Wood, Skye - 8.6.20.
5917 - Diptera - Sylvicola zetterstedti - female on trunk - Rha Falls Woods, Skye - 9.6.20.
5918 - Diptera - Agromyza pseudoreptans - larva in nettle mine - Uig Wood, Skye -10.6.20.
5919 - Diptera - Palloptera quinquemaculata - Uig Wood, Skye - from 26.6.19 - det 10.6.20.
5920 - Diptera - Palloptera trimacula - Uig Wood, Skye - from 22.6.19. - det 10.6.20.
5921 - Coleoptera - Cantharis paludosa - swept from veg at top of beach - Uig Bay, Skye - 10.6.20.
5922 - Diptera - Agromyza pseudoreptans - larva in nettle - Uig Wood, Skye - 10.6.20.
5923 - Diptera - Empis stercorea - 2 males swept from grasses - Uig Bog, Skye - 11.6.20.
5924 - Diptera - Tephritis conura - 2 males swept from Marsh Thistle - Kingsburgh Woods - 12.6.20.
5925 - Diptera - Eupoedes corollae - 1 female swept from meadow - Glenbrittle, Skye - 15.6.20.
5926 - Diptera - Aphrosylus celtiber - common on rocks, males flash palps! - Glenbrittle - 15.6.20.
5927 - Arachnid (mite) - Eriophyes leiosoma - in erinea on Lime leaves - Portree School - 17.6.20.
5928 - Diptera - Physemocecis hargigi - abundant mines on Lime leaves - Portree School - 17.6.20.
5929 - Diptera - Contarinia tiliarum - petiole galls on Lime leaves - Portree School, Skye - 17.6.20.
5930 - Fungi - Puccinia caricina var. pringsheimiana - on Gooseberry leaves - Borve, Skye - 17.6.20.
5931 - Moth - Latticed Heath - several in grassy verge - Glenbernisdale Wood, Skye - 20.6.20.
5932 - Diptera - Phytomyza miniscula - mines in Aqueligia - Neil's garden, Borve, Skye - 20.6.20.
5933 - Hemiptera (Psyllid) - Craspedolepta subpunctata - Swept from R'bay W'herb - Tora - 20.6.20.
5934 - Diptera - Sericomyia lappona - several together (at last!) - Glenbernisdale, Skye - 20.6.20.
5935 - Diptera - Eristalis rupium - several in sunny verge - Glenbernisdale, Skye - 20.6.20.
5936 - Diptera - Xylota jakutorum - 3 males swept from sunlit leaves - Glenbenisdale - 20.6.20.
5937 - Diptera - Platycheirus amplus - male swept and conf. Roger Morris - Glenbernisdale - 20.6.20.
5938 - Arachnid (mite) - Phyllocoptes eupadi - in galls on Bird Cherry - Glenbernisdale - 20.6.20.

JULY 2020 -  (43 additions)

5939 - Hemiptera - Macrosiphum cholodkovskyi - aphids on Meadowsweet - Uig Wood - 1.7.20.
5940 - Diptera - Sciapus platypterus - white-sock doli - several on leaves - Uig Wood, Skye - 1.7.20.
5941 - Diptera - Cephalosphaera furcata - huge female beneath Bracken - Uig Wood, Skye - 2.7.20.
5942 - Diptera - Empis hyalipennis - female with feathered hind femora - Uig Wood, Skye - 1.7.20.
5943 - Diptera - Opomyza germinationis - 2 females on Bracken blade - Uig Wood, Skye - 2.7.20.
5944 - Fungi - Puccinia violae - infected Dog Violet, spiked spores - Eynort Woods, Skye - 7.7.20.
5945 - Diptera - Platycheirus nielseni - 1m swept from flowers - Eynort Woods, Skye - 7.7.20.
5946 - Coleoptera - Podabrus alpinus - 1 taken in flight - Eynort Woods, Skye - 7.7.20.
5947 - Diptera - Leptarthrus brevirostris - robberfly - Dunvegan 2 Churches Walk, Skye - 9.7.20.
5948 - Diptera - Mydaea corni (Muscid) - backlog box - Uig Wood - 8.6.20 (A.Shuttleworth)
5949 - Diptera - Muscina stabulans (Muscid) - backlog box - Uig Wood - 8.6.20. (A.Shuttleworth)
5950 - Diptera - Melinda viridicyanea (Calli) - backlog box - Uig Wood - 20.4.20. (A.Shuttleworth)
5951 - Diptera - Myospila meditabunda (Muscid) - backlog - Uig Wood - 28.4.20. (A.Shuttleworth)
5952 - Diptera - Phaonia rufiventris (Muscid) - backlog box - Uig Wood - 18.5.20. (A.Shuttleworth)
5953 - Diptera - Morellia simplex (Muscid) - backlog box - Uig Wood - 26.5.20. (A.Shuttleworth)
5954 - Diptera - Fannia mollisima (Faniidae) - backlog box - Uig Wood - 20.4.20. (A.Shuttleworth)
5955 - Diptera - Polietes lardarius (Muscid) - backlog box - Uig Wood - 8.6.20. (A.Shuttleworth)
5956 - Diptera - Paradelia intersecta (Antho) - backlog box - Uig Wood - 28.4.20. (A.Shuttleworth)
5957 - Diptera - Azelia nebulosa (Muscid) - Uig Wood - 16.7.20. (det A.Shuttleworth)
5958 - Diptera - Minettia longipennis (Lauxiniidae) - Uig Wood - 16.7.20. (det A.Shuttleworth)
5959 - Diptera - Limonia phragmitidis (Limoniidae) - Uig Wood - 16.7.20. (det A.Shuttleworth)
5960 - Diptera - Dolichopus simplex (Doli) - Uig Wood - 16.7.20.
5961 - Diptera - Coenosia mollicula (Muscid) - Uig Wood - 16.7.20. (det A.Shuttleworth)
5962 - Diptera - Platycheirus manicatus (hover) - sheep pastures, Uig Wood - 16.7.20.
5963 - Diptera - Dolichopus nebulosus (Doli) - Uig Wood - 16.7.20.
5964 - Diptera - Dolichopus trivialis (Doli) - Uig Wood - 16.7.20.
5965 - Diptera - Sybistroma obscurella (Doli) - Uig Wood - 16.7.20.
5966 - Diptera - Helina evicta (Muscid) - Uig Wood - 16.7.20. (det A.Shuttleworth)
5967 - Diptera - Phaonia incana (Muscid) - Uig Wood - 16.7.20. (det A.Shuttleworth)
5968 - Diptera - Mydaea urbana (Muscid) - Uig Wood - 16.7.20. (det A.Shuttleworth)
5969 - Diptera - Drymeia hamata (Muscid) - Uig Wood - 16.7.20. (det A.Shuttleworth)
5970 - Lichen - Stereocaulon vesuvium - lots on rocks - Fairy Glen - 17.7.20.
5971 - Lichen - Baeomyces rufus - on damp soil in ditches - Kingsburgh Wood - 17.7.20.
5972 - Diptera - Metalimnobia bifasciata (Limonid) - Kingsburgh Wood - 17.7.20. (det A.Sh'worth)
5973 - Diptera - Platycheirus rosarum (hover) - male swept - Kingsburgh Wood, Skye - 19.7.20.
5974 - Diptera - Sargus flavipes (soldierfly) - male swept - Kingsburgh Wood, Skye - 19.7.20.
5975 - Diptera - Cheilosia longula (hover) male swept - Kingsburgh Wood, Skye - 17.7.20.
5976 - Bryophyte - Andreaea rupestris (moss) - on rocks - Old Man of Storr, Skye - 18.7.20.
5977 - Slime Mould - Tubifera ferruginosa - on Sitka roots - Uig Wood, Skye - 16.7.20.
5978 - Fungus - Puccinia lapsanae - white fuzz on Nipplewort leaf - Portree, Skye - 27.7.20.
5979 - Plant - Frog Rush - one plant on roadside - nr Kilmaluag, Skye - 27.7.20.
5980 - Diptera - Graphomya maculata - sev on hogweed - Glenbernisdale Wood - 28.7.20.
5981 - Diptera - Sciara hemerobioides - black and yellow on umbels - to find deets!!! (June 20)
5982 - Coleoptera - Ontholestes tesselatus - 1 in grass cliping pile - Uig Hotel, Skye - 30.7.20.

AUGUST 2020 -  (46 additions)

5982 - Plant - Oysterplant - several patches in shingle (YAY!) - Cadboll Beach, East Ross - 3.8.20.
5983 - Plant - Coneflower - masses along Tay riverside - Willowgate Fisheries, Perth - 5.8.20.
5984 - Plant - Cabbage Thistle - 20+ plants along Tay - Willowgate Fisheries, Perth - 5.8.20.
5985 - Trichoptera - Athripsodes bilineatus - caddis on riverside veg - Willowgate, Perth - 5.8.20.
5986 - Fungus - Golovinomyces cynoglossi - mildew on comfreys - Tay riverside, Perth - 5.8.20.
5987 - Plant - Milk-flowered Bellflower - several patches along riverside - Perth - 5.8.20.
5988 - Plant - White Butterbur - big patch along Annatty Burn - Quarryhill Park, Perth - 5.8.20.
5989 - Plant - Motherwort - 5+ plants in shaded woodland walk - Logierait, Perthshire - 5.8.20.
5990 - Plant - Cloudberry - loads under bracken - Coire na ciste, Cairngorms, Speyside - 5.8.20.
5991 - Moth - Stigmella potteri - mines in Cloudberry leaves - Coire na ciste, Speyside - 5.8.20.
5992 - Hemiptera - Calocoris roseomaculatus - Mirid on Oxeye - Coire na ciste, Speyside - 5.8.20.
5993 - Fungus - Exobasidium vaccinii - turns Cowberry leaves red - Abernethy, Speyside - 5.8.20.
5994 - Diptera - Leptogaster guttiventris - one swept from grasses - Abernethy, Speyside - 5.8.20.
5995 - Diptera - Dexia vacua - in same net as the L.guttiventris! - Abernethy, Speyside - 5.8.20.
5996 - Plant - Scottish Primrose - 2 in flower, lots not - Strathy Point, Caithness :) :) :) - 6.8.20.
5997 - Plant - Autumn Gentian - several in scree/grass - Invernaver NR, Caithness - 6.8.20.
5998 - Plant - Purple Oxytropis - two plants in 'alpine scree' at13m asl! - Invernaver NR - 6.8.20.
5999 - Coleoptera - Trypocopris vernalis - big dor beetle landed in scree - Invernaver NR - 6.8.20.
6000 - Plant - Rannoch-rush - several gone over, but fruiting - Rannoch Moor, Perthshire - 7.8.20.
6001 - Plant - Fern-leaved Corydalis - 3 on an old wall - Alva, Clackmannanshire - 7.8.20.
6002 - Plant - Common Blue Sow-thistle - roadside plants - Aberfoyle, Stirling - 8.8.20.
6003 - Hemiptera - Psallus haematodes - 1 swept from Grey Willow - Kingsburgh - 9.8.20.
6004 - Diptera - Trupanea stellata - maggot in Ragwort head - Uig Bog, Skye - 9.8.20.
6005 - Diptera - Oxycera trilineata - 1 in storebox from Hordle Cliffs, Hants - 29.6.2005!!!!!
6006 - Diptera - Epistrophe melanostoma - 1m in storebox from Hogsmill Walk, Sy - 9.4.2014!!!
6007 - Coleoptera - Gyrinus minutus - 20+ in upland lochan - Camas Malag, Skye - 12.8.20.
6008 - Coleoptera - Ilybius aenescens - 1f netted from Sphagnum pool - Camas Malag - 12.8.20.
6009 - Coleoptera - Teuchestes fossor - 1m in storebox from Epsom Common, Surrey - 28.6.2005!!
6010 - Coleoptera - Hister unicolor - 1 in storebox from Epsom Common, Surrey - 28.6.2005!!
6011 - Diptera - Phytomyza lappae - mines on Lsr Burdock - woods above Spar Cave, Skye - 18.8.20.
6012 - Liverwort - Riccardia chamedryfolia - on tufa - Spar Cave, Skye (det N.Hodgetts) - 18.8.20.
6013 - Liverwort - Cololejeunea calcarea - on limestone walls - SparCave (det N.Hodgetts) - 18.8.20.
6014 - Marine Alga - Rhodochorton purpureum - purple scuzz - Spar Cave (det N.Roberts) - 18.8.20.
6015 - Cnidaria - Devonshire Cup Coral - 2 at low tide - Spar Cave, Skye - 18.8.20.
6016 - Diptera - Trypeta immaculata - 1 wing waving on veg - Spar Cave, Skye - 18.8.20.
6017 - Annelid (Leech) - Helobdella stagnalis - in small trickle - Dunvegan Quarry, Skye - 19.8.20.
6018 - Diptera -Musca domestica - 1 in my room! - Uig Hotel, Skye - 22.8.20.
6019 - Plant - Whorled Caraway - 3 flowering on edge of burn - Sligichan area, Skye - 24.8.20.
6020 - Fungi - Entorrhiza aschersoniana - galls on Toad Rush roots! - Gedintailor, Skye - 26.8.20.
6021 - Moss - Campylopus shawii - near Hebs endemic of boggy moors - Gedintailor, Skye - 26.8.20.
6022 - Hymenoptera (sawfly) - Euura venusta - galls on sallow petioles - Gedintailor - 26.8.20.
6023 - Diptera - Nemorimyza posticata - pupa in goldenrod mines - Gedintailor, Skye - 26.8.20.
6024 - Moss - Andreaea rothii - Rock Moss on boulder - Gedintailor tombola, Skye - 26.8.20.
6025 - Diptera - Pollenia labialis - on sunlit rock - Upper Ollach, Skye - 26.8.20.
6026 - Hymenoptera - Euura pedunculi (prob E.brevicornis, Rusty Willow) - Gedintailor - 26.8.20.
6027 - Moss - Rhynchostegium riparoides - aquatic - det N.Hodgetts - Gedintailor, Skye - 26.8.20.

SEPTEMBER 2020 -  (29 additions)

6028 - Plant - Hieracium hebridense - from Camas Malag on 12.8.20. (det BSBI Referee) - 1.9.20.
6029 - Plant - Hieracium anglicum - from Camas Malag on 12.8.20. (det BSBI Referee) - 1.9.20.
6030 - Diptera - Nephrotoma flavipalpis - 1f - Stenscholl Woods, Skye - 2.9.20.
6031 - Diptera - Rhipidia maculata - 3m - Stenscholl Woods, Skye - 2.9.20.
6032 - Coleoptera - Parethelcus pollinarius - nettle weevil - Stenscholl Woods, Skye - 2.9.20.
6033 - Hemiptera (aphid) - Microlophium carnosum - nettle aphid on stems - Flodigarry - 2.9.20.
6034 - Hemiptera (psocid) - Lepinotus patruelis - alive in sticky trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 6.9.20.
6035 - Diptera - Sylvicola punctatus - 1m from tree trunk - Uig Wood, Skye - 9.9.20.
6036 - Diptera - Phaonia pallida - 1f from tree trunk - Uig Wood, Skye - 9.9.20.
6037 - Diptera - Trypeta zoe - tenanted mine on Ragwort leaf - Lonmore, Skye - 18.9.20.
6038 - Cnidaria - Calvadosia campanulata - stalked jelly in eelgrass bed - Harlosh, Skye - 18.9.20.
6039 - Cnidaria - Cerianthus lloydii - tube anemone in eelgrass bed - Harlosh, Skye - 18.9.20. 
6040 - Fish - Painted Goby - 1 in eelgrass bed - Harlosh, Skye - 18.9.20.
6041 - Crustacean - Furrowed (Risso's) Crab - 1 under rock - Harlosh, Skye - 18.9.20.
6042 - Hymenoptera (Ich) - Rhyssa persuasoria (Sabre Wasp) - Dunvegan Woods, Skye - 18.9.20.
6043 - Alga - Euastrum cuneatum - from Sphagnum sample - Lonmore, Skye - 18.9.20.
6044 - Diptera - Tipula confusa - on stone wall - Gedintaiolor, Skye - 26.8.20. - det 22.9.20. 
6045 - Protist - Planocarina carinata - testate amoeba - Sphagnum squeeze - Lonmore - 18.9.20.
6046 - Protist - Centropyxis spinosa - testate amoeba - Sphagnum squeeze - Lonmore - 18.9.20.
6047 - Plant - Himalayan Knotweed - in hedgerow - Lusta nr Trumpan, Skye - 23.9.20.
6048 - Hymenoptera (sawfly) - Hemichroa crocea - gragarious larvae on Alder - Edinbane - 23.9.20.
6049 - Hymenoptera - Nomada goodeniana - 2m in storebox - Tolworth/W.Ewell 2014 - det 28.8.20.
6050 - Hymenoptera - Nomada striata - 1f in storebox - Hordle Cliffs in 2005!! - det 28.9.20.
6051 - Hymenoptera - Andrena haemorrhoa - 1f in storebox - Tolworth 2014 - det 28.9.20.
6052 - Hymenoptera - Lasioglossum fratellum - 1f in storebox - Kingsburgh 9.8.20. - det 28.9.20.
6053 - Coleoptera - Tetratoma fungorum - 1 in Birch Polypore - Cuillin Hills Wood, Portree - 29.9.20.
6054 - Hemiptera (barkfly) - Stenopsocus immaculatus - beech, Cuillin Hills Wood, Portree - 29.9.20.
6055 - Diptera - Thricops diaphanus - one sunning on lampost - Cuillin Hills Wood, Portree - 29.9.20.
6056 - Diptera - Crumomyia nitida - male walking on leaves - Cuillin Hills Wood, Portree - 29.9.20.

OCTOBER 2020 -  (60 additions)

6057 - Hymenoptera (sawfly) - Blennocampa phyllocolpa - rolls on Rosa - Aglion, Cumbria - 9.10.20.
6058 - Plant - White-flowered African Daisy - several patches, pinnate leaves - Tresco - 11.10.20.
6059 - Plant - Red Matipo - masses natd in woods - Abbey Wood, Tresco - 11.10.20.
6060 - Plant - African Hemp - flowering trees - Abbey Wood, Tresco - 11.10.20.
6061 - Hemiptera - Stynocoris fuligineus - suctioned - Appletree Bay, Tresco - 11.10.20.
6062 - Spider - Clubiona terrestris - suctioned - Appletree Bay, Tresco - 11.10.20.
6063 - Moth - Elachista (Cosmiotes) consortiella - suctioned - Appletree Bay, Tresco - 11.10.20.
6064 - Plant - Osteospermum jucundum - overlooked! - Hugh Town, St Marys - 11.10.20.
6065 - Diptera - Ochlerotatus (Aedes) detritus - biting mozzie! - Bob's garden, St Marys - 11.10.20.
6066 - Harvestman - Nelima gothica - one beneath debris - Bob's garden, St Marys - 11.10.20.
6067 - Springtail - Orchesella cincta - beneath debris - Bob's garden, St Marys - 11.10.20.
6068 - Bird - Swainson's Thrush - 1 at Popplestones Fields, Bryher!! - 12.10.20.
6069 - Annelid - Lepidonotus clava - patterned scaleworm - Tolman's Point, St Marys - 12.10.20.
6070 - Hymenoptera (gall wasp) - Tetramesa hyalipennis - grub in Sea Couch gall - 12.10.20.
6071 - Platyhelminth - Australoplana sanguinea - 1 on path - Old Town Churchyard - 12.10.20.
6072 - Coleoptera - Cartodere bifasciata - suction sampled - St Martins - 13.10.20.
6073 - Hemiptera - Compsidolon salicellum - suction sampled - St Martins - 13.10.20.
6074 - Spider - Episinus truncatus - suction sampled - St Martins - 13.10.20.
6075 - Spider - Ero furcata - suction sampled - St Martins - 13.10.20.
6076 - Spider - Gonatium rubens - suction sampled - St Martins - 13.10.20.
6077 - Spider - Hahnia nava - suction sampled - St Martins - 13.10.20.
6078 - Spider - Parapelecopsis nemoraliodes - suction sampled - St Martins - 13.10.20.
6079 - Spider - Porrhoclubiona genevensis - suction sampled - St Martins - 13.10.20.
6080 - Spider - Scotina gracilipes - suction sampled - St Martins - 13.10.20.
6081 - Moth - Yellow V-moth - suction sampled from marram - Hugh Town, St Marys - 13.10.20.
6082 - Plant - Cyperus ustulatus - natd by dump fenceline, det John Martin - St Marys - 13.10.20.
6083 - Diptera - Eupoedes nitens - Rocky Hill Lane, St Marys - 13.10.20.
6084 - Diptera - Lucillia sericata - Rocky Hill Lane, St Marys - 13.10.20.
6085 - Coleoptera - Calathus melanocephalus - beneath stones - Gugh - 14.10.20.
6086 - Spider - Walckenaeria unicornis - horned moneyspider suctioned - Gugh - 14.10.20.
6087 - Plant - Least Adder's-tongue - 15+ by the Dick Rock, Wingletang Down, Agnes - 14.10.20.
6088 - Coleoptera - Geotrupes spiniger - 1 on open heath - Wingletang Down, Agnes - 14.10.20.
6089 - Coleoptera - Calathus mollis - 2 beneath stones - Big Pool, St AGnes - 14.10.20.
6090 - Bryozoan - Turbicellepora magnicostata - rippled on rocks - Cressa Bay, St Marys - 15.10.20.
6091 - Crustacean - Philocheras fasciatus - v.beautiful shrimp - Cressa Bay, St Marys - 15.10.20.
6092 - Hymenoptera (bee) - Halictus tumulorum - from Ivy - Rocky Hill Lane, St Marys - 15.10.20.
6093 - Plant - Dutch Elm - overlooked! Big trees at Watermill/Holy Vale - St Marys - 15.10.20.
6094 - Coloeptera - Notiophilus substriatus - on sandy soil - Pelistry area, St Marys - 15.10.20.
6095 - Spider - Pachygnatha clerki - suction sampled - Higher Moors, St Marys - 15.10.20.
6096 - Spider - Taranucnus setosus - suction sampled - Higher Moors, St Marys - 15.10.20.
6097 - Harvestman - Dicranopalpus larvatus - 1 imm potted by Bob, brought to me - 15.10.20.
6098 - Crustacean - Anapagurus hyndmanni - hermit crab - Porth Mellon Bay, St Marys - 16.10.20.
6099 - Crustacean - St Piran's Hermit Crab - Porth Mellon Bay, St Marys - 16.10.20.
6100 - Crustacean - Leach's Spider Crab - 2 - Porth Mellon Bay, St Marys - 16.10.20.
6101 - Echinoderm - Sea Gherkin - Porth Mellon Bay, St Marys - 16.10.20.
6102 - Mollusc (sea slug) - Lamellaria perspicua - Porth Mellon Bay, St Marys - 16.10.20.
6103 - Sponge - Ophliaspongia papilla - common - Porth Mellon Bay, St Marys - 16.10.20.
6104 - Tunicate - Aplidium pallidum - Porth Mellon Bay, St Marys - 16.10.20.
6105 - Plant - Echium x scilloniensis (missed off PSL!) - Porthloo, St Marys - 16.10.20.
6106 - Diptera - Eumerus ornatus - small hover off Ivy - Lower Moors Woods - 16.10.20.
6107 - Plant - Coriander - 2 in verge - Rocky Hill Lane, St Marys - 17.10.20.
6108 - Crustacean - Astacilla damnoniensis - 1 - Old Town Bay, St Marys - 17.10.20.
6109 - Mollusc - Pheasant Shell - several on weeds - Old Town Bay, St Marys - 17.10.20. 
6110 - Mollusc (sea slug) - Aeolidia filomenae - 2 under rocks - Old Town Bay, St Marys - 17.10.20.
6111 - Crustacean - Thoralus cranchii - small shrimp - Old Town Bay, St Marys - 17.10.20.
6112 - Plant - Intermediate Periwinkle (missed off PSL!) clump down lane in Old Town - 17.10.20.
6113 - Plant - Adria Bellflower - several on old wall, Penzance Dry Dock, Cornwall - 17.10.20.
6114 - Plant - Flame Nasturtium - scrambling over gorse hillside - Lynedale, nr Dunvegan- 25.10.20.

NOVEMBER 2020 -  (12 additions) 

6115 - Slime Mould - Trichia varia - lots on old sawdust - Uig Wood, Skye - 10.11.20.
6116 - Trichoptera - Chaetopteryx villosa - beneath security light - Uig Hotel, Skye - 10.11.20.
6117 - Diptera - Tipula variicornis -  1m - Uig Wood, Skye - (from 18 May 2017!!!) Det 17.11.20.
6118 - Mammal - Bearded Seal (!) - found 2 days earlier & twitched - Thurso, Caithness - 27.11.20.
6119 - Spider - Tetragnatha extensa - sev swept from wet moorland - Treaslane River, Skye - 28.11.20.
6120 - Mayfly - Rhithagena semicolorata - nymph keyed through - Treasland River, Skye - 28.11.20.
6121 - Protist - Vorticella microstoma - ciliate on a string! - Sphagnum - Treaslane River - 28.11.20.
6122 - Algae - Cosmarium ralfsi var montanum - Sphagnum squeeze - Treaslane River - 28.11.20.
6123 - Protist - Euglypha strigosa - spiny testate amoeba - Sphagnum - Treaslane River - 28.11.20.
6124 - Protist - Nebela flabellum - fat testate amoeba - Sphagnum - Treaslane River, Skye - 28.11.20.
(6125 - Coleoptera - Ocypus aeneocephalus - 11.6.20.  - 1 under rock - Beaton's croft - missed off list!)
(6126 - Beetle - Agonum gracile - Lymington Reedbeds - sieved from flood debris - missed off list!)

DECEMBER 2020  -  (... additions)

6127 - Spider - Lepthyphantes leprosus - several in woodshed - Uig Hotel, Skye - 1.12.20.
6128 - Spider - Lepthyphantes minutus - male on laundry shed walls - Uig Hotel, Skye - 2.12.20.
6129 - Spider - Tenuiphantes zimmermanni - adult female beneath log - Uig Wood, Skye - 5.12.20.
6130 - Beetle - Lithostygnus serripennis - caught in sticky trap - Uig Hotel, Skye - 7.12.20.

Complete overhaul of PSL undertaken, with a total of 25 species lost through duplication (or a few just missing) and 2 species added where overlooked. In all, 23 species 'lost'.

6114 - Coleoptera - Philonthus quisquiliarius - a backlog box ID - Glasnakillle, Skye - 18.8.20.
6115 - Spider - Cryphoeca silvestris - imm male presumably off Sitka - Uig Wood, Skye - 11.12.20.
6116 - Diptera - Scathophaga inquinata - 1 male from Kilmarie, Skye - 1.5.19. - det on 15.12.20,
6117 - Diptera- Ilione albiseta - smail killer fly - Kingsburgh Woods, Skye - 9.8.20. - det on 15.12.20.
6118 - Diptera - Tetanocera silvatica - snail killerfly - Knepp Estate, Sussex - 1.6.13. - det on 15.12.20.
6119 - Diptera - Thricops nigrifrons - male swept - Glenbernisdale Wood - 28.8.20. - det on 15.12.20.
6120 - Diptera - Bibio longipes - male in storebox - Uig Wood, Skye from 5.4.17. - det on 16.12.20.
6121 - Diptera - Platycheirus scambus - female in box - Skeabost Bridge - 4.6.20. - det on 16.12.20.
6122 - Diptera - Platycheirus immarginatus - male - Uig Wood/Shore, Skye - 1.6.18. - det on 16.12.20.
6123 - Diptera - Meiosimyza rorida - 6 lauxanids - Uig Wood, Skye from 20.4.20. - det on 16.12.20.
6124 - Diptera - Dolichopus atripes - male swept - Kingsburgh Woods on 17.7.20. - det on 17.12.20.
6125 - Diptera - Rhaphium crassipes - male swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 18.5.20. - det on 17.12.20.
6126 - Diptera - Dolichopus ungulatus - male swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 1.7.20. - det on 17.12.20.
6127 - Diptera - Dolichopus atratus - male swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 11.6.20. - det on 17.12.20.
6128 - Diptera - Dolichopus plumipes - male swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 8.6.20. - det on 17.12.20.
6129 - Diptera - Empis grisea - male swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 27.5.20. - det on 18.12.20.
6130 - Diptera - Empis planecta - male swept and checked 3x - Uig Wood on 4.6.20 - det on 18.12.20.
6131 - Diptera - Empis nigripes - female swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 16.8.20. - det on 18.12.20.
6132 - Diptera - Rhamphomyia crassirostris - female swept - Uig Wood on 20.5.20. - det on 18.12.20.
6133 - Diptera - Hilara intermedia - female swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 1.7.20. - det on 18.12.20.
6134 - Diptera - Hilara longivittata - female swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 16.8.20. - det on 18.12.20.
6135 - Diptera - Ocydromia glabricula - male swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 26.5.20. - det on 18.12.20.
6136 - Diptera - Dolichopus picipes - male swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 9.8.20. - det on 19.12.20.
6137 - Diptera - Campsicnemus scambus - female swept - Uig Wood on 12.8.19. - det on 19.12.20.
6138 - Diptera - Argyra diaphana - male swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 1.8.20. - det on 19.12.20.
6139 - Diptera - Rhamphomyia flava - male swept - Uig Woods, Skye on 1.8.20. - det on 19.12.20.
6140 - Diptera - Sepsis cynipsea - male swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 21.4.20. - det on 19.12.20.
6141 - Diptera - Sepsis flavimana - female swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 9.8.20. - det on 20.12.20.
6142 - Diptera - Morellia hortorum - female swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 8.6.20. - det on 20.12.20.
6143 - Diptera - Egle parva - male swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 13.5.20. - det on 20.12.20.
6144 - Diptera - Bellardia vulgaris - female swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 18.5.20. - det on 21.12.20.
6145 - Diptera - Tetanocera hyalipennis - pr swept in cop - Eynort, Skye on 7.8.20.- det on 21.12.20.
6146 - Diptera - Pedicea straminea - cranefly swept - Glasnakille, Skye on 18.8.20. - det on 21.12.20.
6147 - Diptera - Orygma luctuosum - 100s under debris on beach - St Marys, IOS on 13.10. - 22.12.20.
6148 - Diptera - Tipula submarmorata - female swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 2.5.17. - det on 23.12.20.
6149 - Diptera - Tipula scripta - female swept - Eynort Woods, Skye on 23.6.20. - det on 23.12.20.
6150 - Diptera - Tipula variipennis - male swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 8.6.20. - det on 23.12.20.
6151 - Diptera - Tipula fascipennis - female swept - Glenbernisdale on 20.6.20. - det on 29.12.20.
6152 - Diptera - Siphona geniculata - swept - Tresco on 11.10.20. - det on 29.12.20. 
6153 - Diptera - Siphona maculata - swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 27.4.20. - det on 29.12.20.
6154 - Diptera - Thelaira nigripes - tachinid swept long grasses - Dunvegan on 9.8.20. - det 29.12.20.
6155 - Diptera - Triphleba lugubris - phorid sieved - Milton Keynes on 2.3.20. - det on 29.12.20.
6156 - Diptera - Anevrina thoracica - phorid swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 7.8.20. - det on 29.12.20.
6157 - Diptera - Dixella martinii - female swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 20.4.20. - det on 30.12.20.
6158 - Diptera - Trichocera hiemalis - female swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 25.3.20. - det on 30.12.20.
6159 - Diptera - Astrolimnophila ochracea - female swept - Uig Wood on 16.8.20. - det on 30.12.20.
6160 - Diptera - Ormosia hederae - male swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 11.6.20. - det on 30.12.20.
6161 - Diptera - Ormosia albitibia - male swept - Uig Wood, Skye on 1.7.20. - det on 30.12.20.
6162 - Diptera - Erioptera flavata - male swept  - Skeabost, Skye on 14.6.20. - det on 31.12.20.

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